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joined Oct 30, 2021 are we meant to understand that the prez somehow arranged things in the hope that she would get struck? because even by his standards that's a very roundabout and imprecise way of trying to kill someone

Perhaps he's just hoping that she dies of exposure?

More than arranging things we must remember he has the same eyes of Satsuki that can see the corpse of someone 24h before they die, he maybe saw the corpse when Michiru arrived to the school to help him and said nothing, Satsuki maybe did not saw it as she was more worried of saving Seo i guess that was her name

joined Oct 30, 2021

^ its actually designed to be Het tho, if you use them even without wanting they will gain affinity and end up falling in love with the Skk, only way for that to happen is just never using them

School Zone discussion 13 Jul 12:52
joined Oct 30, 2021

Bruh was sugiura always that buffed?

last edited at Jul 13, 2022 12:52PM

joined Oct 30, 2021

Speaking about dedication... And patience

joined Oct 30, 2021

Woah woah woah slow down you flash girl

joined Oct 30, 2021

When tae offered the present in my mind I guessed that it was a necklace. Can't believe it actually was lol. Now the mother is gonna have another bad image 'working adult who gave a grade schooler a necklace with a heart'

Coin flip on if this series ends with the mom calling the police on Tae, or it ends with Oyakodon in 7 years.

(My sense of humor might be terrible, but ah well heh)

The coin flip will be that Mai mother will be another loli... Masamune kun revenge flashbacks

Tell me more about that

Just... Search "Masamune Kun no Revenge aunt asae" in youtube... Im pretty sure thats self explicative enough

And if it doesnt work then just open this

last edited at Jul 12, 2022 1:41PM

joined Oct 30, 2021

Oh no... Time travel not again!!

joined Oct 30, 2021

Amarrez handed me the series, so I guess I'll be the one to do it from now on.

Thanks for your work!

Seconded, thanks for the translation!

Also I'm surprised to see a new character this chapter.

I hope he'll make the plot gain a bit of momentum. Like he'll recognize Mitsuki and:
1. Either think Aya is a lesbian (because who could possibly turn him down)
2. Confront or blackmail Mitsuki (because he's a jerk)

But maybe we won't see him next week. Chapters don't exactly follow a sequence, like when in chapter 9 Aya pointed out that school Mitsuki is similar to work Mitsuki but then we got no follow-up

since Jerkface is having beef with Aya for standing up for Mitsuki, I think he will show up again.

maybe his pride will be hurt and he'll try hitting on Mitsuki just so he can prove himself

Thats something i wanna see, i enjoy failed attempts :v yeah im also a man XD

joined Oct 30, 2021

Yo yo mister White look at this yuri

Jesse!! What is YURI!?

shows him

Mister white: :0

joined Oct 30, 2021

When tae offered the present in my mind I guessed that it was a necklace. Can't believe it actually was lol. Now the mother is gonna have another bad image 'working adult who gave a grade schooler a necklace with a heart'

Coin flip on if this series ends with the mom calling the police on Tae, or it ends with Oyakodon in 7 years.

(My sense of humor might be terrible, but ah well heh)

The coin flip will be that Mai mother will be another loli... Masamune kun revenge flashbacks

joined Oct 30, 2021

Damn... Just damn... This looks soooo fcking wrong that is consuming my braincells

joined Oct 30, 2021

OK, I'm going to do it. I'm going to start discourse. I won't attempt to prolong it in any way however; please feel free to ignore this post (in fact, do if it's going to start paragraphs of back and forth).
Genuinely confused what the appeal of this is. I mean the art's nice but I dunno, I fail to care about anything depicted in this, and the fact that this chick is getting her rocks off on random classmates without anything approaching consent while the manga is drawn by Some Guy puts me, personally, off.
Like, damn, how hard is it to just make another brothel manga.

Nanofetishes son! It gets us horny in response to a specific kind of stimulation

joined Oct 30, 2021

Oh no time travel again no

joined Oct 30, 2021

Uncle was ready to pull out the Shotgun XD

last edited at Jul 3, 2022 3:54PM

joined Oct 30, 2021

I'm not sure why y'all are arguing about the artists intent in the interview. I went back through the whole manga, and it is really hard to read this story as anything other than a romance. You have to ignore a whole lot of awkward looks and blushing to see this as a close friendship.

Exactly the same reason why people dismissed the scanlator of Nettaigyo when he posted about Hagino saying she does not consider it yuri. "Lololol what are you on about, do you see the amount of blushing and handholding and etc., of course it is romance, it can not be anything else lolololol." Cue Nettaigyo ending. Cue people in the comments complaining how they were baited. I think it is reasonable to temper expectations here. Given that statement from Agu I personally doubt we will see anything more than subtext at best. I would not mind being proven wrong, though.

Oh dang I didn't know that got removed, it was fun. Any idea if the creator is going to work with a publisher or something to have it released in a way where we can support them? I intend to respect the author's wishes, it can just be a little frustrating in my opinion when an author wants support but refuses to find a way to release their work in other languages, especially when the demand is there. Which is something I've seen.

Regrettably, the series in question seems to fall into the category you described at the end here. The author was angry about the scanlation and demanded it be pulled down ("I want you to stop reading for free" was the phrasing they used, though they later deleted that tweet), but we have no indications that an English release of any kind is in the making.

Nettaigyo was pushing the boundaries of subtext, to an obnoxious degree. This, on the other hand, is built around the premise that Aya has fallen in love with Mitsuki, as the boy that she thinks Mitsuki is. Aya is described as not having much interest in boys, which would indicate to me (and probably to most others) that Aya is gay. If this really isn't the case, then it may well be the worst example of subtext I've ever seen, and Agu is out of their mind writing a story with this premise, and thinking that people aren't going to expect it to end with a romance.

Youre missing a little detail here... The same description that says Aya is uninterested with boys also says she is totally into "Older guy" type which might mean she isnt interested in usually immature boys.... Its not really crazy since it usually happens IRL too

last edited at Jun 30, 2022 10:31AM

joined Oct 30, 2021

Hmm this author likes to pull crazy twists after a cliff hanger so I'm not sure what do expect, knowing Satsuki she would either jump off the window or someone was backing her up

Something like Michinaga saving Seo after realizing the prez might have been the one who framed against her? Satsuki is not strong enough to just jump and land without a serious injury and having her and Michinaga "making out" just before that is quite sus

joined Oct 30, 2021


joined Oct 30, 2021

Im so happy for them. They’re together in a way that they both enjoy. They’re not normal, but they’re enjoying their own normal, together.

Funnily enough i found them quite normal XD

joined Oct 30, 2021

Well I didn't expect from this cute chapter to come into a serious and intense conversation like this.

All I can say is if we start tagging series on Dynasty as "wlw" and "Yuri" seperately there might be a lot of fighting on what exactly defines the two. Author intent. So many factors, along with personal opinions. I just don't see it going well at all personally, but maybe I'm wrong...

I mean, if you guys want to discuss about it thats fine but at least to me wlw/yuri will always mean "2 or more female characters that are romantically &/or sexually involved"

Edit: and yeah im by default assuming the characters in question know the other is a woman

last edited at Jun 26, 2022 8:18PM

joined Oct 30, 2021

Is it me or the ch has missing page at the end?

joined Oct 30, 2021

You guys doubt this will be yuri bc the author said so

I doubt this will be yuri bc aya has a crush in a "dude"

We are not the same.jpg


joined Oct 30, 2021

Both this and "still not normal today" are crushing my soul with their representation of realistic aspects of life...

joined Oct 30, 2021


I seriously hate how relatable this manga can be...

joined Oct 30, 2021

I genuinely hate how relatable this manga can be...

joined Oct 30, 2021

I don't think it would be a good idea to suddenly put nsfw tho, this cute wholesome kisses are perfect for them, maybe a nsfw manga apart would be good after the manga finishes

A sex scene is not necessarily hyper-NSFW and beyond that does not ruin the beauty and purity of the relationship that was portrayed in the manga. Yagate Kimi ni Naru is the perfect exemple for that. Sex can be wholesome.

It worries me how taboo sex has become just bc kinks exist.....