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joined May 26, 2011

Yes my fave sunshine pairing, bless their cute innocent selves...

joined May 26, 2011

This went from bad to worse how is that possible... breaks my little heart

joined May 26, 2011

I should hang around more ice cream stands to try and meet girls apparently.

Beloved L discussion 03 Nov 03:03
joined May 26, 2011

Whoa. If not for all the mystery surrounding various things the ending of this chapter almost felt like an ending it kind of startled me.

So we got a time skip of some sort, I assume Wei and Ding are a couple now.. that's nice. I can't wait to see what else pops up this series has me so intrigued.

A little sad Wei cut her hair... it was so mature and cute before .........but she went with the 'cool beauty' look so I suppose it's still pretty good.

joined May 26, 2011

ChikaRiko is a blessing.. goodness Riko is such a doll..

joined May 26, 2011

Simple cute opposites, I wouldn't mind more from this author.

joined May 26, 2011

An actual series from one of my favorite authors?? Yes sign me up! I'm ready to have my heart broken to pieces in this love triangle series!

Alien Girl discussion 02 Nov 15:09
joined May 26, 2011

How is this yuri? Because "boobs" and cute? It doesn't seem to have nipples. So it's not a mammal. Maybe some kind of reptile,

Well I can't say much for the rest but the artist tags this girl as 'alien girl' 'monster girl' and does have a post tagged as 'yuri' as well. And also goes on to call the main scientist despicable person but good at her job so take that as you will!

Alien Girl discussion 02 Nov 13:08
joined May 26, 2011

she looks like the khezu from monster hunter

More like gigginox I think. Giggi's way cuter than khezu that's for sure.

Alien Girl discussion 01 Nov 05:17
joined May 26, 2011

Yeah, I'm good with this. It was cute as heck. Kinda reminded me of that weird short yuri music video thing Kanamewo.

I would be down with an actual series about these two.. alien/monster girl and scientist lady and bonus cute stubborn scientist assistant.. more please!

edit: haha well after posting this I went to the artist's tumblr and they're actually working on a comic.. I'll just bookmark that for later then.

I check out that "Kanamewo" but it only showing Kanamemo or something like that. its a good video if i'm watching the same video you mention.

Ah yeah it usually gets corrected as Kanamemo and I get how that's confusing because it's also got yuri tones to it, but I'm referring to this video titled カナメヲ. It's.. strange, to say the least, the music is especially something else, and it's something I wish could be expanded outside of this short video but it's worth a watch.

Alien Girl discussion 31 Oct 23:56
joined May 26, 2011

Yeah, I'm good with this. It was cute as heck. Kinda reminded me of that weird short yuri music video thing Kanamewo.

I would be down with an actual series about these two.. alien/monster girl and scientist lady and bonus cute stubborn scientist assistant.. more please!

edit: haha well after posting this I went to the artist's tumblr and they're actually working on a comic.. I'll just bookmark that for later then.

last edited at Oct 31, 2016 11:58PM

joined May 26, 2011

An aside, but Tasuku has been doing nothing but pushing and pushing Misora into identifying as a girl, whether they want to or not. He has been constantly praising them whenever they present fem, saying that they look cute over and over. Which, isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the kid is going through a really confusing part of their life right now and should have some room to figure things out on their own. Gentle encouragement is nice, but I feel like Tasuku has been going over the line and coming off like he's already decided what gender Misora should be. And that might have also played into why Misora was so angry at what Tasuku said.

I don't entirely agree with this, I'll admit when Tasuku first found out about Misora dressing as a girl that yes, he definitely thought Misora did want to be a girl and thought it would be in his best interest to try and help Misora figure out what he wanted. But in a later chapter, Misora refers to himself as a guy and Tasuku smiles/is happy with Misora's own decision that he decided for himself. Misora LIKES being complemented that he looked good in women's clothes, as shown when complimented by Anonymous as well, and I believe Tasuku is just being honest. He's not pressuring Misora to identifying as a girl, he's just trying to be friends with him and help Misora sort out some of his insecurity issues like Tasuku himself has been helped.

joined May 26, 2011

ah, I like this a lot. A lot of deep stuff going on here, I got a little teary eyed too it hurt a bit to read some of this because it can be so painfully close to the truth.

Misora's little freak out.. or panic attack was very sudden and really caught me off guard. I want more though.. I like learning about all these characters.

joined May 26, 2011

I've never been so interested in cars (with gay girls) before.

Ai☆biki discussion 25 Oct 21:17
joined May 26, 2011

There just aren't enough 'what the fucks' for something like this

joined May 26, 2011

Wait.....did they do it? :/

I mean they are pretty dense so no guarantee if they done that.

Based on Yoshiko's embarrassment.. I'm going to say they at least fooled around a little, enough to make her worried around Hanamaru's parents. So cute though.. I love this artist's work so much it's precious.

joined May 26, 2011

^^crap i didn't even read the tv text because I didn't think it was important, I went back and read it.. it mentions Arume.. like from blue drop.. I ..... what is real anymore

Citrus discussion 24 Oct 01:04
joined May 26, 2011

I'm also not counting valkyrie drive mermaid. i didn't watch it because it looked like a male-gaze fanservice nightmare

I honestly find pretty contradictory the way you claim to want more yuri that goes beyond the regular norms of the genre when you're so quick to dismiss something that did exactly that simply because it didn't fit your preconceptions about what an innovative yuri had to be.

VDM is not perfect by any means but is pretty earnest on what it is and what it wants to do and does't shy away from the yuri elements, making it a pretty memorable experience whether your liked it or not.

Late reply, and yes it is contradictory of me I will admit that, but it's also just my personal opinion. Nudity can be done tastefully in anime, I enjoyed Yuri Kuma Arashi and there were quite a few times where the characters were naked. it wasn't perfect, but also didn't make me roll my eyes because boobs were jiggling unrealistically just to keep me watching. I didn't watch VDM myself, but did have friends who fought their way through the first episode and said I wouldn't enjoy it, so I took their word for it (and considering one of the new "hooks" in the trailer for the latest valkyrie drive game is that it is "lewder" tells me that is their target and not making an actual interesting story). I think an innovative series should be a interesting concept/story that doesn't need pointless fanservice to inflate its views. Series don't become the greatest or top 10 best for having the most panty shots... unless it's a list specifically pertaining to that. which might exist actually. huh.

i lost my train of thought there wondering if such a list actually exists. what was i saying?

I still enjoy citrus, can't wait for the next volume to be released sometime next year.

joined May 26, 2011

Interesting, I liked the concept behind this quite a bit. Honestly, the aliens ended up looking kind of cute too. Like sea slugs! I would have liked to see more of the symbiotic relationship with the aliens and girls, like if the alien has thoughts at all and if they share them or something.

pseudo futa alien though, I can't say I saw that coming.

joined May 26, 2011

The reason I didn't ship Chika/You from the beginning is when it first started I felt like You had no personality in the first few eps. I didn't even realize she was going to end up as one of the main 9 initially, though she's one of my favorites now. I also don't mind the little pushes they've made towards hinting at a relationship between Chika/Riko, because you don't see something like that done often in a non-fanservicey way very often. I thought it was done well though, Chika was drawn to Riko almost immediately and Riko kind of got sucked into her world and ended up falling for her*. It's a cute relationship progression, something that the original Love Live only teased fans with here and there with Eli/Nozomi and Maki/Nico. (though really let's be honest the best ship is maki x everyone so .....(i might be biased))

*but because this anime is slice of life/idol if the topic ever comes up again they will backpedal and say she meant 'i love you...... as a friend' because god forbid we have a main character lesbian couple in a non-yuri anime, that's about as taboo as it gets.

joined May 26, 2011

What an adorable chapter. Definitely casually shipping Neko with the shrine girl now because no one can stop me....

joined May 26, 2011

I read this two times (once on yuri-ism and once here) and never felt like it was very morishima-esque, but now as I skim through it again I start noticing it. THANKS guys, now all I can think about is squishy morishima cheeks you wish you could pinch.

joined May 26, 2011

I finally get the Riko/Chika I've been hoping for and of course there's a love triangle attached to it... did find it to be interesting though, kind of curious if the author will do more.

Seriously though why is there so little Riko/Chika?? I mean I love all the ships but Riko/Chika are the most canon pairing in this series it's cray... not that I mind the other pairings of course I love them all they're good.

Yuri Danshi discussion 16 Oct 13:01
joined May 26, 2011

You know, I never had any issues with kashimashi. In fact, I've always loved it.. watched the anime when it came out and bought the Manga (liked the Manga way more tho).. I never understood the hate it got for being called not a "real" yuri series just because one character used to be male when she accepted being female and ended up happy as she was.... at least it's not a male character cross dressing and still trying to call it yuri?

This chapter had some good stuff tho. I have a guy friend who loves yuri and I feel like it'd speak deeply to him

joined May 26, 2011

Interesting, but sad.