Forum › Posts by Ropponmatsu

joined Jan 11, 2015 they slept together when they were drunk??? or just she just kissed her?


joined Jan 11, 2015

How not to love Anna?

Look, there is a Depressed SFX! Are you happy now?! ;D

That's not nearly enough to get my engines started.

I liked the release all the same, so thanks Roppo


joined Jan 11, 2015

How not to love Anna?

Look, there is a Depressed SFX! Are you happy now?! ;D

joined Jan 11, 2015

Ponymatsu, huh...? I have mixed feelings about that nickname...

joined Jan 11, 2015

Somehow, the first half of this story was extremely hard to follow... :/

Kase-san discussion 07 Jan 15:48
joined Jan 11, 2015

I dunno if it's meant that way or what, but wow does that last line come off as ominous.

For reference, the original Japanese is そう思いました----. I'm assuming I've got the correct TL on that.

I would have translated it the same way.

joined Jan 11, 2015

..I take all back THIS title is funny AF, I was thinking Nezoutrap whatever you spell it, I want to correct myself, I dislike manipulative bi women toying the girl and the guy, no, I do not mind manipulative lesbians cos I am sadly used to the evil psycho lesbian trope.

Fun fact: Nezou Trap would translate to Sleeping Posture Trap. :D

joined Jan 11, 2015

On account of having no idea how the Yuri Project's board works, I'll post here instead...

I'm looking for RAWs to the first chapter of デミライフ!(DEMI LIFE!) by Ohi Pikachi. Does Yuri Project have RAWs of the 2016 November issue of Yuri Hime?

joined Jan 11, 2015

Question about Japanes name interpretation. I am toying with another manga to scanlate after YK. I know jumping the gun when YK won't be done for about 18 months at this rate. The manga is Asahinagu and was abandoned years ago after 3 chapters. Meanwhile, the manga is currently at volume 5 or more. Back to the question, one characters given name in the English translation is given as Akiko. When I look up the kanji it is most likely Junko (淳子). How do others handle this type of problem?

Since that name can be read as Junko, Akiko, Atsuko, or Kiyoko, all of which are more or less common names, I'd suggest looking through earlier volumes for furigana.

Unfortunately, this manga seldom uses furigana for anything but the introduction of the major characters. None of the 3rd year members of the naginata team. I got in touch with the Russian typesetter and it turns out that the first scanlation group got the name of the high school wrong, too. The group contacted the mangaka and asked her themselves. I had doubted that the players name was Akiko as the next competitors name uses the most common kanji for Akiko. Also, the Russians used Junko for the first and Akiko for the second.

Junko is the most common reading, as you mentioned, so when lacking furigana, that is probably your best choice. :/

joined Jan 11, 2015

I might as well mention that Kouyuri has picked up Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto Desu! - Schwestern in Liebe! by Miman, although the first release will still be a while, as we have quite a few projects, and not quite that many people working on them. =]

joined Jan 11, 2015

I loved the translator notes at the end.

I'm glad someone read them. :D

joined Jan 11, 2015

[...] I went in blind and had my heart ripped out more times than I could count

Wha– and you won't share this delicious suffering with us all? D:

No. I want you all to be happy. D:

Can't we be happy having our souls crushed by depressing stories?

I'm surrounded my masochists!!!

joined Jan 11, 2015

[...] I went in blind and had my heart ripped out more times than I could count

Wha– and you won't share this delicious suffering with us all? D:

No. I want you all to be happy. D:

joined Jan 11, 2015

Wow, another release already? I see you've been busy, Roppo... This one looks nice and all so far, but when are you going to TL some angst-ridden series with depressing ends? =3

I don't like depressing stories... They're like... depressing and stuff. .__.

As a sidenote, I downloaded a metric fuckton of Yuri RAWs, both for my own reading, and to look for future projects (108 Loves was among those), and for most of them, I only knew that they were yuri, so I went in blind and had my heart ripped out more times than I could count, lmao.

I want more fluffy yuri~☆

last edited at Jan 4, 2017 6:09PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Also, Tachi and Sakura trick is amazing! You must be reading it wrong! ;D

I almost disliked the anime because of that perverted camera operator and the ending. Then I checked the manga and it turned out to be yet again your average CGDCT from MTK, but now with a lot of kissing service.

Haha, I actually love Sakura Trick. In the later volumes (it's up to vol. 7), the love/romance part becomes more apparent, but I still really like the earlier volumes too. Nothing wrong with lots of kissing! :D

I didn't mind the fanservice in the anime too much. I do like looking at girls after all, lmao. ...Though I do admit that the gratuitous boob bouncing was more funny than sexy.... :p

joined Jan 11, 2015

I don't think Tachi-sama would prefer incest or drama in his manga. Just look at Sakura Trick.

Isn't Tachi female?

She is, yes. =]

I am pretty happy to read this! I just hope the misunderstandings don't go into nanashi no asterism level of misunderstanding drama.

Don't worry, it's a very lighthearted story. x)

Not a fan of Tachi but I will keep an eye on this coz it's finally not another 4koma from this mangaka. And it's a very short series (only 2 volumes).

Don't remind me. I'd hoped it would be a longer series. OTL
But I guess writing three manga at the same time is quite stressfull, lol.

Also, Tachi and Sakura trick is amazing! You must be reading it wrong! ;D

last edited at Jan 4, 2017 12:23PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Love Twingle is incredible. Top-tier portmanteau.

I saw the title, and I was like, "...I'm not even gonna try to translate that...". OTL

108 Loves discussion 03 Jan 23:28
joined Jan 11, 2015

"After this, they might have had a heck of a lot of something" is a great take on that old turn of phrase.

I choose to believe that "something" was pie.

Why must you all trample my fragile erotic dreams?!

Why do you hate pie?

I burned my fingers when trying to finger one... OTL

joined Jan 11, 2015

I know this is supposed to be light hearted funny stuff here but...wouldn't it be easy for Airi to just say "let me think about it" and then tell her twin about the confession so the actual person can give their own answer?????

As you will learn throughout the series, Airi is a goddamn idiot. A very loveable and totally adorable idiot, but an idiot non-the-less. x)

joined Jan 11, 2015

キタ ―――――――(゜∀゜)―――――― ッ!!

joined Jan 11, 2015

Yuri on Ice always confuses me, because I see 'yuri' and think 'Yes, girls loving girls' but then the thumbnail is a bunch of guys playing sports.

Truly, the ultimate bait-and-switch!

joined Jan 11, 2015

It was very easy to see how it would end, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable!

108 Loves discussion 03 Jan 20:27
joined Jan 11, 2015

"After this, they might have had a heck of a lot of something" is a great take on that old turn of phrase.

I choose to believe that "something" was pie.

Why must you all trample my fragile erotic dreams?!

last edited at Jan 9, 2017 1:12AM

108 Loves discussion 02 Jan 21:41
joined Jan 11, 2015

It's just a three year gap, so I'm not sure. :/

I saw "last post 4 minutes ago by EvilDevil", and I was like, "Welp... Guess I misspelled something. OTL"

108 Loves discussion 02 Jan 20:24
joined Jan 11, 2015

A few days late, but what the heck, I suppose. x)