Where’s Tracer’s chronal accelerator!? 0_0”
Excuse me... I-I have to go.... sniff uuuuu... T_T
Imma take it home with me!!
Such a pure little snowflake. ^w^
Cute, but hard to take seriously.
Get these two some hand condoms! Such behavior is unbecoming of a goddess’ younger sister!
Anyone got a tissue? T_T
Should we be permitted to look upon something so elegant?!
If only I could subsist on nothing but yuri...
Cuties. <3
Can I try one? gets slapped
Goodness, Youmu is so greedy.
I’m not a huge fan of ambiguous unrequited love stories... ;_;
Lewd, but it could be lewder.
Time moves once again...
paper shredder noises
Hang on, imma go get a mop.
‘Scuse me while I go void my bowels.
I wish dash would do some doujins. That would be awesome! :3
Rip in pasta, my girl.
Insulin! Come get your insulin! Only two dollars!
Anybody else feel like pb’s eyebrows look like Mugi’s?