My personal theory is that even if all the chapter up to now was from Uta trying to growing up and moving on from Kaoru which she did, i still think with this page that there is still a part of Uta in love with Kaoru. But now it's purely up to Kaoru to re-ignite this love, i think now it's Kaoru growing character arc and her trying to growing up and moving on from her delusional little world she closed herself in. Leading to,i wish, her divorcing from Reiichi and her meeting Uta (and not the opposite) to propery convey her feelings.
I kinda think that Kaoru not receiving any growth in the 25 chapters up to now is a bit of bad writing as Tmnr could have made Kaoru growing even a little bit but i'm not really judge to that.I think the manga could have 2 or 3 more volume after this one to make Kaoru's arc properly.
last edited at Nov 16, 2019 9:06AM