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joined Mar 8, 2019

Like I said, I’m not attacking Seju. I understand her character motivations and am capable of putting myself in her shoes. The thing is, I’m also able to do the same for Sumin.

Both Sumin and Seju are flawed characters who had messed up things happen to them that they both don’t deserve.

They both developed into these selfish people because the world did what it does best and showered them with misery. Granted most of it was self imposed but nonetheless, life granted them sh*t cards.

That argument that at least Sumin had people who loved her for most of her life while Seju had no one but Sumin is a little flawed. Some can argue that it’s harder having to grow up in a world full of love then have it taken away from them at an instant.

Who are we really to say who deserves to be hurt more? And how can we judge the right way to move on or how much time is the proper amount to grieve and wallow?

Everyone reacts differently.

Even if we experience the same pain, there’s no guarantee we will have the same mentality that these characters possess after what they went through.

That’s just my take on Sumin and Seju though.

I wish Sungji had been able to experience a painless first love but sometimes pain is necessary. We learn more from our hurtful experiences than our happy ones.

last edited at Apr 7, 2019 1:33PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Unless Ayano goes with her, she ain’t leaving.

joined Mar 8, 2019

@Blair I know you defended Sumin. Also know the post wasn’t directed to me. I was just glad that I’m not the only one who doesn’t think Sumin is the ultimate villain in the story.

Like I said, I don’t know why people turn a blind eye to Sumin’s suffering. What more had to happen to Sumin to justify her reactions?

Apparently getting betrayed by your partner of several years after your parents death and getting mutilated for trying to move on isn’t a good enough reason for her to be bitter and want to hurt Seju but Seju’s brothers being dicks to her and society looking down on her makes Seju the ultimate sacrificial lamb and gives her the okay to try and break up Sumin and Sungji instead of just actively trying to talk to Sumin after she felt that Sumin was falling for Sungji.

last edited at Apr 7, 2019 3:35AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Seju and Sumin are kind of like oil and water. They just can’t mix. They were once in love yes, but their actions and words keep hurting one another because of miscommunication. Like they choose ways that give each other more pain than trying to simply resolve it by apologizing and moving on.

It was getting lonely on the 'Both Sumin and Seju messed each other up' boat. It's like people just have blinders about everything Sumin suffered through because they sympathize and love Seju so much.

I know Seju suffered massively at the hands of her family because her father was a coward who couldn't defend her or her mother, thus driving her mother to kill herself/ignore that she was murdered but the psycho brother recognizes that her father doted on her the most because of this. I'm sure that means he showered her material wealth so that she would have a reason to live. Seju also showers Sumin with material wealth out of a mixture of love and guilt. But it's not like Sumin just lived off of them. Yes she worked for them but I don't remember hearing that she's bad at her job so I'd say she tried to earn whatever she got even though she didn't need to in my opinion because it's basically bribery/hush money.

Also, Sumin's previous attempt at moving on the right way were thwarted when Seju's brother cursed her. But I feel like this doesn't create enough of sympathy for Sumin even though Seju's brother admits he also did it so Sumin would take revenge on Seju. Essentially, Sumin was used by Seju's family. Chairman wanted her to be indebted to them so she'd stick around Seju while the brother hurt Sumin so she wouldn't escape Seju.

Sumin starts to redeem herself when she herself recognizes that she feels guilty for hurting Seju so she starts sleeping with her to comfort her each time Seju visits the family house.

Why does no one feel for Sumin, who was used to a world of love and affection, but then had to forcibly adapt herself to her new harsh reality filled with pain and loneliness? Sumin was used to having people who loved her and then she was left all alone.

I know @matsuri said that people snap during times of crisis because of 'tough love' but Seju herself admitted that her actions had been motivated by fear. Ultimately it was selfishness that made her push Sumin's buttons and even then, Sumin had the forethought to try and make things better. They'd been together for years so I can understand why Sumin was so hurt by what happened. I mean, this was the first time she ever truly needed Seju and Seju hurt her.

And as I said, I can also understand why Seju reacted this way. I'm just saying that no one seems to get why Sumin is so damaged and incapable of forgiveness.

Yes, Sumin hurt Seju but Seju also hurt Sumin in those 10 years, especially after Sungji came in the picture. Seju also hurts Sungji. Pure and kind Sungji who only wanted to love Sumin. But I feel like that part of the story gets lost in translation or something because people just sympathize and love Seju so much. Which they're entitled to but I just feel like Sumin's getting thrown under the bus too much.

last edited at Apr 7, 2019 3:38AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Yeah but i may see Seju treating Sumin like shit too early on but you might not. But hey, the best stories leave a lot to the readers interpretations which is why we don't all see things the same.

The characters are well written that everyone can sympathize with someone. I didn’t realize that Seju was a crowd fave but I can understand why people are drawn to her. She suffered so much after all and was left with no happy ending (before the continuation).

I think if I had to pick, Sungji would be mine. I know she’s relatively boring but she brings such hope to this otherwise bleak and destructive tale.

Mind you i am commenting on something i feel like i read 2 years ago so it's not fresh in my memory. I just remember disliking Seju for most of the story until she redeemed herself near the end.

I’m glad she realized that Sumin and her are a lost cause. It’s a step for character growth.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Of course Seju is being tortured. Look at the difference in how she treats Sumin vs how Sumin treats her. The reason why she accepts such treatment though is that she is already used to being disliked/hated. In a way, she might even "provoke" it because people usually feel compelled to recreate their childhood situations with adult lovers, it's the whole self-sabotage concept.

Seju and Sumin both self sabotage and are both victims of unfortunate circumstances. Seju because of her upbringing, Sumin because of her parents death, Seju’s betrayal, and Seju’s brother mutilating and torturing her. So I sympathize with both of them even if they’re both immature with how they handle things.

Neither one make a move to change the dynamics of their relationship. Sumin holds onto her rage and like Seju says, Sumin puts herself in situations where it’s certain that she’ll get hurt, just like Seju does. The thing is Sumin allows herself be hurt by others while Seju is only letting Sumin hurt her. Occasionally, Seju also finds ways to hurt Sumin because their relationship becomes so twisted that I think Seju believes Sumin will only go back to her if she’s hurt.

Skip this if you’re not at the end yet. Even Sungji calls Sumin out on the fact that she was closed off because she was always ready to walk out on their relationship. Sumin clearly knew that she felt differently about Sungji at this point, hence why she womaned up and completely wanted to break things off with Seju, yet she still agreed to sleep with Seju so Sumin clearly knows all about self sabotage.

Anyway...the writing in this story is very good, though I feel at the point I am reading the authors already realized they made Seju so interesting that they basically now have to make her unrealistically forceful and manipulative lol So as to try to give the SuminxSungji pair some cred. It's painful to watch Seju humiliating herself for love, while Sumin is clearly not into her anymore. People who would still want these 2 to be together are wishful thinkers.

I don’t think her actions are forced in order to arouse sympathy for Sungji and Sumin. It fits her character archetype well enough.

Seju’s easily the most damaged character but I don’t think it’s enough to excuse her behavior. Sumin’s trauma for that matter doesn’t excuse her actions in the long run. Both of them needed to grow up in my opinion.

Skip if not finished Sumin in my opinion does it first because she wants to be with Sungji.

Like honestly, how can either of them have a healthy relationship if they aren’t able to properly communicate with their partner?

Ultimately, I believe Sungji’s the one who deserves a happily ever after so Sumin is freaking lucky that Sungji loves her enough to forgive her after everything she had to put up with.

last edited at Apr 7, 2019 12:13AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

So both in my opinion had equal fault in the split that happened, but only Seju accepts blame and is tortured by this selfish girl Sumin for this entire time. If it's true that Sumin and Sungji ended up together, good riddance because Seju deserves someone better. Maybe it's a "story of healing" for Seju not Sumin lol

I don’t know how far you are in the story but both parties participate in the cycle of hurt. Sure maybe Sumin tipped the scales in her favor but later on I think Seju kind of behaves even more poorly. I’m talking about how Sungji gets purposely dragged in the crossfire by Seju when she’s totally innocent and didn’t deserve to be hurt like that. Like Nami said, there’s a way to get truths out but Seju seems to choose ways that are most painful for Sumin to accomplish her goals.

last edited at Apr 6, 2019 9:54PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

I still find the cheating incident to be vague. Nobody is wrong to make the assessment to think Seju had willingly cheated on Sumin. The signs do seem incriminating: being lucid enough to give that bartender her home address and how the guard would have stopped her if she's too drunk out of her mind. But then, there are other signs throughout the course of the story that suggest differently about Seju: how she's not interested in men, Nami implying she's not the kind of person to sleep around with others, Sumin making wrong assumptions about her on two occasions. I prefer to be openminded and don't jump to just one conclusion.

I’m not trying to change your mind. I just want to say my piece because I’ve only been venting for like a few months on the forum and I have a lot to say.

Nami made that implication ten years after Seju’s cheating incident. She also says Seju 10 years later refuses to drink and even asks why she’s blaming alcohol so it’s possible Nami also believes Seju cheated and was not raped. Seju changed after what happened. Maybe 10 years ago, Seju would have slept with someone else when she thought that Sumin was going to leave her. Seju 10 years later has the mentality that Sumin’s entering fucked up relationships and will always come back to her so that’s why she doesn’t sleep with anyone else.

Nami also says that when Seju revealed the fiancé thing with Sumin’s ex she could have chosen a less hurtful way to do it so obviously the cycle of hurt is perpetuated by both Sumin and Seju. Furthering my point that they’re almost equally each other’s emotional punching bags.

It's easy for folks to blame everything on Seju, making her the fall girl. She shouldn't have been insensitive to snap Sumin out of her grief after her parents' deaths. She shouldn't have gotten herself drunk. She shouldn't be clingy and possessive towards Sumin. But if one takes the time to understand her character, just imagine yourself in her shoe, then you realize it's not that simple.

Like I said, I don’t blame Seju because she made mistakes. Sumin too made a crap ton of them. I reiterate that if Seju’s brother never hurt Sumin, they probably would have had a chance to heal together instead of constantly outdoing the hurt.

Timing really was just not great for Sumin and Sungji.

joined Mar 8, 2019

I feel like an important plot device gets overlooked in discussions and that is of the torture/curse-mark by Seju's brother/uncle/family-friend (Been a long time since i read this and can't remember his exact relationship)

I'm not sure if it's how the plot device was executed by the author or if readers just don't think it was that important but i always felt it had a big impact on why the story took the route that it did post-cheating.

Exactly! Maybe people just don’t see it as a big deal because Seju is their fave.

They also overlook the fact that Sumin’s parents just freaking died and Seju was pushing her instead of being there for her yet Sumin was the first one to actively try to mend their relationship while Seju got drunk instead of admitting her fault.

The whole debate about Seju being raped or not further proves that she has a strong following. I really think if she were raped, that definitely would have been addressed by Team Gaji. But like I said, she never says the Bartender raped her. And besides, Seju’s manipulative. That excerpt they show after Sungji catches them, where Seju tells Sungji Sumin can’t love her, just shows she’s not above lying to get what she wants. Also, she told Sungji to go to her office knowing that Sungji was going to catch her and Sumin in the act. Like Seju, why do you have to hurt Sungji’s innocent heart just to get what you want?.

I know it seems like I hate Seju but I don’t. I recognize she has no idea how to love because of her upbringing. I just don’t think Sumin should be vilified either when they both made mistakes that caused each other pain.

The point of the story is that all the characters are flawed.

Seju messed up first. Then Sumin retaliated. Seju just let it happen because she felt guilty for what happened to Seju. Seju was so angry but when she realized how much pain she was causing Seju, she too felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. They were trapped in this destructive cycle. They were no longer bound by love but instead, guilt and pain tied them together until Sungji came along.

Sungji herself has her own flaws, granted much less serious than Sumin and Seju.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Wow, wtf man, Sumin is such a hypocrite. So she cheats on Sungji and Sungji forgives her and she doesn't think that's weird, but she could never forgive Seju? What an asshole. Seju needs to throw this girl out of her life ASAP, no matter Seju's flaws Sumin doesn't deserve her.

Cheating is never right but the situations are different enough to understand why things happened.

Sumin just suffered a tremendous emotional blow because her parents died a month ago. The one person she had left, the one she’s been with for years and was ready to devote her entire existence to, betrayed her.

In their argument before the cheating happened Seju was the one in the wrong yet Sumin was the first one to try to mend the bridge. Sumin was prepared to be the partner Seju wanted but Seju didn’t give her time to adjust to her life being turned upside down.

And apart from the confrontation that happened after the cheating, they never had another chance to talk because of what happened with Sumin’s shoulder (the reason she has a tattoo). If that never happened, maybe Seju would have eventually tried even more to apologize (she never really made an effort out of her guilt) and Sumin would have been more receptive to Seju’s advances after some time, like in Sungji and Sumin’s case.

The main problem with Seju and Sumin is timing.

In Sumin and Sungji’s case, Sumin approaches Sungji with honesty after her cheating, fully prepared to suffer the consequences. She admits her fault, something Seju hadn’t been willing to do at the time. Seju blames the drink and then Sumin for what happened with them so naturally Sumin’s even more pissed.

I think Sumin’s already forgiven Seju for cheating, especially after she did the same thing. They’re just never gonna get back together because Sumin realizes that love and forgiveness won’t undo all the hurt they’ve caused each other.

And I’m not saying Sumin is right, just that it’s understandable why she’d been so bitter and unwilling to forgive Seju prior to when she cheated on Sungji.

lol BTW I am fully aware I am like one of those people commenting about old news from a decade ago, but hey, I still gotta comment and my gf is not into manga so...

I understand. I only discovered WDTFS last year and this forum a few months ago so I know all about wanting to vent.

last edited at Apr 6, 2019 3:45PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Yes! That's how deep their bond is. They both know how to make the other one happy, so why would they care about what's "conventional" by general norm? They don't need to explain anything to anyone.

People keep confining Kasumi and Sakurako’s relationship to the standards of the norm but nothing about them is typical.

They’re astonishingly perfect for each other.

One of the best exchanges in this chapter:

Kasumi says: "All I want to do in life is relax at home while eating delicious food."
Sakurako hugs her and immediately replies: "I'll work hard to earn a living!"

My fave was Kasumi saying that what she likes most is hearing the way Sakurako call out to her.

It’s such a simple thing that occurs in their everyday life and yet after five years of being together, Kasumi still looks forward to hearing her name from Sakurako.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Seriously, I don't think any other manga has ever managed the tour de force 'A Room For Two' has successfully executed. We are at 6 volumes and about 5 years into the life of two girls intensely in love, and every development is a positive and uplifting one. No contrived conflicts here: no angst, no spats, no love triangles, no haters, no worries about gayness being wrong or unnatural or whatever, nothing but the simple happiness of loving each other and caring about each other with all their hearts. And it's one of the most exciting reads I've ever had the pleasure to enjoy, with nary a moment that feels tedious or repetitive or lacking in authenticity. Yukiko-sensei must have been blessed at birth by the yuri fairies with the gifts of brilliant storytelling and mastery of narrative pace and virtuosity at character development; there isn't any other explanation for this level of accomplishment. That's what I honestly believe.

There's no drama between Sakurako and Kasumi yet their story is still captivating. This manga is so unproblematic and one would think it'd be boring since it's just good times but the sweetness and affection shared between the Sakurako and Kasumi is just so enthralling. Sure, the side characters are there to provide some conflict but their dilemmas are usually resolved within the chapter so there's hardly any reason to fret.

Am I the only one who thinks what Sakurako described with her labels is "wife"?

I honestly think that even 'wife' isn't enough to describe their relationship. They're essentially each other's everything yet at the same time it's not unhealthy because they both bring something to their table.

As cheesy as it sounds maybe soulmate is more appropriate to describe their relationship since it won't be restricted by legalities and the like.

I do think the label holds some significance. It'd make me happy to see "partner who's something like my girlfriend" becomes just plain "girlfriend" (along with the other stuff still intact) before the manga's end. This is not to downplay the love for each other they've demonstrated all throughout the series, but just as kissing is a symbol of romance, so is stating or at least thinking concretely that the person you love is your girlfriend, at least to me.

I know a lot of people want even more profound confirmation but neither Kasumi or Sakurako need it because the two of them are secure with what they've found with each other. Besides, their personalities are hardly conventional so naturally they won't behave like a typical couple or follow the expected steps in a relationship.

joined Mar 8, 2019

I didn't take Seju's silence when Sumin accused her of lying to meant that she was definitely guilty. It is a possibility she too was wondering why the concierge didn't stop them at the time. Maybe he stepped out for a bathroom break or decided he couldn't be arsed to do his job properly that night. That could have happened. Just saying.

There’s no way a guard would let an unconscious resident be escorted up to their room by an unauthorized visitor. He could lose his job or worse go to jail. An apartment filled with wealthy people means an apartment filled with powerful people.

If the guard was gone they have security cameras and a smart woman like Seju would know to use it to corroborate her story and help her keep her girl.

It’s more likely that Seju dropped her unable to properly consent argument because Sumin poked a hole in it.

If Seju was telling the truth she would insist. She was already letting Sumin throw stuff at her and held Sumin down on the floor so she clearly has no problem asserting herself. Because of this, the pause feels like she was thinking of a way to get out of the mess without actually accepting full responsibility because that’s her intention from the beginning.

She admitted it was a mistake, not that she made a mistake, and blamed it on the drink.

When that didn’t work her reaction was to turn the tables on Sumin and her doing that just screams that she’s looking for a scapegoat.

Personally, I just find it unlikely Seju would willingly do it with a guy, considering she's not interested in men by her own admission, coupled with the fact she's so in love with Sumin. If it did happen, I'm more inclined to believe the bartender took advantage of her when she's drunk. Something about him seems to rub me wrong the way he was bothering Seju and prying about her love life instead of leaving her be.

The rational thing for Seju to do, given that she was so in love with Sumin, was to talk to Sumin about how she was feeling. Instead she attacked Sumin for being a sad sack about her parents death (the situation felt like she was daring Sumin to just go ahead and leave her) and then went to a bar so it’s not like Seju was making smart decisions at the time.

I don’t think we were ever meant to pay that much attention to the bartender. He was a typical guy who wanted to score with a hottie.

The sexual interaction between Seju and him was not shown because she rejected his advances prior and seeing them in bed together after that contributed more to the shock factor, also we were seeing the reveal from Sumin’s perspective. The omission was not so we can wonder whether or not Seju was passed out drunk.

Seju being unable to properly consent is essentially rape. TG would have definitely addressed that if this were the case because that’s certainly an issue worth going over in full detail but the bartender isn’t even mentioned in their fight. Seju doesn’t even bother trying to blame him at all.

But she was trying to share the blame with Sumin. Seju basically admitted she cheated because she had been afraid Sumin was going to leave and that it was also Sumin’s fault because she made Seju feel insecure.

Not trying to justify Seju's action. She made a mistake trying to find her answer in the bottom of a glass. Hopefully, if she does end up being with the new girl, she'll remember not to repeat this mistake ever again.

I think Seju learned from her mistakes since she finally let Sumin go.

last edited at Mar 30, 2019 1:37PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

I just want to say that from my own personal perspective, finding the person you’re together with (or who is trying to get back together with you) naked in bed with someone else has very, very few acceptable explanations, and “I was really drunk, and besides, nothing happened” isn’t one of them.

After being on both ends of the stick even I agree there’s not a good reason to climb in bed and have naked cuddle time with someone who isn’t your partner.

Unless you were drugged or black out drunk then that means you were violated against your will and that’s an entirely different thing.

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 11:19PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Despite the spoiler, I still want to read because the artwork is just beautiful.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Baby's Breath = Kasumisou

Are we gonna ignore the fact that apparently Sakurako is literally thirsting for Kasumi?

She’s been thirsting since chapter 1 but it’s nice to be reminded.

joined Mar 8, 2019

And Sumin herself doesn't seem to be in the mood to discuss things calmly and rationally. She was running pretty high on emotion, given how she clearly felt betrayed and disgusted when she saw Seju and that bartender cuddling together. It's doubtful she's going to trust anything she says.

I feel like the fact that Sumin was able to point out the guard, which I do expect there to be a high level of security seeing as Seju lives in a rich place, means that she’s rational enough to catch Seju’s bull about being passed out. Seju being unable to say anything after Sumin calls her out makes me feel like being shit faced drunk really was a lie/excuse.

Also the fact that Seju’s reaction after being called disgusting was to hit Sumin back with the ‘despite all I did to stay by your side, you made me feel like you were leaving me anyway’ makes it seem like Seju was entirely aware of what she did and just didn’t want to take full responsibility and lay all the blame on herself. Seju was using cheaters logic to justify her actions.

I guess we just read the entire situation differently though.

Seju depended far too much on Sumin to provide her the love she needed, and that's not too healthy. The way she was, she could barely function with other people. Sumin herself should have been more assertive to help her girlfriend overcome these issues, but I suppose she wasn't mentally strong enough to face the challenge.

Agreed. Sumin at the time felt like she had a monopoly on pain and was just too raw to concern herself with someone who betrayed her and Seju was busy wallowing in self loathing.

Ultimately they had trouble with the concept of forgiveness.

That’s why I like when Sumin came after Sungji and Sungji was like “you came after me because you want me to forgive you right?”. They have the conversation that Sumin and Seju never had. But then again, the situation is different.

Sumin and Sungji had only been together for a few months while Sumin and Seju had already been together for years. No one’s parents just died so it was easier to have this convo between Sumin and Sungji.

Also, I think Sumin and Sungji want to be together which is different from Sumin and Seju who feel like they need the other because they don’t want to be alone.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Well to be fair, the whole cheating incident with the bartender guy is ambiguous at best. Nothing was explicitly shown what really went down that night. Sure, Sumin may have found Seju and that guy sleeping together in the bed, seemingly naked under the sheet but that doesn't necessarily prove they actually did it.

Pretty sure they did it though because I think the words “nothing happened” would have flown out Seju’s mouth rather than “I was drunk.”

Maybe author just didn’t want to draw the het sex or felt the reveal of the aftermath was much more shocking instead of actually showing them doing it.

Plus, them cuddling on the bed hurts almost as much as actually seeing them doing it for Sumin probably.

When was the last time Sumin and Seju held each other like that? And maybe that’s what Sumin really wanted, someone to hold her and make her feel safe and loved, so when she saw that Seju was willing to share that with a stranger she got even more pissed.

Just my opinion and I’m probably reading way too much into them.

Sumin wasn't willing to let Seju explain more, she shutted her eyes and ears from everything after the cheating, Seju on the other hand didn't really try her best to get back with Sumin either because of the thought that Sumin had already stopped loving her and moved on, so Seju was a little satisfied of just staying by Sumin's sides as an option like that, she thought things would never change no matter who Sumin's dating with, that Sumin will always get back to her even if it's not love, their relationship was getting uglier throughout those 10 years. However it was too late when Seju finally realized Sumin still loves her and decided to truly make a move, there's Sungji entering Sumin's heart & their past love was too broken after 10 years of torturing as said above.

Seju apologized and Sumin asked her why she did it.

Seju first blamed it on the drink. Sumin then asked if she was unconscious and she tried to lie but Sumin said if she hadn’t been conscious, security wouldn’t have let the guy bring her up alone.

It was then that Seju confesses she did it because she was afraid Sumin was going to leave her. That probably made Sumin even more pissed though because she feels like she’s the one who needed more support at the time and Seju was being unfair because maybe it sounded to Sumin like Seju was blaming her.

Maybe if Sumin just admitted she was a selfish idiot from the beginning instead of lying/placing blame and if the reason for Sumin’s tattoo didn’t exist, they’d have had a chance to properly reconcile.

I think Seju was probably thinking she just caused Sumin so much pain so that’s why she never really tried to make a move. For Sumin, she was using her anger at Seju to ‘move on’ with her life and perhaps she just became so used to it that she refused to recognize she could feel anything more than that for Seju.

Either way, hope Seju finds her happily ever after too.

The beauty of these characters are that they’re all flawed. Granted Sungji’s flaws aren’t that extreme, I think it’s easy to understand Sumin and Seju’s motivations and sympathize even though they’ve both made mistakes.

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 3:26PM

1 x ½ discussion 29 Mar 11:57
joined Mar 8, 2019

For those who want to give her praise for this work, she does understand a little bit of english and has a translator tool. I gave her my thoughts yesterday and I could feel her radiating happiness from all the way over here in the US. Her twitter is @tiyk66

Awesome! I follow her but didn’t know that so thanks!

1 x ½ discussion 29 Mar 11:38
joined Mar 8, 2019

Thanks to whoever will translate chapter 13. I’m glad for the quick update so thanks author!

joined Mar 8, 2019

I've read through all of those. The first one is... kinda fucked up but not that bad. wipe sweat
The second one feel kinda rushed but it's actually really cute. And the third one is... somewhat heart-warming I guess?

Thanks! I need to give it a read. The second one does feel a bit rushed and the third at least had a decent ending.

joined Mar 8, 2019

No.... I was so convinced too with the whole ‘why did you call out to me?’ thing. Plus it was tagged as shoujo ai where I read it.

But I guess there’s nothing we can do about it. I’ll read to the end unless a male lead is introduced.

Quick, make fanfic and fan art to soothe the burn.

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 11:36AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Seju seemed like she was earnestly in love with Sumin and made said mistake because she was truly piss drunk that one time from Sumin being irrational towards her.

Sumin believed Seju couldn't have been drunk because the doorman of Seju's expensive apartment wouldn't have allowed her and the guy up if Seju had been a mess of a drunk. Besides, Seju was clearly lucid enough to tell the bartender where she lived so I'm pretty sure she was maybe buzzed but not drunk enough to make stupid decisions.

And this happened a month after Sumin's parents died so I don't blame Sumin for being being selfish and not taking the time to process why Seju cheated. She was already mad at Seju for pushing her to move on. After their argument about America, I feel like Seju should have been the one to apologize first.

But Sumin was the one who swallowed her pride and pushed herself to make a move, which already demonstrates how much Seju means to her, even though she suffered such a sudden tragic loss. Seju had a messed up life but she should have realized Sumin just needed a bit more time.

I mean, who else did Sumin have? Her parents were gone and all she had left was Seju.

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 10:57AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

I know it’s a good thing that Koyuki’s starting to get other friends since that means her relationship with Konatsu will be healthier and less codependent but I’m a sucker for reserved mains only opening up to their girlfriends.

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 1:45AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Just so you know, the author is selling all 3 volumes in both Japanese and English. First volume is on booth while the rest is on Amazons.

Where can I find the first volume? Already got all of the others on Amazon.