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joined Jul 26, 2016

Sorry to burst your innocence bubble but Yuu was thinking about doing the deed on this scene lol

Evidence: lol trust me

I daresay wherever exactly her mind now was wandering while wistfully running her fingers from her lips... down her neck... while imagining doing the same to a partially undressed Touko... before catching herself went a fair bit beyond "cuddling".

last edited at Jul 31, 2019 5:36PM

Dear NOMAN discussion 31 Jul 16:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

Getting a strong Inuyasha feeling in chapter 2

Does that mean we can look forward to a series run to rival the Dragon Ball franchise? :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Someone doesn't seem to quite understand how public discussion forums work...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Momose going nuclear, wew.

she certainly should have the critical mass for it

Dear NOMAN discussion 31 Jul 13:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

Emotionally blackmailing lolis into doing dangerous stuff; a true staple of Japanese manga ...

Become a magical girl?

joined Jul 26, 2016

God damn it why do you have to cockblock Fujishiro, Izumi.

I believe the term is "clam jam" but one plausible scenario is she just now realised she might herself actually have a chance with her, and needs to do something about Kurokawa's considerable head start and fast if she's going to take the plunge. Izumi's to all appearances a fundamentally decent person but all's fair in love and war as it were...

Lily Marble discussion 31 Jul 13:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

OldER anyway as they have a respectable 11-year Age gap but yeah 30 isn't particularly old.

And yeah Iwashita's clearly just gone "never mind the bollocks, she's hot" :d

last edited at Jul 31, 2019 1:44PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Arranged marriages and the parents who do that horrible crap should eat shit.

"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there."

joined Jul 26, 2016

Why do you have to get in the way, Izumi?

"Conflict of interests" strikes me as one likely possibility.

I hope that Fujishiro not feeling "otaku enough" isn't a sign of the story forgetting that she has already shown her commitment to Kurokawa by taking an interest in her hobby, like borrowing manga and DVD's...

That's still a far cry from being to able to nerd it up and talk the language like Iro does. Also inb4 Don't Become An Otaku, Fujishiro-san!

last edited at Jul 31, 2019 6:03AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

We can always hit up old man Stalin's house on the way back if you wanna bump him off too

Just make sure to only do that after Trotsky's out of the picture, as he was the one actually raring to go and export Communism at bayonet point. Uncle Joe's succession of hatchetmen don't particularly matter in that regard as eg. every foreign-policy proposal from Beria I've seen mentioned was of the moderate and pragmatic kind (or even ridiculously conciliatory, such as his postwar idea of essentially selling East Germany off to the West and using the funds to rebuild the war-ravaged USSR).

Look, I’m not out to right the wrongs of world history—I just have it in for Yuki’s old man.

"Nothing business, just personal" huh. (Teleporting behind u optional.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Stay over for dinner," said the spider to the fly...

joined Jul 26, 2016

By setting the breakup between middle-school and high school, the author specifically put that “Nene could have gone elsewhere” option on the table.

Yeah but we know that Nene still love Amane so i think she couldn't bring herself to leave Amane all of a sudden and come with that twisted plan.

I've been saying that for some time now, yes. Though it's rather less of a "twisted plan" than "inability to either compromise or choose between two directly contradictory impulses" (ie. her love and hate/envy for Amane) and duly kind of half-assing the whole thing at the other party's expense. Or as she puts it herself, "she has to hate me" - because however chronically mixed up her feelings about Amane were she still balked at going the full mile and conclusively breaking things off for good, ergo she had to try and push her into doing that instead.

People do the damnedest things to cope with their weaknesses and often enough at somebody else's expense.

joined Jul 26, 2016

We can always hit up old man Stalin's house on the way back if you wanna bump him off too

Just make sure to only do that after Trotsky's out of the picture, as he was the one actually raring to go and export Communism at bayonet point. Uncle Joe's succession of hatchetmen don't particularly matter in that regard as eg. every foreign-policy proposal from Beria I've seen mentioned was of the moderate and pragmatic kind (or even ridiculously conciliatory, such as his postwar idea of essentially selling East Germany off to the West and using the funds to rebuild the war-ravaged USSR).

joined Jul 26, 2016

And leave Europe to the mercies of Stalinist Russia instead? No thanks, I don't want to turn Command & Conquer: Red Alert into a reality.

Stalin was never one for harebrained military adventurism and apparently grew disillusioned with the whole "Perpetual Revolution" idea - Trotsky was far bigger on that - already during the Polish-Soviet War so nah. There's something to be said of policy-making by rational calculus (no matter how ruthless and void of morals) instead of by paranoid-schizophrenic fantasies of apocalyptic conspiracies.

Image Comments 29 Jul 22:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

Was honestly expecting her to be the next playable Valk but then completely out of the left field we got the Twintails instead followed by Seele, and next few updates are presumably going to be all about Core-Awakened Herrscher Moodo Bronya and Kiana...
But unless they start giving Seele more battlesuits this soon or somesuch (inb4 Rita gets Awakened modes) I'd assume she's high on the list of candidates after that's done with?

Image Comments 29 Jul 22:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

Just as keikaku

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mostly just an observation of the fact that whether tie-cutting was a sensible course of action to pursue is something of a moot point since she promptly demonstrated herself incapable of actually doing it in the first place.

And then essentially hoisted the responsibility of achieving that onto Amane by trying to drive her away by being gratuitously nasty, which strikes me as rather putting compound interest on an already dick move.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Doesn't really make a difference since she immediately demonstrated her own inability to actually let go of the relationship. Best laid plans don't really mean squat if you're utterly incapable of realising them.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Might as well prep for genocide then - this is roughly the period when spare the rod, spoil the child was widely taken as gospel parenting guideline.

Biological weapons might be the most practical approach...?

last edited at Jul 29, 2019 9:54PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

...this thread is rapidly becoming something of a broken record.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Momose getting in touch with her inner troll

joined Jul 26, 2016

Y'all didn't actually read the discussion in this thread did you. Also gg on completely asspulled presumptions of mutual exclusivity in law enforcement, because that's how the police work amirite?

last edited at Jul 29, 2019 1:03PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

As far as the "cutting ties for your own good" trope goes, I think this one had one of the better reasons behind it, since the problem was Nene's own terrible feelings-- which she was promptly disturbed by.

Cutting ties with Amane doesn't solve anything. The problem is not Amane to begin with. Nene had issues from before she met Amane. She has to face those issues.

Yes, Amane wasn't the problem, that's what I said. No matter how you look at it Nene's own feelings are the issue here-- she realized them and decided to promptly cut ties with Amane because she figured she'd eventually only end up hurting her in one way or another. From a reader's perspective it's easy to say "that's stupid just sort it out with her", but as far as fictional drama goes I don't think this was bad reasoning.

...and then she promptly failed to follow through with even that and instead ended up rubbing salt into the wound in a weird passive-aggressive limbo relationship until Kou came along.

joined Jul 26, 2016

We are nearing the ending, prolly less than 5 chapter, but Haruko and Natsuko still haven't advance their relationship, what is this, Best Friend Ending??!!

It's only 2 more chapters.
I already read them and can confirm that it is indeed a best friend ending, even though the last two chapters sort of felt like they were going to make them get together

Wait really, that's severly dissapointing. You can't build a relation like this and said "lol they're just friends"

Author: "hold my beer"

Ayakashiko discussion 28 Jul 21:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

Concerned Parent Kuuko indahouse