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joined May 27, 2015

One more left in the series!

It looks like it's already translated, but it's in Patreon early-access purgatory right now

joined May 27, 2015

Soo glad she stayed and listened after the 'No' instead of running off and misunderstanding <3

It's sweet and adorable but I still want another please forgive me chalk board message into discovering a rape in progress into fire extinguisher to the face.(Shoujo Sect)

Somehow I think it's kind of hard to imagine Nakatani Nio, or at least YagaKimi, doing something as violent as the fire extinguisher stunt Shoujo Sect did.

Is there even an "enemy" in YagaKimi right now that deserves the fire extinguisher?

last edited at Nov 30, 2017 3:05AM

joined May 27, 2015

One look at the cover and I could instantly tell it's old Mira. Talk about a blast from the past.

Also, this is the most flat girls I've seen in a single Mira doujin... nice.

joined May 27, 2015

This is like one of the mangas that I liked Stretch

"Super friends!"

"Super sisters!"

She's Cute discussion 19 Nov 04:02
joined May 27, 2015

I read that first line on the cover "As you grow older you will discover you that you have two hands" and I was like "no shit, this is some terrible engrish!"

Then I read the second line and the whole thing actually turned out to be pretty wholesome.

Kinda sad people are realizing the NicoMaki ship is getting smaller.

Image Comments 18 Nov 01:33
joined May 27, 2015


We've seen dismembered floating hands, dismembered floating heads, and dismembered floating dicks. This here is a dismembered floating wall.

Yayaka goes full ikemen

Ikemen Yayaka is rare, but it is so good.

last edited at Nov 18, 2017 3:06AM

Image Comments 14 Nov 01:12
joined May 27, 2015

I swear, there has been a crazy amount of analysis on everything in FuriFura and I don't remember everything.

I think the prevailing theory as to why henshin YYK's hair is green is to complete the Red (normal PPK), Blue (normal CCN), Green color combo. And normal YYK's yellow hair completes the Cyan (henshin PPK), Magenta (henshin CCN), Yellow arrangement. YYK is the opposite of the other two because she's "wired differently" or something.

last edited at Nov 14, 2017 1:24AM

Image Comments 14 Nov 00:14
joined May 27, 2015


Fresh from Pocky Day 2017.

joined May 27, 2015

I'm a little mystified about why Naomi is the main character's cousin, when first of all that's not relevant to the story at all and second of all they're clearly going to have sex.

Oh, but you contradict yourself. Cousin sex is somebody's fetish out there, and YUI_7 is probably going to make it "dramatic".

last edited at Nov 8, 2017 4:07PM

joined May 27, 2015

Funny how even before reading the comments here, I thought "this kinda reminds me of Monogatari".

I stopped reading at the picture of the stationery at page 14 to come here and see the Monogatari comparisons. I couldn't take it anymore. At first, I got a Kurogane Ken vibe from the art style and gags, but it's really all Monogatari.

But I read further and the Monogatari/SHAFT/Shinbo stylistic cues became more and more obnoxious.

The weeaboo in me is far too amused Akane's ne at the end of some of her sentences was left untranslated, preserving the stupid Akane-ne joke, another Monogatari reference. Ara ara~~

joined May 27, 2015

For a second I thought that girl was Shi-chan (it's been a while since I saw her, I'm sorry) and a wacky love triangle/square was going to launch. Or is that really not Shi-chan?

EDIT: I looked back, and fuck, it is Shi-chan. And she's probably going to be a bro (sis) and not cause wacky love triangle/square drama.

last edited at Nov 8, 2017 1:31AM

joined May 27, 2015

So Citrus has an Anthology now? They've made it big time, huh. They even have an anime lined up.

I stopped reading Citrus after about chapter 15, but I just recently discovered this Kuune Rin guy so I'm game.

joined May 27, 2015



I knew YUI_7 has a habit of angsty, dramatic doujins, but it's been so long since I read A Room Without Shiori I forgot exactly how the angst and drama went down.

After re-reading it, I'll re-iterate the comments from that doujin as I think that even if this kind of story is "realistic" or "Japanese", I feel like it's just not very good storytelling. Just not well-written.

joined May 27, 2015

I've seen some savage shit in terms of GochiUsa doujins and was expecting savage porn. Kemono Friends pun not intended.

I followed the translation thread before this came out and saw an out-of-context crop of Rize going "A...V...?" (page 14) and also expected porn looking at that.

Also, pg. 15 "esquisitely produced model gun"

The weeaboo in me is always excited to see little things like sugoi untranslated.

last edited at Oct 29, 2017 6:43AM

joined May 27, 2015

The art in this one is insanely clean, and an epic leap over what this guy was doing back in 2011. This might be a stretch, but it almost looks clean enough to be considered benchmark art for the entire K-On moe era. No offense to Ume-tentei and her unique wideface style.

Image Comments 17 Oct 00:08
joined May 27, 2015

Maybe this takes place before the destruction of the old house and Cocona is just referring to "our" as in herself and her obaa-chan. And yes, the Japanese is ambiguous. There was no "our" in the Japanese, I just translated with the thinking of what I said in my first sentence.

But after the anime, it was left open-ended. Could Salt/Sayuri/Hidaka have bought a place and maybe taken one, two, or all of the girls in? In the fake-out ending, Cocona was living with Sayuri. Is the pipe all they have left?

last edited at Oct 17, 2017 2:21AM

joined May 27, 2015

There is an entire anthology dedicated to Oneeloli yuri. Amazing.

And Homura Subaru's a good artist to have on board, despite the restriction on porn.

And of course, it's never truly Oneeloli or incest unless the "Onee-chan" and other sister-related honorifics are left untranslated. Good guy scanlators [/weeaboo]

joined May 27, 2015

I've wondered for a while if Itou Hachi would ever do porn. It's finally here, and it's really savage. Low lolicon bordering on toddlercon. Nice!

(If you don't have a gold account or whatever it's called, click the source link. Itou deleted the tweets, but Twitter cached the pictures. Once it's on the internet, it's on forever!)

joined May 27, 2015

I've wondered for a while if Itou Hachi would ever do porn. It's finally here, and it's really savage. Low lolicon bordering on toddlercon. Nice!

(If you don't have a gold account or whatever it's called, click the source link. Itou deleted the tweets, but Twitter cached the pictures. Once it's on the internet, it's on forever!)

Image Comments 10 Oct 07:11
joined May 27, 2015

ii wounder if there ever qanna show them go all the way instead of jux kiss'n ? ..

It actually happened!

(If you don't have a gold account or whatever it's called, click the source link. Itou deleted the tweets, but Twitter cached the pictures. Once it's on the internet, it's on forever!)

I've wondered for a while if Itou Hachi would ever do porn. It's finally here, and it's really savage. Low lolicon bordering on toddlercon. Nice!

joined May 27, 2015

Konomi-tan's a 2/3-D angel

I got flashbacks from my Love Live fandom. "2.5D idols"...

joined May 27, 2015

Waow, first Sagamani NanoFate porn, and now this? Nice!

I haven't seen anything from MASULAO MAXIMUM (Kazekawa Nagi) in a while, but I always liked his sharp and skinny style. It's clearly very loli, but doesn't veer into the kodomo style from someone like SOFTCHARM, keeping true to the seinen moe crowd Nanoha was targeted towards in the first place.

Also seems to be good with "explosive action" shots...

joined May 27, 2015


The power of super friends.


I think Mochi au Lait's proven they can go far beyond "super friends". Don't put this Stretch evil on them!

joined May 27, 2015

The play reminds me of one lecture my philosophy teacher gave, deconstructing the sense of self and "being yourself". He brought up a very similar scenario involving memory loss.

joined May 27, 2015

At first I was like "WOOHOO more NanoFate, and it's porn too!"

Then at pg. 18 I was like "I've never seen Sagamani porn before, but he's really making up for lost time... and porn!"

Then at pg. 20 I was like "ehhh"

Kinda dropped the ball at the end there.

last edited at Sep 19, 2017 1:37AM