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joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't think it's possible for a tongue to go that far into someone else's throat. Not like that matters to Moka.

She'd certainly be one to give it the old college try.

joined Jul 26, 2016

inb4 that burnt book was a collection of her cringy teenage poetry she found while cleaning out the attic

joined Jul 26, 2016

ow, right in the diabeetus

Slow Start discussion 17 Jun 11:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

HanaTama Theater: +100% Slay Eiko

joined Jul 26, 2016

clam jammed by hot mom
not even mad

joined Jul 26, 2016

You do realise you pulled that rule out of your hat right. The title can be whatever the Hell the author, editor and/or publisher think good and however abstract they want.

They choose a title base on what they wanted to imply, theres a lot of LN/WN that has the same title structure, its a famous structure since it's a really straightforward way to describe your work, you can take it as face value. The title here literally means and implies that the brother knows her sister is into yuri so i will take that as a fact.

It certainly can mean, and be read as, that. But it is under no obligation whatsoever to actually mean it at least in such straightforward sense.

To illustrate the point invoking the herein oft-mentioned but sadly unhosted It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular should be enough as the title is patently false on multiple counts and for reasons that change over the course of the story...

But thats the point of that manga, the protagonist denies that it's not her fault that she's not famous even though it clearly is. The author wants to imply that the protagonist is in denial about her unpopular personality.

Early in the story it is indeed abundantly obvious that it to a very large degree is Tomoko's fault she has no friends, as she only too readily acts weird, creepy or plain jerkish - though in spite of the denialist tone of the title she's actually fairly sardonically self-aware about it. This gradually flips the other way as she grows as a person and develops a growing circle of genuine friends (of whom at least three or four seem to have varying degrees of interest in her beyond that, IYKWIM, whence all the "harem" jokes and shipping around the manga) and more distant pals; point being that in all stages the title of the story is A) an ironic and blatant lie B) reflective of themes of the story, mainly the MC's early jerkass tendencies. (The latter never entirely disappear, mind, but start being balanced out by genuine efforts to try and be a decent damn person.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

The point being that the title could well accurately describe the contents of the story without necessarily literally describing the relevant character's awareness of his role in it - at least initially.

Then the title would be in third person if thats the case, but its on first so the author's intention should be pretty obvious, he wants the reader to know that it's a manga about a person cheering on her sister fully knowing that the sister is into yuri.

You do realise you pulled that rule out of your hat right. The title can be whatever the Hell the author, editor and/or publisher think good and however abstract they want.

To illustrate the point invoking the herein oft-mentioned but sadly unhosted It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular should be enough as the title is patently false on multiple counts and for reasons that change over the course of the story...

last edited at Jun 17, 2019 12:37AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Author: lets name the manga "I'll Cheer On My Yuri Onee-chan" for some reason.
Also author: lets contradict the title by implying that the brother doesnt know her sister is into yuri to confuse the readers.

Nah, i dont think thats the author's aim but maybe thats just me.

The point being that the title could well accurately describe the contents of the story without necessarily literally describing the relevant character's awareness of his role in it - at least initially.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I feel the need to remind everyone that relationships between cousins is really only considered incest in the United States.

It's quite legal in a decent portion of US states too actually.

joined Jul 26, 2016

you can go and try to find clues where the brother specifically says "I want to support their love" or something...

Its literally the title lmao.

Which is entirely non-indicative of when he becomes aware of it in-universe. Or even if - titles even when framed as first-person statements of a character have no inherent obligation to literally reflect the narrative as opposed to being more thematically and/or symbolically descriptive.

Which said he seems to have more or less figured it out by the end of this chapter and asks Saki as much, though it's still anyone's guess how far his grasp of the idea of "liking someone" goes. I reckon he'll be digesting that one for some time.

Choir discussion 16 Jun 09:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

It literally means "yuri seagulls"

Makes sense as those birbs sometimes form female-female breeding pairs.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

The Chapter Where Yuki Is Literally Too Gay To Function

She's definitely a fan of pudding "If you know what I mean"

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

There was a lot of medical terminology and concepts applied to purely societal, economical and political issues back in the day. Then a certain regime in Germany gave a demonstration of what such ideas actually looked like in practical application (they started with euthanizing entirely German "undesirables" such as the disabled and mentally ill, remember?) and that talk was no longer welcome in civilized society.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I want to marry Shinano-sempai's eyebrows.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think it is a rare person who can honestly look back on their teenage self without cringing; and most of those who can are probably either saints or failed to meaningfully mature since then...

joined Jul 26, 2016

The Chapter Where Yuki Is Literally Too Gay To Function

joined Jul 26, 2016

Woah, that was some change.

We went from a somewhat stalled cliché to a sudden kiss and a possible encounter with pyramid head...

Oh my, just look at the time!

joined Jul 26, 2016

^Except wingbro doesn't know that he is helping them get together romantically. From his perspective he just wants his sister to make a friend.

Fair enough, but in his defense he's pretty much at the point in life where the mere thought of k-k-k-k-k-kissing gives a severe case of the vapors and what might lie beyond that is wholly uncharted territory where fabulous beasts and skiapodes dwell.
...not that nee-san was particularly better clued in, mind. (Saki OTOH may well have a rather better idea of what's brewing here.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Damn but this sure is slowly tightening the screws.

Well played, author, well played.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Maki (Intervention edit.)

I'm sorry, what?

"This guy but more willing to intervene"

joined Jul 26, 2016

Contrariwise, not only is Nene herself giving some pretty mixed signals but the way she keeps flipping between relative niceness and wanton emotional cruelty is disturbingly (and probably intentionally) close to classic patterns of abusive relationships...
Whatever Amane's faults in this context she's certainly the one behaving very meaningfully less objectively wrong.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Honestly, all the matsuri_wins posts you quoted really help solidify my hypothesis that how nice Canadians are really varies from person to person and from situation to situation.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I just realised. I think the little bro is supposed to be male yuri fans' self insert. He's wish fulfillment: watches over the yuri and is crucial to it coming to fruition

Maki (Intervention edit.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Okay I am not going to argue anymore, but I wasn't talking about this situation specifically I was talking in general. And it being a blatant lie is something Amane hopes for, doesn't necessary mean its true.

You really don't have to pay much attention to the narrative and characters to realise that Nene's stated reasons just about assuredly aren't her real ones. What exactly the latter are, and why she's resorting to rather obvious fig-leaf excuses, is conversely something of a central mystery of the story which we will no doubt be finding out piece by piece.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Third: About the dangerous forbidden techniques (DFTs) that BugDevil and you mentioned... Could using them be the answer to stopping Talinight? I mean, if the multiverse theory is correct, then the universe of AFOC (in which Talinight is) exists, and since he can travel between universes, he may come for us eventually, so maybe these DFTs could be helpful?

Rest assured I have not the slightest idea of what you're talking about.