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joined Jul 26, 2016

F*** this garbage, I'M DONE, drama over a surname/first name? I AM OUT...

Even an ignoramus like me, whose main exposure to Japanese cultural norms has been what in agrarian societies is also known as weebshit, is aware that how exactly people address each other is Kind Of A Big Deal over there and something of a thermometer as to their degree of intimacy/relative standing among other things. The matter comes up again and again in mango and teh chinese cartoons, particularly ones centered on relationships between people. (Which as an aside is why I invariably frown on translators/scanlators dropping honorifics "because muh localisation"; those carry quite meaningful social nuances and it's not all that unusual to see teams who do that scrambling for some kind of vaguely sensible alternative formulation should those suddenly become important in some fashion.)

And of course here we're talking about two confused teenagers trying to work out the nature of their very emotionally charged relationship (spoiler: it's gay af) while one of them wrestles with near lifelong colossal self-image issues and the other has a bit of a temperament...

Shipping real people is a forbidden art however, so contain your power young Iro!

Verily, 'tis a perilous forbidden technique. Madness and ruin await those who pursue it!

...also inb4 IroxIzumi becomes the official side couple >_>

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 2:18PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

This is her "I came." face isn't it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

At least gwennie-chan’s insights were interesting.

It's like the old Chinese proverb says - even in dumpster fire there is illumination :v

joined Jul 26, 2016


Huh, wasn't really expecting Sonomi to just suddenly reappear but apparently she has at least tangential involvement with the girl du jour...

joined Jul 26, 2016 it just me or does Mineko bear more than passing resemblance to Kozue-sempai? >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

Cute Lily is cute.

Also: hey, girls, it's a perfect chance to make out, sitting in that hollow with nothing else to do! Just saying.

TBF being wet, cold and one party suffering from a sprained ankle don't really seem to add up to a romantic mood...

joined Jul 26, 2016

That dream was more disturbing than erotic lol

Probably illustrative of the general hygiene of Ayano's mind... >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

The arguments this story spawned make me weep for humanity.

Jesus Christ, people.

One may say that's what the author hoping for. That's why he/she produce a story using the idea of 'Schrodinger's cat' to trigger arguments.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Science Baby Research Proposal-->Transhumanist Ascension-->Galactic Subjugation

people who say that yuri will take over the earth are thinking too small

"Eternity lies ahead of us, and beyond. Have you drunk your fill?"

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, we wouldn't want the authors to waste their precious stocks of brainpower and ink in creating too many outfits for their characters... would we?

Was thinking more in terms of "junk bought and shortly thrown away in-universe" but sure.

Slow Start discussion 28 May 00:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

Broken: 1 Tokura Eiko

joined Jul 26, 2016

The Magic H8 Ball tells me there will be plentiful jammed clams and blued balls in the future.

I think its warranty also expired, so take that as you will.

joined Jul 26, 2016

There are too many manga where the characters wear nothing but one set of generic clothes and never seem to change.

(Or they switch between a sailor fuku at school and their one & only set of casual clothes everywhere else.)

Waste not, want not.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Getting a whatever degree at something humanities related (not math or science because that's hard brainwork) and then a job as a full time cram school teacher seems ok for her

Wow. Just shitting all over people with psych degrees, huh?

Wanna bet they're a "hard" sciences/engineering student?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how basically nobody (save maybe ever-timid Yuki) takes Anna's posturing even remotely seriously and how Koko clearly feels strong kinship with Yuki as a fellow Long-Suffering One Sane Woman.

Their Story discussion 25 May 16:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

Literally somebody just made it up and you instantly take it as fact without hesitation because it fits your preconceived notions of China

Yeah, can't imagine why people would be willing to believe that of a totalitarian police state whose current Great Leader has managed to turn himself into a Diet Mao - budding personality cult and all - and openly pursues rather explicitly conservative-nationalist cultural policies on the side...

last edited at May 25, 2019 4:13PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't understand what bone jaw means, but yey! This isn't dead! Glad to see it.

its obviously french

That doesn't help me xD I know nothing of french.

Isn't "bonjour" (hello)? Maybe how foreigners pronounce it.

That'd just about require never ever having heard it pronounced even remotely correctly, methinks... speaking as someone who took French, English and German as foreign languages in school. (And let me tell you, my elementary-school French teacher was bad.)

Slow Start discussion 22 May 22:08
joined Jul 26, 2016

m a x i m u m a w k s Tama is a gift

joined Jul 26, 2016

Chapter is out of order: the (current) first four pages after the cover are clearly supposed to be the final four pages.

Ya, shoulda put 0 before the single digits. Given how the site organises things you get 1 ->10 ->11 ->2 if that isn't done, been that way for ages.

next chapter randomly goes full blown hentai, gives Aya an orgasm for her birthday

'S fine, they refrained from holding hands o3o

Slow Start discussion 14 May 20:48
joined Jul 26, 2016

Meanwhile, Hana is being influenced by Eiko.

The fire spreads.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The surreal chain of domino tiles just keeps growing longer. Also lol wut these character summaries

1 x ½ discussion 11 May 18:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't get at all the monologue in page 16. What is Miyuki trying to say?

Is she implying that Asuka has chosen isolation and loneliness, and trying to tactfully hint that it's a mistake?

Probably just warning against going (further) down that route. The way she talks about the whole thing seems rather precocious for her age and has the ring of being based on some degree of personal experience, or at least bearing witness; wouldn't be surprised if we heard more about that topic soon enough.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Does "gay" even exist when there's no heterosexuality? Isn't it just "sexuality"?

Pretty sure it's still homosexuality.

Right, but what’s the point of the distinction in terms of how people in such a culture would see and designate themselves?

The topic was in relation to ”heteronormativity”—what does that even mean when there’s no “hetero-“ to be normative or otherwise?

Well it's still per definitionem homosexuality, ie. same-sex coupling - the meaning of the word changes not a jot with the relatively abrupt removal of the other sex from the equation. Highly unlikely to be relevant in everyday usage when that's literally the only game in town ofc but scholars, lexigraphers and pedants are still going to be mindful of the distinction.

No idea what's with this whole "heteronormativity" issue anyway beyond Marika's understandable enough culture shock in-universe...

joined Jul 26, 2016

halfway expect the first panel of the next page to say:

"Tadokoro-san and Ninkaido-san had sex."

like in the first panel after they confessed to one another:

Actually slightly disappointed that doesn't continue with Hana ni Arashi's patented "it's a secret from everybody"...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Melt's "battle form" is wicked cool owo