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joined Sep 27, 2017

Now the ideal way to handle this is "Hey why don't we tell your friends that we're going out? Then there won't be any problem because they'll be your friends and I'll be your 'boyfriend', right? Win-win??"


Followed by the two friends telling them that they're also going out, roll credits.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Hmm. I don't fully agree with you. The reason it's weird and tonal whiplash is that it's not the MC. We haven't seen much of Maron/Satou's inner workings, and I don't necessarily think it's important to set up a lot of detail in a side character (even if it's the love interest). It may not make you feel satisfied, but this story really hasn't been an in-depth exploration of anything other than the MC's scumminess, and I think it's unfair to expect it of the story just because there's serious subject matter here.

For me it's an important subject so that's why I feel the way I do, regardless of it's fair to this particular story or not. It's just how I feel, and it's okay if you don't agree with me.

joined Sep 27, 2017


joined Sep 27, 2017

Relating through having to deal with their murder happy girlfriends, also the muzzle is hilarious. Part of the dynamic that's fun here is that Chisato is dog like and Takina is cat like, where as Suletta is dog like and Miorine is cat like. Switching the roles between both couples.

joined Sep 27, 2017


joined Sep 27, 2017

Looks like a fun city date :D

joined Sep 27, 2017

Come on Gudako give Castoria kisses, she deserves them!

joined Sep 27, 2017

Love these two!

joined Sep 27, 2017

I mean, it's not the first time we've had this degree of tonal whiplash, which also wasn't handled spectacularly well, but I'm willing to look past those shortcomings for the wacky factor.

I honestly forgot the extent of how weird that was.

joined Sep 27, 2017

She really does need to buy more time. Good plan.
The girl needs therapy, not someone else to "need" her so she can keep on living.

Good. Thank you for this comment. Instead simply tearing down the self-harm aspect. Seriously, even if it was introduced suddenly, such things are never obvious from the get-go. Real suicidal tendencies are normally hidden by the individual. Even more so in ones like Satou's case, again, concealing such thoughts from others and bringing it up casually. Very, very common.

I don't know if you're referencing what I said with your comment of "simply tearing down the self-harm aspect". I'd like to state that's not what I'm doing, I think the self harm aspect is so far not well handled, and there's some tonal whiplash in this series that in my opinion doesn't help that. I am VERY aware that suicidal tendencies tend to be hidden, and it can come up in real life unexpectedly. It's due to my own life experiences that I personally don't care for how this series has handled the subject so far. I think the subject is very important and I have no intention of tearing it down, I think because it's an important and difficult subject that it needs to be handled well.

Edit: To clarify further I think the way this came up to me at least feels like it was added mainly for drama, while not handling the subject in way that feels tactful, and the way it's been responded to isn't well handled so far. The tone of the series feels often like it doesn't handle a lot of it's subjects very seriously, which so far has been "okay" for the most part, but with the introduction of suicidal tendencies I feel like it doesn't fit the tone or the story. It could be handled in a meaningful way as we progress further, but so far I'm thrown off and not a fan of it's inclusion for this series personally. Again all my opinion and I have strong feelings here because I think the subject is important. I also second the notion that getting therapy would be important for her, however I unfortunately can't see the series including that and that's part of my issue currently.

last edited at Jan 16, 2023 4:19AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

That moment when you can detect your girlfriend by smell. I guess that's a special power...or she just stinks lmao

joined Sep 27, 2017

I feel like so far the topic of suicide in this story is weirdly and badly handled, and the whiplash element definitely doesn't help.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Do you.guys really want nothing but the empty fluff we have gotten in recent chapters?
This is where the meat of the story is

I don't view character bonding as they grow closer to each other in a relationship focused story as "pointless fluff". For me that IS the meat of a story like this, the drama is just an obstacle to be worked out so we can go back to the fun character bonding chapters.

Fuwamomi discussion 15 Jan 17:59
joined Sep 27, 2017

Social difficulties? Nothing a good ol' nipple tweak can't fix!

joined Sep 27, 2017

I think a lot of Western TV and movies have comedy that revolves around misunderstandings.

The genre of the romantic comedy would instantly cease to exist if it removed all the misunderstandings.

Haha fair yeah. I think you can do romantic-comedies without too many misunderstandings, but you probably need some.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I was thinking the moment I saw the mud-balls that it would be the answer or at least tied to the answer.

joined Sep 27, 2017

They're cute and bold haha

Plus they both have an (understandable) appreciation of cheeks it seems.

joined Sep 27, 2017

That's the look of someone that's in love <3

joined Sep 27, 2017

Someone is eager. I love these two and this art, I'm also looking forward to seeing more fan works of them in the future!

joined Sep 27, 2017


joined Sep 27, 2017

Relationship goals

joined Sep 27, 2017

I would love a series revolving around these two!

joined Sep 27, 2017

This might be the first time I've seen accidental eavesdropping directly advance a relationship rather than be a source for a misunderstanding drama that eventually advances the relationship.

I like it, more manga should do this.

Also media in general honestly, I think a lot of Western TV and movies have comedy that revolves around misunderstandings. I often prefer it when things are clear like this hahaa

joined Sep 27, 2017

Double date let's go!

joined Sep 27, 2017

I looked for people taking off socks on youtube and now my Recommends algorithm is lewd as hell, thanks.

i'm lying about looking it up but this is damn near fetish territory

Lol. I don't think so, I'm sure you'd just get a recommendations of other stupid "life hacks" haha.

Life hack, always carry super glue on your person and just glue your socks to the floor, your feet will totally just slip right out! ~ ~ ~ (Don't actually do this, I'm sure the glue would seep in and glue your feet into the socks >_>)

last edited at Jan 12, 2023 7:46AM