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joined Mar 22, 2018

I don't know if you can convincingly say that you're "not some easy girl" when you were dating someone else day(s) prior. Unless I'm misunderstanding the use of that phrase in this situation.

Regardless, I'm usually super easy to please, but I didn't really like anything about this sadly.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I would've thought that was obvious. She's gay.

Probably, most definitely because Juri is gay.

Sorry, poor wording (or not enough, I suppose) on my behalf, my statement was more talking about the journey to her figuring that nugget of self out. It would be interesting. Hence, you know, coming of age.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I think the "my love isn't like their love" line just refers to the friends talking earlier about how much Nanoha loves Chidori lately, on 06. So it's Chidori's inner monologue about how she actually is into girls romantically vs Nanoha just having a more friendly love for Chidori. You know, in Chidori's mind anyway. But hey, we'll see.

The blushing quota was not met in this chapter. I'll overlook it this time.

joined Mar 22, 2018

This has the makings of a killer coming of age story. I'm actually more curious about Juri and why she went along with Nami's every whim, than about Nami and her obvious hang ups.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Nekozaki in the top panel of p. 38 belongs in my personal Hall of Faces. That's just a fantastic expression, IMO. ><

This is totally what I came to post. That face is possibly my favorite face ever.

What a goofyass cast. I love this. All the expressions, rage, and bulging eyeballs- cracks me up.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I have a feeling Mio's parents are just dying to sell her off to Yuzuki at this point xD

I read that as "sell her off to Yakuza." Maybe her parents have some outstanding debts...

Lily Marble discussion 10 Oct 02:01
joined Mar 22, 2018

I can't help but think "poor Miyu," but then I remembered how anti hitting on Nozomi she is. Just call her cute (...etc) already, before you explode!
Do it, do it now!

joined Mar 22, 2018

Guuuuurl, I love your thin blue eyes.

This is Food Fantasy but even gayer

Milk and Black Tea, OTP.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I think a big part of why Telltale failed is because a lot of indie/smaller companies can do what they do on a smaller budget, more creatively. They thought if they just kept improving their graphics engine it would bring in the AAA players' bucks, but it won't, when nothing actually new is being breathed into their stuff. Plus, yeah, those types of games are pretty damn niche to begin with. You look at a game like Life is Strange and it kind of followed what Telltale games have done, but better, with choices in game /actually/ making a difference in the end outcome. Telltale games just want you to think your choices matter.

That's my take on it, anyway. Maybe it's also because I just replayed Shenmue I and II and feel like, although (still) clunky as hell, it did certain aspects of those kinds of games better, almost 20 years ago. Thank you, QTEs.

joined Mar 22, 2018

The first chapter has been a favorite of mine on here since I first read it, cause c'mon, tattoo representation in yuri, plus it reads coherently. This second one less so, it just seems like a string of shorts.
Still enjoyable, though.

Graffiti discussion 21 Sep 04:54
joined Mar 22, 2018

Gah, this one (and its short sequel) just put the biggest grin on my face. How can one not be charmed by this kind of story and couple? Impossible!

joined Mar 22, 2018

I get it, I get it!
doesn't get it.

Why so short feeling, chapter?

Liberty discussion 18 Sep 01:51
joined Mar 22, 2018

It's a shame this is just ending up as a blah attempt at a story. I can't even blame Kitta Izumi or Momono Moto (whose works I tend to dig), I just feel like this is a casualty of the Galette format. This last chapter was a whole lot of nothing, in my opinion.
Well, actually, I suppose I can blame them. They should have planned what they could and couldn't do in terms of page length and time gap.

last edited at Sep 18, 2018 1:53AM

joined Mar 22, 2018

I for one will never look at arms the same way again.

I love it that Chidori is the reserved one but seems far more current on the lewd stuff than Nanoha.

You know what they say, arms are the boobs of the limbs.
I get the impression that she spends a fair deal of her time online researching "how two girls have sex." Strictly because she thirsts for knowledge, though.

joined Mar 22, 2018

you don't need to ask to erase all the men for them to disapear... just ask for your bloodlineage to always be girls with a chance of futa,

Is that like cloudy with a chance of meatballs?

joined Mar 22, 2018

No means no, ladies. Stop groping her arm boobs.

I don't mind the whole "we're secretly lovers" shtick, it's kind of a nice introduction to the chapter. It does kind of suck the chapters are short, and it tends to take up a few panels, but whatever. Still overflowing with the cuteness.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Grabbing dinner together would just be moving too fast, it seems. Oh youse guys.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Those aren't clean armpits. They're dirty. blush

joined Mar 22, 2018

I think this plays into my "sometimes I think Martha Stewart is cute" fetish.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Chidori has a fever... and the only cure is more cowbell Nanoha.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Maybe someone new will see this get bumped in the forum and give it a read, it's good. A lot different than most of the one shots around, anyway.

I don't even think Kyouko and Mirai would try to hunt down the con lady. I mean, if they did, they'd have to thank her, right?

joined Mar 22, 2018

I don't know how uh, feasible this would be, but it'd be awesome if the page number links on the forum/comment sections could be at the top of the page along with the bottom.
I am that lazy.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I understand how grammar works, but I have a terrible time putting it into words. Color me jealous, kudos!

Anime season 05 Aug 12:44
joined Mar 22, 2018

Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro? O-oh...mature female lead...

I feel like most people who wanted to see it have seen it, but Princess Tutu is really good for a multitude of reasons. Ahiru is goofy, but overall I'd consider her mature.

Stomach discussion 03 Aug 22:42
joined Mar 22, 2018

Can this be considered gap moe? Both the series of one shots in general and Hinoko as a character. Or maybe it would make more sense if these characters weren't supposedly high school aged and were instead actually grade schoolers.
I mean, it is cute in its own unique way.

I'm not sure how I ended up here, somebody help me.