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joined Oct 15, 2016

In another word...

....Kotooka might be a 'manipulative, rude, self-hating (+in denial) bitch who forces things down people throats'. But she is our bitch, and we all would hope she will achieve happiness for what she endured.

It's hard to come out the closet when you are 16 (17?). Even harder if it may ruin your friendship, especially (presumably) it happened once before and traumatise you greatly,

Oh, no, i totally get her, i wasn't trying to say that she should just came out like it was nothing. What i was trying to say, its that even though she's been portrayed like that, she's still a good girl who deserves happiness.

I used to be a huge Kotooka detractor due to how she was portrayed, but after seeing her suffering and how she really likes Tsukasa a lot, enough for her to even learn how to bake cakes and sweets, that i just can't root against her anymore.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Uyuni Salt Flats is indeed quite beautiful.

I agree that the promise to the salt plain, if gonna be the ending, will be terrible sign for yuri. Unless one of them bring her +1 along.

Washio x Kotooka is getting real awkward now. Make it hard for me to see the two with each other. Kotooka's obsession with Tsukasa also gonna means: unless she run away from the other two, she will never be able to get over Tsukasa = not a happy ending for her

Thats why i can't see Washio x Tsukasa as the end game. Kotooka might be a manipulative, rude, self-hating bitch who forces things down people throats but she seems to be the one who's suffering the most out of the three girls. If past yuri stories have taught me anything is that the girl who's always in denial and suffering in the background is the one who gets the happy ending with the girl she likes.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Kal3d posted:

Do we actually know that we're going to have to wait months for the next chapters?

Yes, I was checking the fansub and someone asked if they only work with volumes... And they do, so unless they change their modus operandi we don't have other choice but to wait or check raws

What a shame. We were only 2 chapters away from catching up.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Do we actually know that we're going to have to wait months for the next chapters?

joined Oct 15, 2016

So it seems that Kotooka is barely getting along with Washio for Tsukasa's sake, i wonder if its because she knows she's in love with her or because she's jealous of her?

Well, we're two chapters away from catching up with the raws, so prepare yourselves for some drama

Renai Kowai discussion 04 Jan 05:23
joined Oct 15, 2016

Yeah, i agree. Even if she did this shameless thing, like baiting, she still one of the talanted and most dear mangaka for me (and for many of us, i think). I love her and her works. Just hope, we get our yuri from Kazushiro-sensei very soon and this will be one of the greatest works. ))

P.S. From Russia. But why?))

Heres hoping she makes some good yuri in the near future.

P.S. Oh, for nothing, it was just simple curiosity =)

Renai Kowai discussion 04 Jan 04:13
joined Oct 15, 2016

So i got my hands on the raws from vol. 1 and with the help of a friend translating some stuff, it appears that this is indeed bait. It appears that theres potential for some yuri side couple, but nothing really noteworthy. It also appears that this one connects with one of her other non-yuri series, so it's safe to say that this would seems that would end in het.

Anyways, i'm glad the translators dropped this series.

Good, Kazushiro-sensei starts doing yuri-bait. What's next? Morishima Akiko draw tentacle-raping? Damn... Why, Kazushiro-sensei? Just why? sob-sob

Anyway, thanks for exploring. Really thanks, even if it's not a good news.

I really wish i could've tell you good news, but it seems that Kazushiro did indeed baited yuri fans. I'm honestly disappointed in that, why do that when you haven't done that in any other of your non-yuri stories before? I feel that she wanted some of her yuri fans to read her new series, but she went in the most tasteless way to do it IMO.

Anyways, i hope she continues to do good yuri stuff in the future, because even though she did something really shitty, she still has talent to write a good yuri story.

P.S. This has been bugging me since yesterday, but where are you from Oriko?

Renai Kowai discussion 04 Jan 02:10
joined Oct 15, 2016

So i got my hands on the raws from vol. 1 and with the help of a friend translating some stuff, it appears that this is indeed bait. It appears that theres potential for some yuri side couple, but nothing really noteworthy. It also appears that this one connects with one of her other non-yuri series, so it's safe to say that this would seems that would end in het.

Anyways, i'm glad the translators dropped this series.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Oh, so this is the series Roppo told us about some time ago. It started off quite funny, so i'm really looking forward for more wacky misunderstandings and twin shenanigans.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I'm willing to bet that maybe this relationship dynamic will end with a all of them together

The story has a nice vibe, can't imagine Amane getting rejected again
Ryou has already accepted her

...and possible interest in Nina

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying Amane would get rejected again, i'm saying that she won't be the one ending up with someone in this arc. I feel like once she learns Nina was behind Shin'ya all along, she might try to bring her and Ryou together. She looks like the type of girl who likes to play matchmaker.

joined Oct 15, 2016

It was very enjoyable and the art style kinda reminded me of MariMite, so all the better for me.

joined Oct 15, 2016

It seems like something happened which he hasn't talked to Tsukasa about, and it seems to have something to do with a confession. At least, that's what I'm reading from it. We won't find out 'till volume 5, but my guess would be that when they were young and looked like each other someone mistook Subaru for Tsukasa and confessed.

I think he's mad because Asakura won't be Subaru cant predict how Asakura would react if Subaru confesses?

I was thinking it was more along the lines that Asakura doesn't find it creepy if people that don't know him confess to him, since Subaru had the experience of someone mistaking him for Tsukasa and confessing to him.

Subaru's main issue is he doesn't want to get separated from his sister, and sees any kind of "love" relationship with someone would place him as the second most important person in his sisters life. I honestly think that Asakura just misunderstood what Subaru was trying to say to him like here and said something was more hurtful than intended since it wasn't referencing what he thought it was.

I think the creepiness that Subaru might be referring to is having feelings for someone that you don't know, and possibly being selfish by trying to force those feelings onto someone else by confessing to them outright?

I think you might be right. Subaru seems to unconsciously like Asakura and wanted to know if he would have the same mindset that he does regarding those types of confessions. Since he didn't seem to undertand him, he got mad at him for not doing so. It also seems that Subaru might have had an unpleasant confession in the past and thats why he asked those questions to someone who gets confessed to a lot.

joined Oct 15, 2016

So everyone agrees that Shin'ya is Nina, but she realized too late that the other girl was her "love rival" and she was helping her out getting close to her. I have a feeling that Amane might be the odd one out after Ponytail girl realizes Nina was Shin'ya all along. She strikes me as the kind of girl who won't have an actual partner until later on in the story.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I don't quite get Subaru's conflict in here, is he mad that Asakura is an actual nice guy and that Tsukasa won't be able to turn him down because of that? Or what is he conflicted about?

joined Oct 15, 2016

Rip her age, tho Otome being 20 is more important than Minato reaching 40 :')

I dunno why it bothered me, maybe because she didn't spent all of her thirties with the person she wanted. Whatever, i still loved the ending. I think this, Steps and Pure Water Adolescence are the best Student teacher stories in this site.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Yeah it was out of nowhere and kinda dark considering how flufffy the rest of the story was in my opinion. Yeah, I'm just gonna read through the whole thing again. I enjoyed it a lot.

Yeah I got that same comment from someone else too, how they enjoyed the fluffier parts more and dreaded the sudden angst tying up the end. I liked the first parts too, tho I appreciate the them tackling their one very important issue in the end, even if I was very heavy. Like, the ending felt "earned".

I loved the final chapters of it too. Like you say, the ending felt like the characters "earned" it because not only they became a better version of themselves, but they actually fought to stay together in the end. Although, it did bothered me that the teacher was like 40 by the time she ended up living with a 20-something year old.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I love her piercings and tattoo, it's not often we see characters like her, I really like mc's style

Dunno why there is not enough stories with characters with MC's style. They would look so much more realistic than all the super trendy girl high school girls we often see.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I'm sorry to dissapoint you @Nya-chan, but Takoyaki t-shirt-kun was just a huge red herring. He's an actual guy who Washio fell in love for some reason

Ganma: Catulus! RAW 03 Jan 08:06
joined Oct 15, 2016

Y'know, at least a sentence explaining what all those links you post actually are would be nice. ^^;

all I can tell is a catgirl gamer.

Is it yuri? Or just subtext?

Renai Kowai discussion 03 Jan 08:04
joined Oct 15, 2016

Honestly, the day Jin wrote het would probably be the day the Earth froze over, so I'll take solace in that.

Yeah, thank god we don't have to worry about that anytime soon.

you guys know that Kuzushiro has written non yuri manga before and done a lot of shounen manga. Her alt name is Katsuragi Hajime. look it up, she's done non yuri before....

Thats not the issue here, the issue its that its bait, which is something Kuzushiro has never done before in any of her non-yuri series before.

Renai Kowai discussion 03 Jan 05:40
joined Oct 15, 2016

Yeah, she does like to write yuri a lot. Thats why i'm not worried about her leaving the genre anytime soon.

P.S. I can't seem to find anything from that author, care to share a link with me?

I'm not promising much, since i have to reach out someone else to get info on untranlated works, but i'll try my best :D

I don't surprise if Takemiya-sama actually gay. ))

P.S. Here Nagomi and her pics -

But still, we all believe in you!

Wouldn't be surprised either. Anyways, thanks a lot for the encouragement, i'll let everyone know as soon as i can if this one is pure bait or if it has actual yuri in it.

Also, thanks a lot for the link, i loved the art style the moment i saw your profile pic.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Citrus' western sales is completely irrelevant to it getting an anime tbh
It's like how the west hates Kabaneri apparently, but it's getting a season 2. Japan doesn't care about the west's opinion

They do? I thought Kabaneri was one of the most talked animes in the west this year, maybe it was for all the wrong reasons so i don't actually know. Still, i do think they do care to some extent about west's opinion, probably not enough to play a part in something getting an anime though.

Yeah they have erotic undertones, or are full out erotic, for NTrap at least
I'm excited about both, it's true that we haven't had yuri anime that weren't comedy in a while. Them doing well at least indicates that the market and interest in yuri is alive
Lol it'd be great if ppl stopped assuming that absolutely everyone else hates Netsuzou Trap and freely and randomly bashed it on all other threads
Like please lol, can we just leave Netsuzou Trap alone and out of other threads? Yeah it's getting an anime, it's popular in Japan, rip, the end. Don't watch it, that's all. Good thing that not being the Japanese audience it's for, they won't care about our opinions. If it does well over there, they'll consider more yuri, that's all.

I hate it, but i don't think everyone hates it, theres a reason its getting an anime after all. I also think it has potential to sell well thanks to its highly erotic moments, soap-opera-ish drama, highly seductive character designs and partial nudity. Also the fact that theres a stereotypical sympathetic "good guy" who gets the short end of the stick makes this appealing for any non-yuri fan not familiar with the source material. Citrus is a good candidate too since it also has seductive character designs and soap-opera-ish drama, some comedy here and there and the highly popular topic in Japan for some reason, incest! Or well, pseudo-incest which is still pretty popular in Japan. But i still think this would be highly dependant on the studio that animates it, since it doesn't have erotic moments past the 2nd or 3rd chapter.

Someone mentioned on another thread that they're a low budget studio, tho I dont really know/am familiar with them

They adapt the most yuri/yaoi works in general so the chance of them adapting YagaKimi if it does get an anime is high. But, I'm not exactly a fan of their art/animation works tho. It's either rlly bad or just plain unimpressive. I'm a big fan of YagaKimi's art & visual storytelling bits in it, so I don't want Deen to ruin that.

Hmm, i didn't know that since i haven't watched any of its other shows besides Sakura Trick, which i think it was decent. I just assumed they would be a good choice since they're not afraid of adapting yaoi or yuri works and i heard from a friend of mine that Super Lovers was kinda good. But besides KyoAni, what other studio would you like to see animate YagaKimi?

last edited at Jan 3, 2017 5:16AM

Renai Kowai discussion 03 Jan 04:32
joined Oct 15, 2016

Wow! Thats a great news! My sanity points recover thanks to you! And I remember, she's saying that she loves yuri very much and don't quiet this. Somewhere in credit page in one of her work. ))

P.S. Oh, it's "Best Misfortune Waifu for Best Luckiest Lifu" Yamashiro, from KanColle. In specific, author of this pic is Nagomi. ))

Yeah, she does like to write yuri a lot. Thats why i'm not worried about her leaving the genre anytime soon.

P.S. I can't seem to find anything from that author, care to share a link with me?

Everyone here waiting your investigating! Fighto dayo~! ))

I'm not promising much, since i have to reach out someone else to get info on untranlated works, but i'll try my best :D

joined Oct 15, 2016

Kotooka is also the most manipulative and duplicitous character, and short of a complete ass pull her winning the Tsukasabowl would throw at least half the characters under the bus. In fact, considering Washio's innermost thoughts and feelings from chapter 15, the idea kind of makes me sick, not that I'm biased towards or against any one character. I'm imagining every possible combination in my head and all of them make me sad. Realistically I think they should all look at other women.

She's the closest thing we have to an antagonist in this series, so i think her being this bitchy and manipulative is just a way to make her redemption arc more meaningful to the climax of the series. Characters who appear to be villains at the beginning who redeem themselves after fucking the MC over somehow always get some sort of satisfying ending, this one could be especially satisfying since she's in love with the MC. Don't get me wrong, i really dislike the way she goes about everything too, but from a storytelling perspective, it doesn't make sense to turn her into such an awful person after her traumatic experience if she doens't have some sort of redemption in the end and if the traumatic experince is awful, she also deserves some form of happiness.

Renai Kowai discussion 03 Jan 03:50
joined Oct 15, 2016

If Takemiya-sama leave us (me) too, this would be hell of a 2017 year for me...

P.S. Try my best! Thanks!

Haha, don't worry about that, she's nowhere near close to leave us. She's even producing a new yuri centric magazine this year with several other high profile yuri authors and some non-yuri authors trying their luck on yuri.

P.S. No problem. BTW where does your profile pic comes from?

like i said, she could be trying to double-dip. i dont know. this is all speculation, none of us have kuzushiro added on skype.

Someone needs to get her skype and try to get some answers ASAP!!
No, but seriously, i don't understand why would she try her hand at yuribait after so many yuri stories. I'll try to investigate if it is indeed yuribait or if it does have full yuri.