Forum › Posts by ChocolateCakeLover

joined Feb 4, 2015

b-b-but D:

off topic branch threads sounded cool ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

Could we have like, splinter threads or would that clutter forums too much? D:

joined Feb 4, 2015


My name then;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm sorry >_>

You can be safe in the fact I never post anything worth reading so if you see my avi know you can safely skip D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

but I'm so used to being teased that I automatically play along

Kinky Kitty so m...

I'm sorry I try to sleep but the internet is the internet you see D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Ooh, Poland showcase :o

For some reason never inclined to play as them D:

Tho I do quite like them in Civ V for some reason Dx

Maybe I'm just used to the PLC being my enemy because I played Brandenburg Russia and Ottoderps early on... Even a casual French game they allied everyone around me and had bits of landlocked Belgium for some reason so were a nuisance.

And I think I should, just as Poland into spaces, into bed D:

I' already in bed.

Into sleep.

I should have said, into sleep.

joined Feb 4, 2015

There's a Kantalogical on steam :P

I don't think Secular Ethics and moral relativism are necessarily different... I'd say they go pretty well together actually oO

I think most places the general dialogue is the same kind of diagonal slant, when it comes to social/economic liberalness and their counterparts.

"let's let the poor die on the streets but hey we have legal gay marriage"

How does anyone get that conclusion oO

Well with economic matters you mentioned you linked the internationale and responded well enough to Corbyn iirc

Wow, that's a fun idea actually, hunt down all my posts instead of go through the post history screen... would take suh long D:

last edited at Aug 18, 2016 6:18PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

I should delete... all 1,317(18 after this) posts... wonder how long would take...

joined Feb 4, 2015


I'm sorry >_>

fair enough, the video was of a man going around a tory stronghold in the general election and then asking what they thought of some policy positions. Most would like the majority of the positions and then he'd go - aha, so you're a secret socialist because you agree with Jeremy Corbyn! And the people would be so... dazed and confused and in denial :D Because even more so than with most leaders of the opposition, Corbyn has taken a hammering from the media (note, a lot of it owned by Rupert Murdoch, but even the supposedly left wing ones reported on a leadership debate with "Corbyn doesn't recognise Ant and Dec" rather than Owen Smith saying we should invite ISIS to the negotiation table").

I 5000% agree about bojo :D

I'm sorry, ranting at you for nothing ^^' Suddenly embarrassed about paragraphs ranting at a phantom >_>

I felt like I had to I'm sorry >< Corbyn has enough lies spreading about him that his supporters need to get the message out at any chance if thy're to have the chance... even with people who are from another country and can't vote >>

Sorrry >_>'''

Okay I'll stop now Dx

joined Feb 4, 2015

Well now I never said we shouldn't have boundaries. I am a moral relativist insofar as I believe there is no absolute truth nor source to morality, but that doesn't mean I don't think standards should be implemented, just that there is no moral absoluteness to the goodness of that. So human rights and stuff may be good to me, but much of it would be odd alien and radical to other cultures... not killing people thing would have Vikings all like, but how do we even Valhalla bruv? D:

I think looking at history and getting oh yeah, people all had some underlying values sells short human psychology and assumes too much of your average doesn't think about it product of their time... I mean, what universal values do you glean from the colonisation of the americas or nazi germany or what have you.

I mean, I'm fine calling radicalism to the left of me wrong, to the right of me wrong, but I accept that's only my position, and it has no intrinsic value over the other positions. An aside however is that, I also believe I should campaign for my positions prominence else I can't really say I believe what I do... it's inconsistent to believe personally that discrimination against any minority is wrong and yet be fine with other people disagreeing and participating in it.

What in particular makes you think that? oO

I mean, you seems to fit my typical definition of liberal (socially not economically, I think you already said you were on the left economically... meaning I assumed some kind of socialist at least.) but I never really wrote with that in mind.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Well, I did say usually, and no, there's not really any value that is truly universal, as evidenced by the fact that such extremes of radicalism can exist. I assumed you meant ideological radicalism since that's what seemed most relevant, and that is entirely a matter of perspective. Every position is moderate and every position radical depending on where you go from.

But my proposals... coup de tat for policy not for personal bias D:

last edited at Aug 18, 2016 4:52PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Well radicalism isn't always bad since it's usually a matter of perspective... The west is radically liberal compared to the middle east but I wouldn't say we're bad.

Oh, and if you meant Corbyn is anything like Trump, that's just... the furthest thing from Trump. Trump is a megalomaniac xenophobe, Corbyn is a pacifist who has strove all of his life for nuclear disarmament. Corbyn is a life long socialist and campaigner for minority and people's rights all of his career, Trump is... Trump...

joined Feb 4, 2015


I don't know either... And I'm pretty sure he's forgotten all about that as well... ;)

He's just as politically correct as she is:
People like that in politics... no, thank you! They just like to watch the world burn as long as their own ass is warm.

And I can't help it but he always reminds me of him:
That was his reaction too the moment he realized that Britain voted “out”...

Are you talking about Brandeth or Corbyn? D:

Cos I'm a huge Corbyn fan and disagree with like, everything you said maybe about him I'm afraid >_>

The Corbyn is responsible for brexit thing is some made up bulllcrap by his enemies in the labour party as a "casus belli" to start a leadership challenge... A leadership challenge they've been planning since he became leader.

I shared the video because it highlights how people agree with a lot of what Corbyn said... Because his policies are great and actually resonate with people, it's just how the media's hate boner for Corbyn and tory vs labour tribalism leads to the cognitive dissonance the people in the video showed D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Anon idk what you're talking about D:

Who's a douche absent minded forgets they're accountable responsible for brexit and whatever? D: Would make lovely couple with Trump? D:

I don's use my email much for correspondence... or like, at all.

Nuh, imma be silent D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Love it, shows how primal and dumb people can be with their voting and political opinions :/

I talk to friends online without knowing their email addressees all the time D:

Sorry new people ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yyyaaaaayyyy hugs :D

Galich, good trade, please stop trying to destroy me D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

I don't go to fastfoods, disgusting. And too fattening. Plus happy meals were always overpriced here.

Well git gud at metabolism then and like, they're not that disgusting >_>

Well, I can count on someone from smiliar-ish culture. You and your WASPs.

My wah o.o

I don't have a backyard to bury one in. Doesn't matter, we will bury you.


I'm trying to be adaptive. Blackkitty's proclaimed she's ready to fight and so we should.

Be a leader D:

Leaders stop fights D:

The name doesn't matter. Sometimes it's a religion, cult, the government..

what ? oO

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yup! Together we will outpost everyone in this thread!

Well, if you add both of our total post counts, we totally would!

Well but then everyone else will put there's together and probably outdo you D:

@CCLNo, I have the authority here, with Anon or without Anon. CCL you're on the way out.

Me and Bulgariankitty are self-sufficent and will overpower you. We're also both Slavic.

Where'd you get your authority from, a toy that came with a happy meal? :P

Slav what? D: (Like so what with Slavs, not what's a Slav)

Not really, no. Kind of neat to hear that I'm not the only one bothering with history >.>

what's that? :o

Not what's history, what did you mean I meant.

Well, then go and buy one D:

I have no money and you said we should bury it last post but now you're all we're going to overpower me I'm v confused by these mixed signals o.o

@ Galich

You are sooo wrong and you don't even realize it! (¬‿¬)
I am the owner of the great delete button!
All the authority in this thread belongs to me! It is my birthright!
So you better watch out... I could make your posts all go away... (`∇´)ψ

You got the powah :D


Don't worry, pal! I'll always be on your side!

Yay Anon-san!

*offers hug D:

@Anon well, you would end up destroying all of your posts, but, more importantly, a lion's share of CCL's. I am willing to make the sacrifice.

Lion share of mine? :D


Like, maybe 100 of mine come from here, a waaaaayyyyy smaller number and proportion than your's >:D

I still have BK, my most loyal of agents. If I am to be removed, then she is to continue my life's work.

So like, is it a cult now? D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Anon praised my words and picture! >///< im so happy and embarrassed!! XD Thank you! I try very hard its good to see my efforts seen. Im very persistent so i hope you all can bare with it.

Rika_Senpai acting like such a Rika_Kouhai...

@Anon I said this before and I'll say this again, I'm not out to flat out murder CCL. I'd have no one to talk with about strategy games.

We get along just fiiiiiine, don't listen to what CCL says V:

CCL "loves to read read yet never does" - Anon here you go, a reason for rivalry.

Don't listen to them anon, stay my friend pls ;_;

that damn kinky car and galich are just jelly of our great friendship D:

@CCL Missed the graduation bit as well, congratulations!

Everyone missed on purpose then saw someone else say then thought oh well now I have to ;_;

Love the justice and righteousness part! You fit in surprisingly well!
Why shocked? You thought all people here in Europe are conservative and old-fashioned...? ;)

Wahhhh, people I know in America say the stereotype is that Europe is too liberal and commie and stuff D:

Great to see you happy! (^__^)b Makes me happy as well! ^^
Ohohohohooo.... we will take care of you, no worries. We'll turn you into a lewd mess in no time! ;P

You're turning people into lewd messes since when? D:

stay strong, they'll never get us Rika D:

Okay, time for a new, radical and fresh idea. CCL, let's bury the hatchet.

I never had a hatchet D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

God save out gracious queer, God save our noble queer, God save our queer.

Youtube what did I do to deserve space jews 60 year old man martian in abusive marriage with 14 year old girl atlantis earth intangic interdemensional sex mediatation reincarnation justice league prayer.

what did I do.

joined Feb 4, 2015

It really really really is that bad D:

aside from all the unanswered plots it jumps all over the place and does the same thing Naruto did where oh it's the future time to tell you who banged who despite no lead or relevance because that's all you want right? D:

ty anon D:

on the all the things. Will make sure to do... put it on my agenda for becoming Prime Minister, right after establishing that Goku in fact is waaaayyyyy to strong for superman and it's a no contest and changing the national anthem to Row Row Fight the Powah for the bants D:

I dun need no pacts with devilz I got too muny skillz

joined Feb 4, 2015

Revealing your bankai woulda been pretty super since kubo said we'd see them all but I guess that's just another casualty to "eehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

joined Feb 4, 2015

@Chocolate hey, you are a male! I've read that in some of your posts, probably from the last year. You are a male who studies history and loves reading books? ...

That was a year ago, who's to say I wasn't just going along with it or that nothing has changed D:

Don't believe everything you read!

Studied history, I collected my results earlier.

Love reading books yet never does ;_;

If I remember correctly.. which is a mystery - I have very weak memory.. but I've always thought that you are amusing in a way, so I've decided to be your eternal rival xD

Eternal rival why D:

Sasuke to my Naruto or something like that... I don't know enough rivalries where one side just wants to be friends D: Lelouch to my Suzaku because I didn't know we were rivals until sudden reveal? D:

we should make a D.Cafe field trip to Japan - on the way we will pass through China to enjoy the Terracotta Army, then we will visit Thailand for a kinky massage and finally we will end up in a traditional Japanese restaurant eating up all the ramen and sushi the have to offer xD

Dynasty field trip of the far east sounds suh cool D:

kinky massage tho =.=

kinkykitty lives up to her name D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Oh God Bleach ended as badly as the spoilers said they would D:

What the hell D:

At least Byakuya got a moment to be all cool and badass, but still D:

Although I have to say the ending is very Kubo... A perfect troll to the fandom...

joined Feb 4, 2015


As much as I'd hate to see them go... I'd really love to see them try! ✌(◕‿-)✌

we gunna do it :D

@CCL assuming that it was not a trap to begin with.

Well, told you not to read that bloody thing.

Culturally wise you're still European, just like Russia is partly European due to its geographic placement.

I know, I wasn't being serious =.=

Also, no one called you a regular v:

Well, no one called you a regular, but that doesn't mean you aren't D:

You have a way with words, huh? That's perfect around here! CCL will love you ^^

But words are the devil D:

last edited at Aug 18, 2016 8:03AM