F*** this garbage, I'M DONE, drama over a surname/first name? I AM OUT...
Even an ignoramus like me, whose main exposure to Japanese cultural norms has been what in agrarian societies is also known as weebshit, is aware that how exactly people address each other is Kind Of A Big Deal over there and something of a thermometer as to their degree of intimacy/relative standing among other things. The matter comes up again and again in mango and teh chinese cartoons, particularly ones centered on relationships between people. (Which as an aside is why I invariably frown on translators/scanlators dropping honorifics "because muh localisation"; those carry quite meaningful social nuances and it's not all that unusual to see teams who do that scrambling for some kind of vaguely sensible alternative formulation should those suddenly become important in some fashion.)
And of course here we're talking about two confused teenagers trying to work out the nature of their very emotionally charged relationship (spoiler: it's gay af) while one of them wrestles with near lifelong colossal self-image issues and the other has a bit of a temperament...
Shipping real people is a forbidden art however, so contain your power young Iro!
Verily, 'tis a perilous forbidden technique. Madness and ruin await those who pursue it!
...also inb4 IroxIzumi becomes the official side couple >_>
last edited at Jun 6, 2019 2:18PM