@Faust Yeah, success in Japan is more important, but i think success overseas plays a role in it too. I mean, Citrus is quite popular outside of Japan and it got an anime. Obviously it sells well in Japan too, but i don't think many studios would want to make an anime of it if it they wouldn't be able to sell it overseas as well.
Anyways, yeah YagaKimi is apparently doing quite well in Japan, so we're one step closer to get an anime of it. I think a lot of that depends on whether Citrus and Netsuzou Crap does well this year, which i think it would do since they're quite "eye-catching" for anyone not interested in yuri.
@Gudetamago KyoAni would be a good choice, if they don't KyoAnize the character designs the same way they did with the Dragon Maid, they would be my top choice too. BTW, whats wrong with Deen? Is it because they make yaoi anime?