Its called "LoveLive! LP Notification" by StyleRoot. (I believe its in the Apple store too. Idr, I'm a Samsung user.)
@Rye there's no helping it, I loves me some Nico Ni but I'm always running out of room for cards, everyone on this list incluidng all the R smile cards, is now just a folder to me. We must feed the little birds. (• 8 •)
@Akiko lol same, nice not having to be up every 5 hours (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
@Polycell I've never spend anything but lots and lots of time and heartache on SIF. Not a penny. I get all my LG from events, login bonuses, clearning songs, and clearing stories (the biggest one.)
last edited at Jan 13, 2015 6:57AM