pg 07, "the two us" -> the two of us
pg 14, "chosen as the one go" -> as the one to go
pg 32, "that would make a weirdo too." -> that would make (her? me?) a weirdo too.
pg 34, "didn't know about about us two" -> didn't know about us two
pg 40, "she didn't have have her phone" -> she didn't have her phone
pg 43, "the shoe rack was where were separated." -> the shoe rack was where we were separated.
pg 45, "we really did leave far apart." -> live
pg 45, "she had she been here" -> she had been here
pg 48, "but a also bit dry." -> but also a bit dry.
pg 48, "that was due it coming" -> that was due to it coming
pg 58, "and it was now the lunch beak." -> and it was now lunch break.
pg 66, "this one my favourite" -> this one was my favourite