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joined Dec 18, 2013

Aw, Nee-san is such a good girl :D

And great fanart.

Gokicha discussion 22 May 14:48
joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh man, Dynasty also has Gokicha? Fantastic, since I found the series last year it has become one of my favorites and to be honest, now I don't have the heart to kill a roach anymore.

IIRC there's at least two more chapter that aren't here.

joined Dec 18, 2013

...and Sakuya being a jerk. And Remi being a jerk (only fed twice, sometimes once, a day, demanding she repair the gate in one day, etc.) too. It still comes off as "Touhou Comedy Plot #6" with the appropriate blanks filled in.

Also, what's with Flan's eyes with this artist? They don't even look like eyes any more, if anything they resemble big sunglasses.

There's not denying at somethings being played for comedy effect but you're going a little overboard with the negatives: Sakuya's come off like being strict but fair, we don't really see Flan or Remi interacting with Meiling, the door thing is once a month and what is the problem with eating twice at day? That's how I got my meals :p

The eyes thing is (again) played for laughs, the artists does draw some peculiar eyes though.

joined Dec 18, 2013

This story doesn't play Meiling as incompetent though, it show her more like being way out of her league and that's sort of in line with the canon, as is Patchy being kind of a jerk.

Stretch discussion 21 May 00:41
joined Dec 18, 2013

that's not funny for me though.
how dare those series trivialiized sexuality if sexuality don't matter we would be living in bisexual majority world!
consindering earlier in life we spend most of our time with member of the same sex first.
reminds me of shisekai yori 100% bisexual society awesome!!!!!

Well, they were comedy animes, that's without counting that technically speaking Nyaruko and Kuuko aren't females, just look like one :p

Henneko's stunt did made me lose interest on the series though.

Stretch discussion 21 May 00:04
joined Dec 18, 2013

Hey now, Love Lab was funny so it wasn't that bad. I get your dissapointment though, I felt the same when Nyaruko-san and Henneko pulled the 'through wacky hijinks the lesbian falls in love with the dorky protagonist' bullshit. That really bothered me.

gay tun straight oh noooo....
really hate that!

They didn't turned straight though, just fallen in love with the protagonist and their lesbian tendencies were dialed down (granted, they were played for laughs but still)

Stretch discussion 20 May 22:29
joined Dec 18, 2013

Hey now, Love Lab was funny so it wasn't that bad. I get your dissapointment though, I felt the same when Nyaruko-san and Henneko pulled the 'through wacky hijinks the lesbian falls in love with the dorky protagonist' bullshit. That really bothered me.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Welp, I've never thought I'd found another pairing for Meiling aside of Sakuya but Reisen is intriguing and adorable.

joined Dec 18, 2013

well at least the cat has a better home now (?)

And the best thing is that we finally could get some yuri in here...

Between cats but it counts :P

Citrus discussion 17 May 15:26
joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh man, those raws, I certainly didn't expect that. And you know, I think that the only real drama on the story stems from Mei and her poorly developed social skills. Yuzu's while naive and somewhat airheaded is a pretty strong lead and with determination to get things done.

Slash Anal discussion 17 May 14:50
joined Dec 18, 2013

I came here expecting amazing and hot butt action. I leave really dissaponted :(

joined Dec 18, 2013

Better chapter, I guess the 'story' is better suited for 4komas

Stretch discussion 15 May 21:59
joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh man, I wasn't expecting to see this series here. Is one of my favorite series ever!

All the characters are just great the art is fantastic and the echii is just the cherry on the top, thank you so much for this upload!

Citrus discussion 15 May 00:32
joined Dec 18, 2013

I love this, sometimes with yuri manga you see that the author is trying to draw out the story in a way that just doesn't make sense, or is frustrating because you don't think the relationship is going anywhere... but this is so awesome, by far the best yuri manga I have read ever... though I suppose I have limited perspective on that I have already read all the other major yuri titles and so far I consider this one above all of them

I really like this one because it doesn't avoid that more serious tone. other manga try to throw in comedy and make it more fluffy, but I really like how this one started serious and stayed serious!! keep is serious!! :P

and even though Yuzu isn't as serious as Mei, I like how the author kind of found a balance between the extremely serious character (Mei) and the more open character (Yuzu) since a lot of other manga have the Yuzu type acting exceedingly stupid or oblivious

and though I hate waiting, I will gladly wait for this author's work!!

this also averages about 30 pagers per chapter which is great considering that some other series average 15

and I generally think that mangas that are greater than 30 chapters are too drawn out, unless they are REALLY well written. so I hope this avoids that... though to be honest the way the author is writing right now I probably wouldn't mind. just don't make it static or repetitive.

High Five fellow Citrus fan!

Catastrophe discussion 15 May 00:30
joined Dec 18, 2013


Salomelic discussion 14 May 23:22
joined Dec 18, 2013

Not just you, I see it too.
Thanks for pointing it out, fixed.

You're welcome!

joined Dec 18, 2013

That was weird.

Interesting, but weird as fuck.

Salomelic discussion 14 May 22:54
joined Dec 18, 2013

Is probably nothing but, am I the only one who sees Chapter 4 before Chapter 3 on the series page? Is kind of bugging me.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Welp, harsh but effective, can't argue with Nee-chan's actions here. Speaking of, remind me to never be on Nee-chan's bad side D:

Salomelic discussion 13 May 22:17
joined Dec 18, 2013

Ugh, I hate those childish and inmature parents, I also can't stand those girls that only want chocolate. The main pai is pretty cute at least.

joined Dec 18, 2013

What a beautiful chapter, AMAZING series <3

Guess is close to ending though.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Heads up guys, it seems the series was completed (or at least there's a volume 3) and you can buy it along four full color posters, here's the full note

joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm a straight male and I also read yuri and some trap (BL doesn't really get my attention but there's something really exciting about trap shrugs).

In my case, I started reading yuri thanks to touhou and then started branching out nowadays I read yuri more for the romance and fluffy stuff (some erotic every now and then is pretty nice though) while I can't really care for normal romance manga since it felt kind of 'soulless'. I don't know how to really explain it.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Another of my first samples of Yuri, man what it was thinking fifteen year old me?

Is still kind of hot though :v