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joined Jul 26, 2016

I see a thread and I want it painted black...

joined Jul 26, 2016

There's also a formatting guide pinned at the top so you too can learn to use all the chad effects

joined Jul 26, 2016

Maybe you should think a bit more, because next time it can happen to something you enjoy,

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.

I think I rolled my eyes hard enough to pull a few muscles in there.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Idk, we still have a lizard and a dark tanned Sensei to fit so a twist is still possible

Fair, but to quote Blastaar from last page

I’m still all-in on Sensei Hotsy-Totsy x The Lizard of Love.

joined Jul 26, 2016

In the end I am sure that the conclusion of this manga will be to know with whom nene will put himself in a relationship (or not) kou or amane.


Ayame 14 discussion 26 Jul 09:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

lmao what

Shuninta delivers

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh right, that's gonna be a fun complication to fixing things if Kou up and gets legit smitten with literally anyone else in the equation (hey, even Hayama's still a possibility - nobody is yet actually aware of her psycho streak after all)...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hmm. I went and re-read the series to try and figure out why the diversions into the Kuro-Miyabi pair don't bother me (besides the fact that I like snarky characters like Kuro by default), and I'd say it's to no small degree because they rather consistently keep making progress as both (fictional) people and as a couple. Contra Uta and Kaoru who tend to spend a lot of time pretty much spinning their wheels without too much actual movement, not particularly helped by the author's tendency to hoard important information (how long will it take before we finally learn what exactly is up with Reiichi and Risako seriously?).

Though I suppose if you wanted to be generous about it you could view that discrepancy as a deliberate thematic juxtaposition; the kids, for all their uncertain fumbling and quirks, are willing to bite the bullet and forge onwards "full speed ahead and Devil take the torpedoes" when push comes to shove whereas the adults (particularly Kaoru) are weighed down by years of various accumulated baggage, unresolved insecurities etcetera and wont to balk or evade instead of confronting things head on...

last edited at Jul 25, 2019 11:38PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I find it hard to sympathize with Nene

I don't think we're supposed to. She's so petty and immature. I understand where she's coming from but there's no way I can sympathize.

I'm going to make a wild guess and predict we're in for some heavy character developement now that she's had her long overdue satori. Likely punctuated by copious amounts of not exactly unjustified self-loathing and regrets; I figure Kou's going to have her hands full keeping Nene from imploding completely while they try to square things with Amane.

Is there something in the freaking water around there that results in psychologically abusive adults (“You’re prettier when you don’t smile”—who the fuck says that to a child?) and yandere high schoolers (“Cry. Cry. Cry. Suffer. Because only then are you mine alone.”) and middle schoolers (“I wish Amane was as ugly as shit.”).

I’m not sure little Kou is up to an entire community makeover . . .

Turns out they live in Silent Hill, Japan.

last edited at Jul 25, 2019 11:14PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

So what signals do you think this text is clearly sending about what outcomes in terms of plot or character are in the category of “probable/highly likely”?

I cannot predict an outcome, but I can at least sieve out unlikely scenarios. There is of course nothing speaking against the possibility that after severe shock (perhaps of a stressful confrontation with Reiichi + his ex) Kaoru might break down mentally in unexpected ways...

Like turning into a Raging Lesbian perhaps? lmao

Will there be the stench of bitches?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah but i feel like the purpose of the Senpai is still off. Yes she can be her childhood friend but why does she have be in love in such a twisted way. Couldn't she just have been a normal childhood friend ?

As far as we know so far she likely used to be normal enough - if anything it probably was, ironically enough, Amane coming to her in tears after that abrupt breakup that woke her inner you're pretty when you cry yandere. Now suppose Amane's finally given up on Nene and gone to her for comfort; ya reckon Hayama's the sort to just give her back when Nene and Kou come apologise...?

Didn't think so.

And everything we've been shown of how she is now suggests she isn't going to have too many scruples about emotionally manipulating a doubtless deeply hurt and now distrustful Amane into sticking by her...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Now you're just being irrationally defensive.

I'm just bad at defending characters who are made bad by the author. How i'm suposs to defend Nene at this point ? I like Nene but the author keep insisting at making her worse every second soi ended making blame on what i can ¯_(ツ)_/¯ .

The technical term is "scapegoating" or "passing the buck". I agree with Kazu above; laying it squarely on Nene instead of taking the usual easy way out of supplying a third-party villain responsible is downright refreshing variety.

I'm curious to see what her next step will be now that Kou managed to get her to owe up to her own feelings and the proverbial scales are off her eyes.

joined Jul 26, 2016

And as for sempai... wanna bet the complication to Nene starting to mend fences is that last chapter she finally managed to burn her bridges with Amane (last straws etc.) and Hayama, being basically the only shoulder she has left to cry on, caught the rebound?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Now you're just being irrationally defensive.

joined Jul 26, 2016

In hindsight it's actually slightly amazing it took this long for YuriWhale to tackle Tentacles

joined Jul 26, 2016

...I'm going to Hell for giggling like an idiot through this entire thing am I.

joined Jul 26, 2016

God, do people really think so porly of Nene ?

She's spent much of the series so far giving ample reason to you know. And the big reveal that all the shit she's heaped on Amane is, basically, entirely due to her inner demons didn't particularly help.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Am I reading this right? So as far as we currently know for all her ominous and yandereish monologues the only role sempai actually had in their breakup was submitting a nice photo of Amane to a competition?

Fucking Hell Nene. You have some major amends to make girl. >:c

joined Jul 26, 2016

And Kou is like a rescue St. Bernard dog for travelers lost in a blizzard of adolescent self-loathing.

OBJECTION! I see no keg of spirits hanging 'round her neck!

joined Jul 26, 2016

Although after Uta moves out I'm scared to see what will happen to Kaoru

I may repeat myself but the attempt suicide road is still possible.

You do, yes, and I'd say you've watched too many bad soap operas.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Whaddya know, actually airing things out with your SO in good faith might not be a bad thing to try in a relationship?

Never been on a relationship so i can't relate.

Holds for most varieties of human relationships you know. If something's bothering you about the whole thing it's generally far healthier to try and talk to the other party about it and look for a solution than bottle it in and let it fester.

How capable the people involved are of taking that step, and/or receptive to it, ofc varies... which in context is no doubt another point of the contrast.

last edited at Jul 25, 2019 3:45PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

She is just a brat to me but that's my personal opinion.

She's a plausible brat tho; her Major Malfunction is only too credible for someone her age, character and background. And her awkward-but-steadily-improving relationship with Miyabi is indubitably meant to contrast with the totally dysfunctional deadlock in the main household so, yeah.

Whaddya know, actually airing things out with your SO in good faith might not be a bad thing to try in a relationship?

Shotacon discussion 25 Jul 09:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

Not sure if troll thread...

joined Jul 26, 2016

and yet it still doesn't have a single ACTUAL yuri couple!

So you're not counting Nezu and Ushi because of why again?

last edited at Jul 25, 2019 5:55AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Aki's intuition is very much on point.

EDIT: it also occurs to me that of the more blatantly gay members of the main group Ushiwaka is now the only one who hasn't hit on her... and given their respective well-established credentials I can only imagine Aki straight up refusing to be alone with her lmao

last edited at Jul 24, 2019 2:47AM