Hmm. I went and re-read the series to try and figure out why the diversions into the Kuro-Miyabi pair don't bother me (besides the fact that I like snarky characters like Kuro by default), and I'd say it's to no small degree because they rather consistently keep making progress as both (fictional) people and as a couple. Contra Uta and Kaoru who tend to spend a lot of time pretty much spinning their wheels without too much actual movement, not particularly helped by the author's tendency to hoard important information (how long will it take before we finally learn what exactly is up with Reiichi and Risako seriously?).
Though I suppose if you wanted to be generous about it you could view that discrepancy as a deliberate thematic juxtaposition; the kids, for all their uncertain fumbling and quirks, are willing to bite the bullet and forge onwards "full speed ahead and Devil take the torpedoes" when push comes to shove whereas the adults (particularly Kaoru) are weighed down by years of various accumulated baggage, unresolved insecurities etcetera and wont to balk or evade instead of confronting things head on...
last edited at Jul 25, 2019 11:38PM