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joined Jul 26, 2016


Also Mana must have helluva age gap with her older sibling.

Age 15 discussion 13 Sep 19:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

^a case study in Why You Should Use Line Breaks and Formatting. I know my eyes started both crossing and glazing over after maybe three lines of that wall.

Don't think I missed much though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Pfffftbahaha, Sawano did something so pervy she managed to frighten someone as rotten as Onibi claps she was pretty keen to put it on tho..... perv courage intensifies

Never forget, otaku are bad with 3D which is PIG DISGUSTING

joined Jul 26, 2016

I love the detail that Chidori is standing on a box but still has to reach on her toes to kiss Nanoha.

Only that's no moonbox, it's the curb around the base of the tree...

On an entirely different note I'm probably not the only one who finds this institutionalised literal moral policing sort of creepy. >_>

Their Story discussion 13 Sep 09:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

this ch is more satisfying than a whole volume of citrus

that's not putting the bar very high is it

1 x ½ discussion 13 Sep 08:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

Don't you start going all David Icke on us now Blas D:

Still Sick discussion 13 Sep 07:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't even remember Maekawa's first name, if it's even been in the manga yet.

Akane. Her mother also uses it during that telephone convo.

Still Sick discussion 12 Sep 16:07
joined Jul 26, 2016

I admire the use of Whomst.

Imagine if one day a scanlation team uses the word whomst'd've

Word jails may have to get involved.

joined Jul 26, 2016

This thread (or rather certain people in it, you know who you are) demonstrates yet again the universal truth that prudish Moral Guardians are found in every community, great blindness to irony and bizarre mental gymnastics often being involved.

joined Jul 26, 2016

these two tho lmao
"Are we gonna have a problem...?"

Still Sick discussion 10 Sep 21:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

sexual desire: UNLOCKED! made me lol.

The... visual representation of Shimizu's Life of the Mind got me good, that's for sure.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well it's more that humans an sich are somewhat wasting the potential of a multispecies setting, and the bulk of the nonhuman options in general being practically the same only with pointy ears (cough FRPG elves cough) or Rubber Foreheads (most sci-fi aliens, including the Asari and Angara in this context) at most doesn't really help. The ME series gets brownie points in that regard simply for having romance options that aren't just conventionally attractive humans with some props glued on in form of the Turian companions (Garrus in the original trilogy when he isn't busy calibrating, Vetra in Andromeda).

Also Sid gleefully shipping her Cool Big Sis and Ryder was indeed 10/10. :D

Anyways as far as the more recent BioWare stuff goes for the purposes of this thread there's always DA Inquisition. Certainly has its own problems but at least it didn't get Executive Meddled into a fiasco that effectively killed its parent franchise...

last edited at Sep 10, 2019 5:57PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Stay away from ME Andromeda tho

A very overhated game. These days (after all the darn patches) it is quite playable and doesn't terrify you with the bad facial animations anymore. I honestly don't think it's any worse than the others, barring the fact that it has a few unresolved plot points that will now never get resolved.

The romance I chose was also pretty cute. Female Turians are weirdly interesting.

Hence the strikethrough, I played through it a while ago and didn't particularly hate it or anything. It was just... pretty much the epitome of So Okay It's Average. Eg. main plot was fine enough space-opera but an awful lot of the side stuff was ball-punchingly stupid (such as the Exiles already on a conceptual level, which is a problem given how prominent they're in the story), gameplay was pretty good and had some novel ideas but tripped on bizarre issues in places (such as the blatantly console-control mandated cap on active abilities selected scuppering any numberof interesting build potentials), the crafting system felt frankly superfluous and most of the gear was basically not worth the effort anyway, and so on and so on.

(I went for Vetra too btw, already because the alternatives were either boring old humans or choice of max two flavors of cliché Purple Skinned Space Babe/Hunk. Plus she's pretty cool.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Stay away from ME Andromeda tho

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sakiiiiii your girl is getting taken!


SHY discussion 09 Sep 03:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

but I wonder if shy is going to be pressured into being as open with her identity as mr wonder there.

Not sure why she would be. Stardust is implied to be quite unusual among the heroes in having "gone public" and it's not like our girl here has an extremely conspicuous day job that'd make staying incognito tricky in the first place.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Wow he literally fucked Himself back to life

"And they mocked CHA as a dump stat, the fools!"

Ayakashiko discussion 09 Sep 00:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

You silly, you can't yuri a cat!

Several mangos on this site alone hiss and spit atrespectfully disagree with you.

SHY discussion 08 Sep 20:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

Gotta say is that a motherfucking Bowie reference was my first thought too at the sight of glass-less Stardust :d
...the nom de guerre isn't really helping ofc.

joined Jul 26, 2016

how does the synopsis say yamada is plain she's gorgeous ^///^


I find it goes easier on suspension of disbelief to read that formulaic "plain" as "doesn't specifically pay attention to their appearance" tbh.

joined Jul 26, 2016

You were so focused on if Yuu could, you never stopped to as if Yuu should.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mostly because it's funnier that way.

joined Jul 26, 2016

TBF Bou-chan seems to have legitimate complexes about her braces and Kaoru's fascinated prodding about them may well have genuinely upset her. The latter's good at "reading" people for the most part (something of a necessary skill for a successful Casanova I understand) but seems to have a number of blind spots largely deriving from her idiosyncratic take on relationships and really doesn't get the whole "comfort zone" part.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Asuka is finally making her move.

Going by the last page, you sure she isn't starting to enter YANDERE ZONE...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I wouldn't say Kaoru is similar or dissimilar to other people, it's more.....
It's more like Kaoru lacks substance
Mask-sempai, we understand, we know what makes her tick, but Kaoru, as a character, isn't she, like, an empty shell? There's almost nothing to her except her vamp ways and a tendency to break down (and become obsessive) when she's rejected

Not really true. Over the chapters we've caught quite a few glimpses of her actual character under that somewhat affected aloof seductress persona she likes to keep up in public - not coincidentially mostly when she allows it to slip, which mainly happens around family but also classmates/presumably-close-ish-friends like Nononon. Short list without links 'cause I can't be arsed to hunt down all the references:
- likes cats, terribad puns and her little sister
- probably also children if the way she acted with Midoriri and the Mahimahi is to go by
- sense of humor seems to veer towards both childishly trollish (just ask Honoka) and surprisingly self-depreciatingly sardonic (see: infirmary scene after short-circuiting in face of Bou-chan)
- in her own weird way often tries to cheer up people feeling down, both implied friends (Nononon) and complete strangers (Hibiki, who incidentally seems to have turned pretty badass as a lasting side effect)
- seems to be fascinated by (other) unusual people eg. the Manga Club nerds