ANNOUNCEMENT: Taiyaki just announced that, since Yuri Hub are now officially releasing the old 1 x 1/2 in English, they're looking to get the scanlated version removed.
特に旧版の1×1/2-My half of you-については現在いくつかのサイトにて全話が無料でアップロードされているのを確認しております。今まで正式な英語版が出ていなかったので黙認しておりましたが、公式での販売が始まりましたので改めて削除をお願いできればと思います。
In regards to 1x1/2 - My Half of You in particular, I've noticed that all the chapters have been uploaded for free on various websites. I've tolerated it until now since there was no official English version, but now that it's officially on sale, I once again ask that it be removed.
Yuru Oyako is probably okay to stay unless I hear otherwise since I made arrangements with Yuri Hub when that moved to official status, but yeah, as a Yuri Hub affiliated translator, I have to do my part and ask that 1x1/2 be taken down from here and Mangadex on Taiyaki's behalf. (Not much I can do about all the mirror sites).
last edited at Jan 6, 2022 8:18AM