Forum › Posts by zeffy101

joined Apr 1, 2013

Huh. I wonder what's with Shio that makes everyone madly in love with her < that fact alone makes me wonder if she's casting some sort of weird infatuation hypnosis-y thing on everyone so she won't be alone.

I dont think thats the case.. I think the guy is just messed up person. maybe due to trauma his had. shio is a normal girl but i think her past has had a traumatizing experience if you re-read everything you get some slight hints that Shio isn't exactly.. normal girl either.

I felt sorry for the guy for getting a trauma towards older women but then he turns around and loves the first loli he sees?!

that part was hilarious to me haha he mentioned mature/older women traumatized him but i think his got a few screws loose too judging by how he was about to jerk off to that poster picture.. i think he's just a pervert. Also i dont think he will last long if his going to stalk/rape the little girl in the poster.. the Yandere chick will make certain of it. Its her Sugar Life :P

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 1:06AM

joined Apr 1, 2013

I really cant wait for the next chapter its going to be amazing!
When does the next chapter release?

here's what iv diagnosed so far with the story...
with the Shio girl she's had a traumatizing past seeing how it shows hints of her mother/auntie saying everything is going to be fine speech over and over. Also the scene when Matsuzaka didnt arrive home her facial expression changed like she was scared/terrified. There have been other hints shown by the MC girl saying she cant use TV go, onto balcony or open certain doors let alone go outside. She claims outside is very dangerous for her. So why would she keep her locked up isolated from society inside her house?
I see two reasons.. first reason maybe if she sees other people she might go crazy/see flash backs of her past which might make her sweet personality disintegrate? reason 2 the other girl Matsuzaka assumes she will find/see another person she might love or that it will be taken from her by predators (rapists and molesters)? and since she's psychotic hell bent on preserving her love between Shio she wont allow her to go outside. I think its a mixture of both. I feel like Shio is unstable.. hence why Matsuaka said shes going to build a fortress around her. Why would someone go to such lengths to build a fort around someone they love? abit extreme.

Things are getting interesting now though since a relative has shown up which is close to Shio (possibly an older brother or sister) and seeing that last chapter shows that Matsuzaka is going to kill them and she even said so herself that she wont allow other relatives to steal away her sugar life. Also the vow thing i wonder if this will make MC go psychotic on Shio? its a possibility since Matsuzaka assumed she said that to her alone seeing it from another person means Shio used to have feelings for another person but she's forgotten them? (maybe this explains why she wasnt supposed to go outside?)

Owh man this is getting so juicy!!!!
i love this managa given how fucked up it is (pardon my french) but its soooooooo nail biting!
I do love the chemistry between Shio and Matsuzaka i was honestly expecting more kiss scenes but the story in this is so good! You gotta admit its hilarious when Matsuzaka owns/reks the person which is trying to abuse/fuck her. Like i laughed when she recorded that woman during the paycheck scene part i was like ooh snap on no you didnt! anyways this manga has potential and i love the story too :D

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 12:56AM

Image Comments 17 Apr 10:55
joined Apr 1, 2013

LOL @ the comments this is so... lewd.. O__O how come Miyu is left out of the threesome though?

Image Comments 17 Apr 10:53
joined Apr 1, 2013

(O///w\\O) nose bleed way 2 detailed...
i like how cute Kuro is but damn that way 2 steamy for me >_<

Image Comments 17 Apr 10:50
joined Apr 1, 2013

Somehow i feel that this would be more than just a kiss lol xD

joined Apr 1, 2013

So the raws show Yuma got upset/depressed because of how Hotaru manipulated her and used her. Also the fact that Takeda-kun feels rejected and she blew her chances with him too. I have a feeling Fujiwara is going to send that video all over social medias and Takeda is going to eventually find out the truth. Yuma still has feelings for Hotaru but doesnt know what to do. I think Hotaru x Yuma are supposed to be shipped but i think Fujiwara is going to make sure it wont happen by the looks of it.

Image Comments 16 Apr 14:28
joined Apr 1, 2013

We need more of these wipes nosebleed

Image Comments 16 Apr 14:26
joined Apr 1, 2013

I think they used their devices to look older. Otherwise Nanoha would be a grandmother by the time they became adults. Also why would Nanoha be the one to give birth if vivio is an adult? doesnt make sense. I think this fanart is a mind fuck lol

Image Comments 16 Apr 14:21
joined Apr 1, 2013

Why didnt they have their own child? it would of been alot cuter and more realistic

Image Comments 16 Apr 12:05
joined Apr 1, 2013

Two Things i want to see in the next nanoha movie (movie 3rd)
Firsly, i want Nanoha and Fate to show that they are infact a couple by showing a kiss or love scenes
second thing i want to see is Nanoha getting married to Fate!
i really wanna see a marriage i mean cmon we had Nanoha and A's now i wanna see the real deal now! We already know they are a ship so why doesnt the animation company just show it already?! its so annoying just having teases thrown at us when we know that they belong together! I really want the 3rd movie to show something at least a small romance scene between the 2.

Image Comments 16 Apr 12:01
joined Apr 1, 2013

How come Vivio is uncoloured? lol xD Vivio reminds me of that girl from Fate/Stay with that yuri triangle it had

Image Comments 16 Apr 11:59
joined Apr 1, 2013

that saliva line and sweat.. xD this is way 2 steamy for me!

Image Comments 16 Apr 11:58
joined Apr 1, 2013

dat ass.... @__@

joined Apr 1, 2013

When's the next chapter!!! its already past March and middle of April!! Im expecting the new chapter to release soon hopefully..

Image Comments 16 Apr 03:18
joined Apr 1, 2013

Yes!!!! i love this soo much but my only question is since Kurumi was infected wouldnt the children be infected too? I thought the virus could be transfered through STD? also where did they get the sperm for the children? lol

Image Comments 16 Apr 03:16
joined Apr 1, 2013

I ship them but i prefer Mii-kun too :P

Image Comments 22 Mar 02:21
joined Apr 1, 2013

Life is Strange needs an anime :P this is so adorable

Lily Love discussion 02 Mar 05:16
joined Apr 1, 2013

Need the next chapter its starting to get juicy :P

joined Apr 1, 2013

I don't think Kurumi caused that guy to turn there is no way that would happen without Kurumi at least being some what conscious of it happening. She is still herself at the moment. Its definitely the pregnant chick that caused it. I just hope we get a happy yuri moment before shit gets real. I prefer Rii-san X Kurumi as a couple then Miki with Kurumi. To me Miki is more like a younger sister to Kurumi. Rii-san X Kurumi have always had a husband and wife relationship.

Blasphemy!!! How could you resist the adorable Kurumi x Miki. I call for pitch forks!!

J/k aside. But even when I try not to be biased, could only see Kurumi lovely side when she's alone with Miki. Well maybe she just look that much more loveable when she put on her senpai hat.

Hahah i Agree! Mii-chan x Kurumi all the freakin way i think Mii chan is going to try and save Kurumi.
Im sorry but to me, Rii is too focused on her little sister now. She has to protect her above Kurumi now.

joined Apr 1, 2013

OH... MY.... GAWD! latest chapter (44) so INTENSE!!!!
seems like the infection in Kurumi has only been suppressed by the looks of it.. seems like to me she had to keep taking antidote otherwise she will become into one of them. So it doesnt completely cure you. You are still infected. interesting indeed.. Also seeing how she says so this is the limit? and she was about to pull out handcuffs seems like to me Kurumi will chain herself within the building and the next day her group is leaving.. This is definitly going to paint a target on Kurumi now that the other group has suspicions about them. i think the only one which can resolve the situation is the pregnant girl if she confesses the truth. Somehow i think Mii-chan is going to stay behind seeing how she felt/knew Kurumi was there listening. I think she's going to figure out that Kurumi is changing.. or something will happen.

I dont think Kurumi caused that guy to turn.. ( but this is me speaking optimistically here )
I feel like they ALL are infected but for the mutation to activate they need to be bitten? altho we still dont know if STD's can cause this effect. there isnt enough evidence yet. I really cant wait for the next chapter dammit why does it take a month for a release >__<

Maybe the pregnant chick did bite him as foreplay when they had sex...? lol im just saying.. it could be possible.

last edited at Feb 25, 2016 10:21PM

joined Apr 1, 2013

People actually think edgy shit like this is good. I don't get how people can enjoy depressing works, they're so tiring. Dark, dramatic works have absolutely zero pacing. Like that other story on here recently about the kids chained together and forced to kill each other. Each page outdoes the others with how needlessly violent it can be. It's just a deluge of over-the-top darkness that just leaves me feeling nothing, which is the exact opposite of what a story is supposed to do. It's like the equivalent of eating snow: cold, flavorless and uninspired. Bah, how I loathe stories like this. What a waste.

Urgh. How about you just start watching Disney movies for the rest of your life and let people enjoy what they want?

I actually agree like the lolicon tag with this genre ruins it for me.. this is like seeing torture porn but for children. If it had action and wasnt Yandere then yeah i understand but lolicon and yandare...nope seriously creeps me out

joined Apr 1, 2013

No tear shed. Damn!

Probably because she isn't fully cured, like Kurumi. And zombies can't shed tears.

I was talking about the whole group throwing out the glasses boy. Cold-bloodedly. And he said that they're comrades.

And no, she's not a zombie. Please, just no.

I actually didnt even notice that until now! lol i feel so bad for him i guess the only one who cared was Sion..
maybe its because they have grown used to losing people?.. remember how they spoke about a girl who was previously with them but left.. who wore gothic lolita dresses or what not lol maybe they originally had 10 people and then reduced down to a small handful of survivors? Also wasnt it abit weird how while he was turned once he fell to the floor outside the window didnt he look conscious kind of..? there's a panel that shows his eyes and it felt like he was still awake or knew what was happening?

I do believe the virus is transferred through STD but.. apart of me says they are already infected (like an airborne virus). The virus only gets activated if you get a STD or get directly bitten maybe? i seriously wonder what happens if one of them has a cold or flu illness would the virus still affect them? or cause them to turn?

joined Apr 1, 2013

Latest chapter totally confirms again that girl is pregnant judging by that last panel.
Since she recently got pregnant the baby hasn't developed yet (9 half months for babies to fully develop, 3 - 4 months you should see a small bump) but im curious to see what the rest will think about her.. I have a feeling shes going to hide the truth and stay back from her group and isolate herself, since they didnt find anyone responsible or know how he got zombified i think they are going to investigate the groups to find the culprit. Which means Kurumi's group will be interrogated? seeing how it showed Kurumis bite mark i think its safe to say they will pick her as the target if/when they find out she's been infected. If thats the case then Kurumi will most likely be booted from the safe zone or quarantined? but she will definitely have to leave though this could also give Sion pregnant girl an option of going with her aswell? maybe its a possibility.

im also curious to see what else is inside that book there might be a dark page inside it or hidden clues?
why would someone name it 'corruption club book' sounds really suspicious. You know what would be good if one of the mothers/fathers belonging to the survivors show up as a zombie and they have to kill him/her. Seriously if i was in a situation where i saw my mother or father zombified and i had to kill them.. it would be the most traumatizing stuff

last edited at Jan 29, 2016 7:29AM

joined Apr 1, 2013

ho ho ho looks like Fujiwara is gonna try to sneak in some three-some sex but i doubt Yuma would allow it and probably retaliate against him. I ship Hotaru and Yuma so badly >__< why does Yuma have to be so damn dense...

Image Comments 12 Jan 07:54
joined Apr 1, 2013

What a selfie XD LOL bwahaha