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joined Jul 26, 2016

Do you think Kaoru actually likes Mask or if she just likes the thrill of pursuing a girl who can't fall for her charms

I don't think even kaoru knows

I don't think she's really the self-reflecting type tbh

joined Jul 26, 2016

^Why not both? o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

And I always wondered why they are so up tight about other hair colours in Japan, yet you get so many blondes - and weird hair colours, in anime?

Making characters easy to distinguish from each other tends to be a major pragmatic starting point. Plus visual impact etc. And blondism tends to gets fetishized six ways to Sunday even in cultures where it actually naturally occurs at meaningful frequencies in the population; it's doubly exotic to East Asians who are phenotypically pretty much universally and exclusively black- or at best very dark brown-haired.

last edited at Sep 30, 2019 11:45PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

My perennial favourite is still the aptly named Family Restaurant SM mini-arc, both for the brilliant Refuge In Audacity (they are, for all practical intents and purposes, having sex in a crowded diner) and the amazing faces Yuu makes in full dominatrix mode.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Dude chill, it's just an internet forum. People are doing much worse than this in the UN assembly, for instance.

"Decent men should not have to witness how politics or sausages are made."
- Otto von Bismarck

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oof. The hottest scene to me was when miyoshi and ayano were dry humping. Really got me wet. Unfortunately i cant remember what chapter it was ;-;

1.5 - what sold the scene for me was the teacher's vaguely exasperated indifference which implied such shenanigans are a tediously regular sight. :P

I had forgotten how different the art was in the beginning of the manga lol

Well it was a round decade ago.
...bit of a Long Runner this one innit?

last edited at Sep 30, 2019 6:23PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oof. The hottest scene to me was when miyoshi and ayano were dry humping. Really got me wet. Unfortunately i cant remember what chapter it was ;-;

1.5 - what sold the scene for me was the teacher's vaguely exasperated indifference which implied such shenanigans are a tediously regular sight. :P

Image Comments 30 Sep 16:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Well the series has been going for something like a decade now; it'd be a sad state of affairs indeed if the author's style and skills didn't evolve over such a long period looking at you Rob Liefeld

joined Jul 26, 2016

At this rate Onibi senpai will no longer be a genius of the manga club. Nao successfully overwrote her brain lol.

She's lost to yaoi. Now all she can think about is pussy. 7w7

upskirt shot OP needs nerf

joined Jul 26, 2016

Honoka why are you so awesome lmao

Also second biggest tsundere in the series (after Yuu) unless I'm completely forgetting someone

joined Jul 26, 2016

Doubly so given Uta only moved in with them well after they got married due to as-such unrelated parental problems...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think the problem here then is that it's not really very believable. Plenty of people have messed up relationships with their fathers and then go on to have intimacy issues, but they don't act like Kuro. They don't have weird one-sided, platonic friendships that they let the other person call "a relationship." It'd just take a lot more to explain what on earth is going on.

Not sure what you aren't getting here, it's spelled out pretty clearly in the narrative. Kuro's gone and derived from her family circumstances some extremely cynical and skeptical ideas about romance (debatable to what degree her intimacy issues stem from this, and not really important anyway) and it's taking her some time and discomfort to revise them is all pretty much. Ch 23-24 is just about entirely about her and others reflecting on it and how she's changing.

And then again, thematically, what's this have to do with Uta and Kaoru?

My guess for the authorial intent there is "compare & contrast" - specifically how the brats are proactively trying to make their relationship work by talking things out and trying to adjust for the rough patches (in practice mostly amounting to Kuro being rather difficult girlfriend material but hey, she's trying) versus the adults conspicuously failing to even try any of that, instead bottling things in and generally failing to confront and address their various issues.

last edited at Sep 30, 2019 2:07AM

SHY discussion 29 Sep 20:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

Plus the whole empathy route isn't really in Stardust's specs to begin with.

1 x ½ discussion 29 Sep 19:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

I bet my ass she'll try to kiss asuka and mom will run at them while thery're at it

Earlier Ayako mentioned sending Akira to fetch her later, though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Although I love Uta's weird pigtail friend, her whole thing is baffling and has no clear thematic relationship with anything else. Is she ace? Is she just emotionally closed off? Like... legit a sociopath? I thought maybe the idea was that nontraditional, weird, idiosyncratic relationships are okay, so she and whatshername can make it work despite her inability to be in romantic love, but now I'm not sure.

Kuro isn't even remotely incapable of romantic love, just unwilling (by this point it's mellowed more to "merely reluctant" tho) due to acute disillusionement with the whole concept on account of her father; this was pretty clearly spelled out in the narrative. The last we saw those two Kuro was trying to adjust her comfort zone to accommodate Miyabi's desire for affectionate gestures and generally be more considerate of her while the latter was trying to adjust her relationship expectations to not push Kuro's limits too much (also turning into a blushing mess at the mention of -shock horror- kiss on the lips...).
Basically they're trying to reach a middle ground both are comfortable on.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Of course, with Reiichi, the response to “I think I’m ready to have a baby,” is likely to be, “You know, on second thought, since my feet are now bigger than my head I’m probably going to need some new shoes—I’m going out for a while. We’ll talk later—like next week. Or month.”

Rare footage of the elusive Bigfoot in its natural habitat, the Japanese living room.
What a magnificent creature.

joined Jul 26, 2016


joined Jul 26, 2016

Well there was that time one Mio started slipping into Yandere Zone... Shizuka seemed to be pretty into it. >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well, no, yes, I know she said she was unstable. lol But I reckon I just find myself considering if that instability pushed her to either A or B in my question, or if it's kind of an 'All of the Above" sort of answer.

More like an "I'm gonna try something stupid" sort of answer I'd say...

joined Jul 26, 2016

concerned voice: FUCK

Kaoru: I have this all under control.
Narrator: She did not have it all under control.

"They had lots of falling apart later."

SHY discussion 29 Sep 12:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

but she will likely get a hadoken, negating need of gun

Gun still works if your hadoken fizzles from a loss of confidence tho.

Then again buggers are hard to use effectively so...

joined Jul 26, 2016

It’s obviously an astoundingly crappy idea, but given the limited possibilities and resources of the brain involved, an understandable one.
- -
Plot point or authorial carelessness—and in this series, is there a difference?

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 12:31PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I actually lol'd at Kine beautifully self-destructing, this series is made of win

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, but she really, really looks like she is going to do something. What, we don’t know.

But something.

Loitering With Intent

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think I'm falling for Izumi. Kinda hard to be on that boat right now. XD

How? I came here to scream this:


...she hasn't really even done anything yet you know. -.-