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joined Oct 27, 2018

Aww wish Mogumo explained what being agender is but take time they barely know gay and binary trans. Though why translate as he when Mogumo would likely use they

To be fair, this is something that is only an issue in translation, though it shows up in that they aren't sure whether to say "Mogumo-kun" (masculine) or "Mogumo-chan" (feminine). Pronouns are not exactly gendered in Japanese, and are rarely used anyways. You might refer to someone as "kare" (which is literally almost like guy/dude/bro but can be used as he/him in reference to a person) or "kanojo" (fem version) in some contexts, but you can always substitute their name naturally where English leans heavy on pronouns.

I don't particularly like translating (so I don't do it as a hobby) but in cases like this there is a lot of context, and some of the nuance is not always exactly the same between English and Japanese.

Yeah, I know it was a translation decision, I just think it was a bad one. It actually violates the canon of the story, we have seen how Mogumo reacts to being called boy, Mogumo would not like their boyfriend to use those pronouns.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Aww wish Mogumo explained what being agender is but take time they barely know gay and binary trans. Though why translate as he when Mogumo would likely use they

Yeah, they managed to avoid problems for mogumo up to now. Why did they suddenly start using he/ him pronouns for mogumo.

joined Oct 27, 2018

I beg to disagree, it shows how much Hino-san cares about Koguma and it shows even deeper how much Koguma trusts Hino.

Both of those things have already been made abundantly clear, we really didn't need to be told again.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Obviously, I knew they weren't goingto do THAT, but I am disappointed to get, yet another, nothing chapter.

Err, I think you missed the point? Most are happy with this because it has a lot more meaning and development than just another groping or teasing session. It is FAR from a nothing chapter lol. It actually shows how much she really cares and sees her and not just wants to selfishly cop a feel.

I didn't expect, or even really want, a grouping or reading chapter. This chapter though, didn't have anything we haven't seen before, we didn't learn anything new about the characters. Their relationship is in exactly the same place it was before this debacle. It was simply fluff.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Obviously, I knew they weren't goingto do THAT, but I am disappointed to get, yet another, nothing chapter.

joined Oct 27, 2018

I really wish they would just openly commit to being in a official relationship. All their friends around them are already hooking up it be nice to see them be official instead of some odd limbo. I know the augments that they don't need that kind of thing and are already like a married couple or the it has been said in a way sorta. Just a concrete declaration that they are officially girlfriends would still be nice along with more of a opening up of affection being shown regularly on both sides. Insteading of often seeming like Kasumi tolerated Sakurako fawning over her and the vary rare times that Kasumi is shown returning that affection.

I actually kind of agree, at least it might change up their dynamic a little.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Y'know, I think the frequent updates affected my perception of this manga, a single chapteris actually kinda boring

joined Oct 27, 2018

While I respect someone's decision not to use labels, I really can't stand the way yuri avoids them. I'm not even all that comfortable with calling someone's identity a label, it just seems so stigmatizing. Me being bi isn't a "label" any more than "skinny" is, it's just a part of who I am.

joined Oct 27, 2018


joined Oct 27, 2018

The revelation that Mei is taking online classes makes me kind of sad, I mean, I'm sure we can all guess why she moved to online school. She probably doesn't even have any girl friends her age, which explains the way she acted towards Kotone.

joined Oct 27, 2018

God dang it, I swear this happens every time. I get excited for a new yuri, then I look at the tags and see its an age gap

joined Oct 27, 2018

God, this manga doesn't have a single likeable character.
Edit: also they should remove the glasses tag, this manga doesn't deserve it.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 1:46PM

joined Oct 27, 2018

will admit that I was expecting something different that would cause the angst/drama in a story about adult women, but oh well, I'll give it a couple of chapters to see if I wanna stay or not.

By the way I haven't read Sweet Blue Flowers, could I ask someone to tell me what went down in that story that seems to have mix opinions?

One problem I have with her work is way too much focuson side characters, sometimes to the point where the main characters do nothing for entire volumes. In Sweet Blue Flowers for example it spends WAY to much time on a side couple, the ending is even focused on their wedding rather than the main characters. I'm sure you are aware of all the "surprise het ending" jokes on this site, well, with her track record, that is an actual possibility.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Not a huge fan of her work, but we'll see.

joined Oct 27, 2018

God, I feel like every new chapteris more pointless than the last.

Rainbow discussion 31 May 21:39
joined Oct 27, 2018

I just kind of assumed they where joking at the end there.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Hime's hot for Akira, but only a lesbian for her. She'd go for crush-boy if Akira wasn't involved.

What? Where did you get that idea? Was it the part where she kept checking out the waitress? Maybe the part where she was horrified at him hitting on her?

VAMPEERZ discussion 15 May 18:57
joined Oct 27, 2018

I'm really not a fan when authors remove all of a vampires weakness's like that.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Friendly reminder, kids, if your in a room full of people and one guy is frothing at the mouth and yelling angry hateful things about gay people then the safe money on who in the room is closeted is on the one making the scene.

The same applies to pedophiles.

Didn't the moderator already shoot down the pedophile debate? Why are you trying to bring it back?

joined Oct 27, 2018

Really didn't like this chapter. What is the point of the alien girl?

joined Oct 27, 2018

Maybe I misread the responses, but it looks like my attempt at sarcasm failed (unless I'm the one who misread the responses). So I guess I'll say what I was really thinking in the first place (I guess a bad joke can't get any worse if you explain it).

A cutesy yuri manga on Dynasty includes a scene where two girls suck on a stock fallic substitute - while being recorded on a camera no less, and people in the thread proceed to sing its praises (not that there's anything wrong with that). I just found the situation funny (although now I'm a little afraid that I'm just pointing out something that was already obvious).

Yeah, I think this says more about you than the manga.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Isn't Mogumo the protag though?

I'm ashamed to admit that while I was contemplating whether I should read this I assumed Tetsu was the protagonist, because he's the only character on the cover who isn't josou, and he has the most generic design. I really shouldn't argue about a manga I'm not reading though.

Lol, yeah, the cover makes it look like some generic crossdressing harem, but it isn't that at all. It only actually has two crossdressers. Both of whom are shown in boys clothes pretty frequently.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Mogumo you precious angel. I can't tell tbh if the writer is trying to eventually have them become a binary girl or not. Kotone tbh should get set up with Mei but meh.

Nah, I don't think there is any reason to believe Mogumo is suddenly gonna become a binary girl. I just think Mogu just wishes they could sound like they did before their choice deepened.

joined Oct 27, 2018

This chapter confused me. What did she mean by stripping herself?

joined Oct 27, 2018

Did...did this manga actually just subvert expectations? Not only that, this chapter actually made me laugh, I think this is the first time this manga made me laugh, only a little, but still. Mind =blown