Forum › Posts by NARESH4444

joined Nov 12, 2020

You should watch the Manifesto video,then,plenty of short hair Lappland in there.

joined Nov 12, 2020

That should've been the queue to make sounds louder then they were making!

joined Nov 12, 2020

It's stalker smashing time.

Also,she's going to fall for those aggressive advances eventually,considering the shrinking heart she's got.

Damn,definitely time to crack a skull or several.

And agressively too.

joined Nov 12, 2020


Things are about to get wild in here.

joined Nov 12, 2020

You got on the bed,now get laid on it!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Nothing like bikinis to get the words flowing,with or without them still being on.

joined Nov 12, 2020


Manifesto Lappland and Ambienc Synthesia Texas.

If they ever need money,just release those and all the other music video costumes.

They're so snazzy that Lappland has even less control then normal!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Now for the whole world to know how much Yuria cares for her favourite lil' manager with a press conference where she shows her off like the best trophy ever.

That'll silence the critics for sure and boost all the shippers.

Also,maybe a stalker will show up and get a nice one two knucle sandwiche.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Time for the loli lesbian fun times to begin!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Newer and newer generations of teachers are getting cooler for sure.

Assuming there are any during the teacher shortages in quite a few places.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Actually,if you look closely at Maples' sleeve,it's the same design as the starter clothes.

Which means either the clothes are real merchandise or this is happening in game.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Just one more episode and the English dub of season two will be done.

joined Nov 12, 2020

An Atheist is actually effected by religion a lot,not through following the terms and conditions a religion has,but by being so knowledgable about them that they can effectively fight off people who challenge them on their own life choices,depending on how much backlash they have to push against.

Using Ezekiel 23:20 in Crabs Adjust Humidity is also always a fun one.

Islam,like all other religions,is in theory a pretty decent thing save for the obvious minor plot holes,but is also used by the powerful to control others and by the not so powerful as their reason to cause issues,toss in human behavior and agenda seeking political media,the world burns in all kinds of trouble.

So these two overcoming issues and being together is a path to actual peace,make love,not war.

Also,yes,Atheists do exist in SEA,and are not in the 5-10 zone,plenty are in the 2 zone because we're still part of a family who drags us to some family friends' random wedding mostly for the food,the death of a relative who was actually impactful on us,or some sort of prayer function related to some sort of event/holiday which is actually less religiously weightful.

But Christmas and Chinese New Year is to be celebrated without fail regardless of religious standing!

last edited at Apr 28, 2023 7:19PM

joined Nov 12, 2020

So many chapters,and the turns have tabled!

The shift in momentum for this offensive has created great chaos,and only more to come!

joined Nov 12, 2020

I feel like instead of becoming a lolicon you could just like... quit your godawful dead-end soul-crushing job....

But then who will pay the skimy lasses and their hard working asses for their intimate head patting services?

Even lolis deserve their pocket money!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Gambling them tokens and at love.

The author has a great foothold for sure.

joined Nov 12, 2020

That said,the events of this chapter of a series that finally got an update is a little on the nose if one takes a look at the Girls' Frontline community in the past 24 hours.

This chapter came out a few months ago (ch 5 is the latest)

So Dynasty being slow as usual or the scanlations being slow?

joined Nov 12, 2020

You can just see the chocolate covered stick being devoured.

Yummy stuff all around,and soon we'll see the story behind it all.

joined Nov 12, 2020

When the side characters have a more complicated love situation then the main characters ever had.

Tis a race of time before it all explodes into a flurry of emotions.

joined Nov 12, 2020

She got that exclusive ASMR lullaby track.

Sleep troubles no more!

joined Nov 12, 2020

And it felt so good!

That said,the events of this chapter of a series that finally got an update is a little on the nose if one takes a look at the Girls' Frontline community in the past 24 hours.

It's never a bad idea to save someone from applying a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Cherish them all,even if they've come back from dead,life is too short for those kinds of hardships.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Ah yes,the perfect demonstration of a villainess snap.

A superstar for sure.

joined Nov 12, 2020

She deserves all that fluff for how far she has come.

And it's only going to get even better.

joined Nov 12, 2020

It is a pretty slow,flimsy,plot that has low cringe factors.

But a bush hugging hippie was definitely not expected.

joined Nov 12, 2020

The 4th anniversary was absolute chaos,and I did manage to get Bingo.

The future is great.