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OrangePekoe Admin
Siri discussion 23 Aug 10:28
joined Mar 20, 2013

Should I expect something from Miss Cortana in my WP?
Also, the author draw this in English natively, so please do reconsider adding a Scanlator: Comes-in-English tag.

That's what Scanlator: Indie is for.
I know we've had this discussion before; if you feel the description is not up-to-par or something, I can change that.

OrangePekoe Admin
silverxp discussion 23 Aug 10:25
joined Mar 20, 2013

Oh right. How silly of me, thanks.

OrangePekoe Admin
Aoki Ume discussion 22 Aug 20:08
joined Mar 20, 2013

thumbs up

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

What's exactly the difference between Dropped and Abandoned?
IIRC one was that the scanlator have abandoned translating it and the other was about the author deciding not to write it anymore, but I don't know which is each.

Really ought to have a page for these...

Cancelled = Artist/Magazine dropped it

Dropped = Scanlator dropped it

Abandoned = Scanlator has not made any mention of a new release, and at least 6 months have passed since the last release. Mostly used for dead scanlators

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Doesn't this already get done with some series? Or at least it seems to have been done with Morishima Akiko's work.

Conditions for Paradise? Yeah, I guess that's true. Zettai x Roman is the only other series I know of tagged like this, and that one was sort of an accident. If a single-continuity work starts pushing three or four chapters, there is certainly some argument to be had for giving it a page of its own. But this still doesn't account for two-shots, which clearly are not series of their own.

However, the stories set in that school don't overlap that much, so you could also make an argument for keeping each of the individual stories separate.

If that argument could be made, then I don't think an extra page/sorting option would really be necessary. Limiting it to works that have explicit, otherwise unaccounted-for continuations would hopefully keep things from getting too confusing.

And then there's the argument that this proliferation of pseudo-series would make the author's page messy and confusing: consider again Morishima's page

Two potential solutions, either a) put the pseudo-series page inside the anthology page (could cause its own problems), or b) don't give the pseudo-series a page at all, but change where the redirect leads when pressing "next chapter." In the case of the latter option, this could either be entirely hidden from the user, or it could be presented the same way series' with magazine tags are (i.e. the user can choose whether the next chapter will be the next entry in the magazine, or the next chapter of the series like so).

Of course, there are probably better ways to go about it I'm not thinking of, those are just my quick thoughts on possible ways to fix something that is becoming a bit of a problem.

last edited at Aug 22, 2014 2:36PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Currently running in Rakuen Le Paradis. As Rakuen is a romance magazine, the series will probably eventually contain Het, Romance and Pseudo-incest. However, these tags will not be added until the content of the series deems them necessary.

Personally, I'd kill for their relationship to stay platonic, but Japan.

last edited at Aug 22, 2014 1:42PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

two saki doujins in two days. Is this what heaven is like?

Yes, yes I think it is.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Finally took the time to do a bit of proper tagging. Added Yuri for the whole series and Bisexual for chapters 11 and 12; would it be better to just tag the whole series Bisexual and Yuri? Should Het come into play anywhere? Happy to listen to any thoughts anyone else may have.

last edited at Aug 22, 2014 11:32AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Saki discussion 22 Aug 10:29
joined Mar 20, 2013

Just thought I could leave this link here for those who are interested I can't believe I didn't post it earlier... 8-bit MM + Saki
EDIT: looks like the Download link is down so if anyone is interested I can upload it I suppose...

That looks incredibly stupid, I honestly can't believe it's even a thing.

P-please re-upload it for me.

last edited at Aug 22, 2014 10:29AM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

-Danbooru-esque pools. Still working out the usefulness of this, I'll probably make a more complete suggestion of it later.

Oh, I remember now. In image sets (of 2-3 images) there is no moniker indicating what should be read first. Rather than a booru-esque pool, color-coding for parent-child posts would be nice (I can expand on this if necessary).

Additional sourcing options would also be fun, though probably aren't worth the effort.

Example 1: Some fan artists would like to link back to multiple locations, like so. Rather than having to manually insert the second link in he description field, would be useful to be able to put multiple links for scanlators/artists/etc.

Example 2: An additional sourcing option for manga/doujin releases, especially from pixiv. Thus, we could link to the translated and raw version of something, or link to two scanlators who tag-teamed a project, and so on.

last edited at Aug 21, 2014 10:28PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Sadly lacking in raging lesbians, but that ending.

OrangePekoe Admin
YuriWhale discussion 21 Aug 12:22
joined Mar 20, 2013

This artist is now selling his Table Turner series! The total plus shipping is $13.50 ('less you live in Thailand). Not bad for 78 pages.

Anyone interested to can check out more details here. I know I will~

last edited at Aug 21, 2014 12:24PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Did the tagger mean "Marisa X Alice"?

Thanks, and also to whoever made the tag suggestion.

last edited at Aug 20, 2014 11:10PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

The link to La Kuro's site

Fixed, thanks much.

Suggestion: Add ability when reading a chapter from a reading list for "Next Chapter" to go to the next in the list, rather than the next in the category.

For example, I have a Lucky Star list which cuts out the doujins I don't like. When I read through the first on the list, "The Real Battle", I'd like to just automatically move on to the next in the list ,"Aogeki Murasaki Mamoru!", rather than "Lucky Cho" which is next in the Lucky Star category.

Bumping this because it makes too much sense not to.

What do you think of adding new category - something like "Continuity" or "Storyline"? Not sure how to call it.

I will echo this whole post. I think this was brought up some time last year and the response was, "Well there aren't many instances of that." But now there are over a dozen two or three-shots that aren't categorized as such when they really ought to be. (I suppose we could just start making informal series, if that's preferable.)

A few suggestions to improve image board functionality:

-Ability to replace existing image(s). Every once in a while there's a translation error, artist re-upload (for better quality), or something similar; would be nice to fix this the same way we can for individual chapters.

-Browsing button. Dunno the practicality of this, but a browsing button (like we have for image sets) to go forward and back would be nice (especially when browsing all pics of a single artist).

-Danbooru-esque pools. Still working out the usefulness of this, I'll probably make a more complete suggestion of it later.

last edited at Aug 20, 2014 5:02PM

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 20 Aug 16:43
joined Mar 20, 2013

This was drawn a couple weeks after "The Young Girl..." was published, so it's probably fair to assume it's a similar continuity.
PerCol always had a very different take on the Reimu/Yukari dynamic as I recall, certainly made some pretty killer art of the two.

joined Mar 20, 2013

Oh, guro is against this site's rules? Interesting to know.

Yeah, guro and scat are pretty much all we aren't supposed to upload, though the rule is rather informal. We did test the waters with some Guro on page 16, but that went really poorly, so we decided against uploading any more in the future.

Didn't realise since I'm not into guro, although now that I've heard so much about part 3 I can't not read it when it becomes available.

Oh, it's already available, titled "Misuzu and Hina".

last edited at Aug 20, 2014 10:51AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Mama Mama discussion 20 Aug 01:47
joined Mar 20, 2013

Oomph. A real shocker, huh?

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Is that it? Only three pages?

Yes. Though it takes place in the same AU 'verse as this, this and this.

This one is originally from a Mokou x Mystia Anthology comprised of shorts, so sadly most of the stories don't have a ton of substance.

last edited at Aug 19, 2014 8:48PM

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 17 Aug 23:19
joined Mar 20, 2013

Damn, that's a pretty rare pic. Happy, cute, intimate sex; excellent erotica.

OrangePekoe Admin
Epitaph discussion 17 Aug 12:04
joined Mar 20, 2013

So I wonder, did this eventually resume in YH, or did it get cancelled in the end? Not sure if, after this long, "On HIatus" is really the right term. Interesting concept though, although it never got developed all that far.

Appears it didn't, changed to Cancelled

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Ishibashi is a great character, ought to be more like her.

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 16 Aug 11:46
joined Mar 20, 2013

I prefer smaller that way we don't run out of new pics or just so it's more consistent.(btw is there a schedule?)

Well, we have a backlog of thousands of pics, with new stuff created every day, so I wouldn't be too worried about that aspect. We don't really a schedule - I usually aim for 8-10/day when I'm around, and sometimes Troid will dump a bit. Otherwise, we just upload whatever is translated that interests us.

The question was meant to be phrased more like, "Would you look beyond the top 8 pics if they interested you?" I'd like to upload more (a lot more), but I'd also rather not bury high quality art if people have no interest in browsing a bit, that's just a waste of time. I may just go ahead and do it, and gauge the results sometime later.

last edited at Aug 16, 2014 11:46AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 15 Aug 22:49
joined Mar 20, 2013

Question for those who actively read/comment in the images section. What is preferred; smaller updates (6-14), or larger updates (10-30+)? More is usually better, but the 8 most recent pictures do make it onto the front page, and those are typically the ones that get the most attention, so I think it is worth asking.

last edited at Aug 15, 2014 10:49PM

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 15 Aug 22:48
joined Mar 20, 2013

Cos it is! (sorry, messed up the tag)

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Really sweet and lovely! Yayoi's art is pretty awesome these days too. Can't wait for the sequel (doesn't look like we'll have to either)!