Maybe not? This being BDSM smut is pretty well known, so I'd expect most people that'd take issue with it simply won't watch
You'd hope, but unfortunately an anime adaption brings a new level of visibility, and that tends to come with a wave of people angry about something.
It'll be the age thing that they whine about the most. You'll get some people defending it because people tend to be more forgiving of something like this because of the yuri angle. But the age of the characters and the fact that the mangaka is male will have large amount of people dismissing it a fetish stuff aimed at men and calling it problematic for x-reasons. And yeah, Interspecies Reviewers got hit HARD by the controversy machine to the point it basically had to stop airing normally and lost it's dub. Then again, Redo of Healer managed to weather it. Though that was so audacious they basically knew exactly what they were doing and counted on that. It's hard to know what will happen with this, though I have a bad feeling. Then again, as long as nothing happens to the manga I don't really mind.
You forget the biggest "problem". Most of the cast are suposs to be middle schoolers.
Replying to both, right character ages in anime get a lot of backlash, and regardless of genre. Usually resulting in generalized anime hate, and sometimes even offensive comments about Japan. Yeah I'm just going to keep my head down, and try to ignore the drama when the adaption comes out.