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joined Jul 26, 2016

[queer feeling intensifies]

joined Jul 26, 2016

Usa gets points for self-awareness at least.

joined Jul 26, 2016

followed already for the 10/10 descriptions

joined Jul 26, 2016
joined Jul 26, 2016

"pervert breast warlock" certainly sounds like a very... Sakurako expression

joined Jul 26, 2016

So is this a good end or.......


joined Jul 26, 2016

Half the oneshots on this website are basically what I described,

Oneshots tend to be notoriously limited in the page count at the author's disposal which in turn tends to oblige certain narrative abbreviations. Longer-running series have a lot harder time pleading that defense for obvious reasons.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Or lizards, as the case may be.

Dynasty confirmed Reptiloid hangout.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's quite the menagerie of messed-up people isn't it? Kodama Naoko would be proud.

Not sure if you missed Blastaar's sarcasm.

Not sure if you missed the sardonic meta.

I assume you were refering to the characters, while Blastaar was refering to the other menagerie... the readers.

I left that part in the quote for a reason.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also just saying but when it comes down to it making a clean hard break to an unwanted relationship is altogether less cruel than leaving the admirer hopelessly pining in ambiguous uncertainty. (That coworker I mentioned? I'd already turned her down earlier but stayed on terms as I didn't have anything against her as such and, well, coworkers; the hard break became an unpleasant necessity once it became clear she was still hanging on to vain hopes which was as tiresome to me as it presumably was emotionally taxing for her.)

So not an immediate hard break but rather a very similar situation to Nene's. It's harder to really cut off someone you see day by day in school and already have had a relationship with, though, so that may explain Nene's more extreme means to achieve this.

Except that Nene was doing the very opposite of "achieving this" given the quite mixed signals and regularly engages in very deliberate verbal and emotional cruelty in the bargain. (Whatever my other flaws as a person nobody's ever accused me of cruelty or malice; even the aforementioned spurned admirer only called me a coward for "running away" when unsurprisingly upset and heartbroken over that hard break I made.)

And it's also weird for me to see so many people treat mere irritating clinginess as some kind of justification for flagrant emotional cruelty.

Clinginess, no. Nene only decided to strictly draw a line once Amane started asking for more, before that she only reminded her (and everyone who asked them) that they were just friends, nothing more.

Do you usually go out of your way to twist the knife and rub salt into the wounds like Nene repeatedly does to Amane... you know, between friends?

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's quite the menagerie of messed-up people isn't it? Kodama Naoko would be proud.

Not sure if you missed Blastaar's sarcasm.

Not sure if you missed the sardonic meta.

joined Jul 26, 2016

That Nene has any number of as-yet unspecified hang-ups about Amane is obvious to anyone who's been paying attention to the narrative.

Assumes readers not in evidence. (Not so damn many, anyway.)

Quite frankly, I’m having trouble coordinating where to deploy the mobs with torches and pitchforks—at first it looked like Amane was the priority target, followed by the Sadistic Senpai, but now Nene has surged into the lead, and even Kou potentially has misdemeanor Not Good Person charges to face.

And that lizard better watch its fucking step too.

It's quite the menagerie of messed-up people isn't it? Kodama Naoko would be proud.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Seeing how she was OK with still being friends with Amane, that would not work, though, and would be just as needlessly cruel in any case.

Nene's distinctly mixed messages and fairly obvious ambivalence re: Amane have already been repeatedly noted in multiple contexts. Doesn't change the fact that whatever her reasons for sustaining fairly close contact with the girl are she explicitly and obviously treats her like shit "on screen" for reasons unspecified but mighty difficult to presume morally acceptable, if such now even exist.

Also just saying but when it comes down to it making a clean hard break to an unwanted relationship is altogether less cruel than leaving the admirer hopelessly pining in ambiguous uncertainty. (That coworker I mentioned? I'd already turned her down earlier but stayed on terms as I didn't have anything against her as such and, well, coworkers; the hard break became an unpleasant necessity once it became clear she was still hanging on to vain hopes which was as tiresome to me as it presumably was emotionally taxing for her.)

And it's also weird for me to see so many people treat Nene as if she'd been constantly abusing Amane after breaking up, when she only reacted harshly for the first time when Amane asked for a kiss - which was clearly not OK - and for the second time now with the (admittedly quite cruel) showing off of her date to make Amane give up on trying to get back together again. Maybe not the best way to do this, but certainly effective, and we can't say Amane is totally innocent here with the way she's still trying to pursue Nene after repeatedly being told no.

We have no idea how things were between them in the meantime between the breakup and Kou entering the scene, and certainly the latter at least seems to have prompted Nene to rapidly escalate increasingly wanton cruelty for whatever reason. But equally we have no obvious reason to assume Nene hasn't been at least lowkey nasty throughout; Amane being how she is would be hoping against hope all the same in an only too typical relationship-abuse victim pattern.

And it's also weird for me to see so many people treat mere irritating clinginess as some kind of justification for flagrant emotional cruelty.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I mean, the whole point is that Nene can't really put Amane out of her head probably because of something out of Amane's control and so instead of trying to find the courage to cut the ties herself, Nene try to make Amane cutting the ties herself instead.

That Nene has any number of as-yet unspecified hang-ups about Amane is obvious to anyone who's been paying attention to the narrative. Doesn't make her blatantly and maliciously taking it out on the girl any less damning; indeed it could be argued that in a sense that's even worse than plain sadism would be, as the latter would at least have the marginal benefit of certain honesty of intent over making another suffer in your stead for the sake of your own insecurities...

For the moment i don't think the point is to put Nene in a more positive light because if it was then the author is doing a poor job. I think the positive light will probably come when we will find out the reason why she act like a total douche or it will never come and will find out Nene is a demon who need maidens's sadness from a broken heart to survive.

My point is rather that currently the author is doing such a stellar job casting enough shade on her character that any prospective future redemption is going to be a tall order indeed, and probably going to have some issues with plausibility and Unfortunate Implications.

joined Jul 26, 2016

To add to what Buggy pointed out I'd reiterate that if you've concluded the relationship ain't working out for you then the decent thing to do is to break up properly - not leave the bewildered other party hanging in a limbo and emotionally abuse them for le shitz und giggles while you're at it.

If you leaving the no excuses factor (I know it's a big factor but for the sake of the argument i will leave it aside), you have someone who doesn't want to let go and someone who move on but the one who don't want to let go still trying to hit on the other, it will piss off most of peoples and they will try d*ck moves to make them stop. I don't accept the emotional abuse but it's mostly due to Amane who can't let go.

Of course if Nene had given a justification to Amane then Nene d*ck moves will seem less "d*ck" but still bad, but shehave not so it feel just like Nene is a total d*ck

Bullshit. If Nene just wanted to get Amane off her case flat out stonewalling her and cutting contact should do the trick. (I've personally done that with a tiresomely admiring coworker, for the record.) Instead she basically strings her along and -pay attention because this is the key point- goes out of her way to be hurtful and nasty knowing full well the other party is still blindly smitten enough to just meekly take it.

That's behaviour neither acceptable nor excusable but certainly an extremely effective narrative tool for making Nene look like an utter cuntbucket. Too effective, probably, if the audience is supposed to start viewing her in a more positive light somewhere down the road...

joined Jul 26, 2016

[Also, err, since when are you only allowed to break-up with people after giving mountains of reasons`? Sometimes people don't work out. Saying so is not a crime. Holy Maria-sama Watching Tie Adjustments, people.]

To add to what Buggy pointed out I'd reiterate that if you've concluded the relationship ain't working out for you then the decent thing to do is to break up properly - not leave the bewildered other party hanging in a limbo and emotionally abuse them for le shitz und giggles while you're at it.

1 x ½ discussion 26 Jun 02:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

too mystic

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well if Amane cheated I wouldn't say that

Even if she had what Nene's doing amounts to nothing short of deliberate, wanton cruelty right in the face of it. Being wronged does not justify active malice.

joined Jul 26, 2016

By the way, what could have possessed the authoress of the beloved Kasumi and Acchan series to descend to drawing incest doujins? Demons?

Marilyn Manson.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Actually plausible strategic gambits, in my cheesy-JRPG-setting manga?! It's Mochi likely than you might think...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I mean. Nene's behaviour is certainly explainable - strictly speaking something as crude as "actually is a nasty bitch" would cover that, not that I expect it to be anything so simple and straightforward ofc.

Excusable is a whole different story given it's currently really hard to avoid the impression she's pretty much only keeping in touch with Amane to twist the knife and watch her squirm...

1 x ½ discussion 25 Jun 09:25
joined Jul 26, 2016

am intrigued by what "crime" means in this story

Probably Ayako is thinking about misusing her position , working in pharmacy (unlimited access to meds and drugs). She isn't aware what happened under influence of drugs, so she could not address anything else as a crime...Except putting child-Asuka into sleep, without any other intention (so, she thinks she neglected her child in these occasions).
Then she took her time to chill and relax by herself (every parent can't wait the moment when children are sleeping, finally), but she does not know what exactly her relaxation was under the drugs, obviously. And, she is working single mother who truly needs time for chilling from everything. And she has found her way to do it when her child is sleeping.

Manga as manga, is not dark, is very cute and sexy, but contains the elements about subconsciousness, like the "dark side of the moon", and how it reflects in reality, what is superinteresting and very deep observation of some possible behavior (like desires toward something or someone, including incest in this case and how circumstances in life can influence on personalities and behavior, even when actual persons are not aware about it ).

I'm very curious how author will resolve this "mess " about their dark past, wishing Ayako and Asuka happy awakening. They should do it with consent, this time (?) Maybe it will set them free? Let's see what author will do, I have very high expectations, this manga is precious

I would not judge Ayako, even if it's true that she unconsciously committed a sexual crime with minor Asuka (crime is totally unintentional, if crime exists in this case) . She raised her child properly, and gave her best as a single mother. Both of them are victims of unhappy circumstances. I love them both. Please author, however dark is their past, make them happy.

All of my wat.

joined Jul 26, 2016

@koneko June 22, 2019 9:47PM
Whoa, prostitute? What gave you that impression?

Well, we already know Chika's mom works late at night, and she apparently brings random men home for sex. The mom's probably not an out-and-out prostitute, but I'll bet she's involved in some sort of "water business," perhaps working at a cabaret club or something.

Or, y'know, just has a lot of short-lived relationships and one-night stands. Everything we've been shown of her so far implies she's one of those people who only too readily fall into that kind of pattern; doesn't take a dodgy job that.

One notes that despite their decidedly strained and rather estranged relationship she's nevertheless presumably the one footing the bills for Chika's dance lessons etc. so I guess it's... complicated...?

1 x ½ discussion 22 Jun 15:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

The things this woman does without realizing... :D

ikr? It's downright criminal!

1 x ½ discussion 22 Jun 13:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

mom pls what the HELL were you doing lmao