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Random Reader
Looking for good yuri 07 Jun 19:54
joined Nov 30, 2011


Collectors is on my radar D:

Probably should jump right on this one. To me it's currently the pinnacle of non-school girl yuri with the couple long past the get together thing (told in some flashbacks).

And the only one that wasn't mentioned that I can think of is 20-Year-Old Girl x 30-Year-Old Maiden but chances are you have already read that one.


hey! this is exactly my issue with yuri now lmao I've gotten so tired of the same formulas (cliches) over and over and over that it's like come on!! give me something different it!! As well as I hate that about 80% of them end right after they JUST finally got together after ALL THE DRAMA AND ANGST THEY PUT US THROUGH to only end it there!!. It's like COME ON!! what about after they get together?! If anything the real challenge starts NOW!! having to now live with the fact that they have to pay attention to another person's feelings, not just their own. having to come in terms with their real personalities (since after all now is when you actually get to know them!). What about the problems of thinking about the future?! Then we go to the good parts like getting even more closer to eachother than ever before. Getting to the point where you know your partner like the back of your hands!! Even having fights is ok sometimes!! doing cute couple things!! moving in together if they are adult!! Hey I wouldn't even mind having some drama in terms of jealousy with your partner wanting only for yourself. Sometimes its cute in couples (AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T GO OVER BOARD LOL). sigh

This has been a longstanding complaint around here and especially with me as well lol...

last edited at Jun 7, 2015 7:56PM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Anyone have any idea who she had a heated conversation with on the phone??

That's some intense shit though. I think, due to the crash that No-rae might go on the offensive after she recovers some more. Realizing that she almost didn't have any chance to tell Seol-a that she loves her, I suspect No-rae will move that time table up some, especially considering the intimacy of that last hug. Seol-a clearly realized that it wasn't a normal hug either.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Also, where does your new avatar come from?

I'm almost sure it's from WDTFS :P


What Does The Fox Said - manhwa that halmoni is also translating :)

Oh cool!! Did Halmoni just start the translations and or is there a place to read it??

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Also, where does your new avatar come from?

I'm almost sure it's from WDTFS :P


Random Reader
Philosophia discussion 07 Jun 09:13
joined Nov 30, 2011


So, I am deeply impressed by the audience at this site, and not in a good way. 85% or so of the people who've commented on this manga seem shallow at best, mentally handicapped at worst.

Really, was this necessary? The criticism leveled at this story is very well deserved, especially after riding in on the heels of Feelings of Endurance (haha nice one Gale) and the debacle that one was.

I can't compute how the vast majority can percieve stories from this author on such a primitive surface level, disregarding Shuninta's tendency to be metaphorical, especially when it comes to writing characters. This is at least second work in the row, where her heroines are not as much of actual people, as they represent abstract concepts. She even spoonfed the meanings of their names in the afterword, though I found it unnecessary since to me it was clear from the get-go: the title is Philos+Sophia, where Philos is Ai (love) and Sophia is Tomo (wisdom/reason).

Also, just because an author tries to tackle certain concepts doesn't excuse writing a bad story (not just Amano, but this goes for other authors as well). If the execution is not very well done I could care less about what concepts the author is going for.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Wait? So there will be more from this story? Great news indeed. Looking forward to reading whenever it comes around.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 07 Jun 08:52
joined Nov 30, 2011


Quite interesting comparison between the chapter and tankoubun releases:

Ya know, sometimes it looks like an improvement and other times it doesn't. A few even seems to change the appearance and mood of the character which kinda takes away from the scene if you ask me.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


However, whining crybaby /u/sers such as Siggax, decided that they would take justice into their own hands and steal Kyra's typesets by taking them through the overlay method, and then uploading them to imgur (before the 3 day limit). Because they were obviously entitled to speedy translations and typesets that were delivered on time. Waiting three days? Preposterous. And they just HAD to have Kyra's typesets, because d.d.d.'s weren't "high-quality" enough. Rude AND disrespectful? Wow, who would've thought.

SIGH Some people's children....

To put it mildly lol. It's amazing how self-entitled people get over free things. Sheesh.


While I am going to be busy with school stuff next week, I honestly just want to see people like Siggax shit their pants when they have to wait longer than a day for translations/typesets.

Good luck with it all! And haha I don't blame ya! I don't mind seeing them squirm some as well. Also, where does your new avatar come from?


Fan art by maestronot / Jaismot:

“Cling onto me.”

So, I think I will start to post here my fan-arts of Fluttering Feelings (a korean webcomic) by Ssamba.


Haha this is pretty much awesome... because that is a look you do not want to see again lol.

last edited at Jun 7, 2015 8:41AM

Random Reader
Image Comments 07 Jun 08:30
joined Nov 30, 2011

She's already made a similar face in one of their actual kissing scenes.

Random Reader
Public reading lists 07 Jun 08:27
joined Nov 30, 2011

Mine. 2 are reading, 1 is artwork, and the other is for my favorite authors.

last edited at Jun 7, 2015 8:28AM

Random Reader
Cocytus discussion 07 Jun 08:22
joined Nov 30, 2011

Eh? Two chapters? Really? Seems like it could get 10 at a minimum. Well, as long as the ending isn't total crap (someone said it's open ended but if it's not terribly written it shouldn't be an issue).

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Another series by Nishi Uko huh, this is exciting and unexpected. Can easily tell it'll be somewhat dramatic and possibly sad at the end but I generally love her work so I'm very much looking forward to the rest of this.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

1) No-rae is not affected/injured because she wasn't in the bus anymore
2) No-rae was in the bus at time of accident but is totally fine/mild scratch
3) No-rae seriously injured in the accident (coma/broken bone,,etc) and they took her to hospital

If it's anything but 1) I'm gonna ragequit the manhwa for poor writing. Yes, Ssamba, I've warned you! lol
on a sidenote, I'd be totally in for a short zombie special whenever there's a need for a break.

Here's an update:
No-rae dies. Seol-a and Ji-hwan are crying rivers at the funeral, start hugging each other, and end up going out. But No-rae resurrects as a zombie and eats Ji-hwan's brains. In that very moment, Seol-a shoots a shotgun and kills No-rae the zombie, however the second bullet blows inside the rifle and kills Seol-a. Turns out, the powder in the bullets was poisoned and infected with a virus. So Seol-a actually resurrects as a zombie too. Happy zombie yuri end.

Plot twist - Seol-a and No-rae are actually not zombies. The virus they caught was meticulously prepared by No-rae's older brother in glasses so that the girls would be able to connect to Flutterion Unit-01 (No-rae) and Unit-02 (Seol-a) respectively. Using these semi-machines, the girls fight Ji-hwan who turned out to be the so-called Fallen Angel and planned to destroy yuri on planet earth.

Maaaan the shit we talk about to pass the time lol!

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 02 Jun 06:46
joined Nov 30, 2011

in the last strips, it looks like the art of tanjiu had change..

It's more like a pretty steep ramp-up on silly-exaggerated facial expressions.

Oh, okay so I wasn't the only one who noticed. Kinda jarring.

Random Reader
Kase-san discussion 01 Jun 09:25
joined Nov 30, 2011

Seems like a spot on assessment Nya-chan. I didn't catch the hint about her previous relationships but agreed about them not getting very far.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

^ Fools. That's just Dick mastering the Kage Bunshin Technique. Hah

Let Crane on /u/ guide you through your journey towards thy said Ninja Academy

Character Profile
Relationship Chart

One of them has brown hair. Other than that, indistinguishable.

So, to conclude, these characters are like the male version of Sweet Blue Flowers no?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


I think there is a typo error in the news boradcast. The translation says 200 passengers injured, but I think it is 20 and the korean text implement it (but there is a circle of a letter beside it make is like 200 so may be that is why a mistake happened. That and it is almost impossible to have 200 passengers on a bus.

Lol I thought that number was ridiculous as well (seriously thought, "what is this, India?!").

joined Nov 30, 2011

Damn, I really like this series.

Also, is that credit artwork from another manga? (The one with the guy riding on the back of the girl's bike?)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

10 internet cookies says No-rae is safe but Seol-a freaks and we get a gushing of feelings... or something.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

The credit pages with Ji-hwan are hilarious.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 31 May 09:29
joined Nov 30, 2011

Awesome posts Kadamon!

As for Citrus... I think the mother and father might not be so adverse to their relationship to be honest. Obviously many others would be questioning it (except maybe Harumin?).

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


On a side note, didn't realise Seol-a's such a narcissist.

She kinda always has been but she doesn't flaunt it. However, it totally gives her confidence when she's going after someone she likes if we look at how she interacts with No-rae. (She even talked about how good her legs are when she caught No-rae staring at them.)

Lara 77

So what are we expecting today? more details of the wedding invitation and perhaps inviting no-rae to go together? This may be the opening door toward Seol-A high school life and whatever happen.

I got the impression that she wasn't going to bother with the invitation. At best, it would have to be someone else pulling her into it as it appears Seol-a has no interest in going and humoring the two people.

We still have no clue whatsoever about the dream Seol-A had with a flash of a car accident or something !

I dunno, I feel like I'm the only one 'round here suspecting that there wasn't an accident. I had interpreted the scene as her being distracted and someone pulling her outta the way. But then again, I might have breezed through that scene, can someone direct me to the chapter it's in?

Also, I agree about Seol-a's mom. I think, when she finally sees the two together her suspicions will definitely grow more strongly because she already suspects her daughter has a crush. I think, when she sees No-rae and Seol-a it will be a kind of confirmation of sorts.

last edited at May 31, 2015 9:20AM

Random Reader
Renai Manga discussion 31 May 09:00
joined Nov 30, 2011

Lmao, the author lost a humility contest with the editor! XD That had to be interesting!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Oh wowo.. woah, that you have the urge to save my drawing, I can't be more happy. Thanks. o.o

I have thousands of art pieces saved. The style of the No-rae piece you did is one of my favorite styles over the past few years. Really like the piece. It certainly would fit in the art galleries in San Francisco for sure, and possibly in a few public places as well.


Thank you, Pekoe. o.o (Can I call you this way ?)
I... I have a devantart, unfortunately it's been ages since I upload anything so all these drawings feel a bit outdated.
Anyway, if you don't mind it, this is the thing:

Sweet! Great skill you have. I also have a DA profile as well. I haven't uploaded anything for years due to school but I have a massive favorites page lol.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 28 May 10:05
joined Nov 30, 2011

Well, I already read chapter 16 and now I'm gonna feel really, really smug, cross my arms, smirk and say this: I told you! I told you guys right when she first appeared that Sara is gonna end up having exactly THAT role! Ha! And that's one in the face of everyone, who told me I was wrong back then! :D That is all.

Where is this post you speak of so that I may read this, "told you so"??