Forum › Posts by zensunni
Well... Miku went from zero to crazy ass in a very short period of time and really seems to have picked up on the boss-lady's techniques in one short viewing of them and become her protege.
Sad that it's over... Their success in love is ALMOST the reverse of their ages. I mean, it's clear that the teacher will be successful if her girlfriend sticks with her for SEVERAL years until she's willing to be with her openly... By then #2 MIGHT actually have surpassed her?
Ok I have to ask how many chapter's are out?
Ditto! How many chapters for the whole series? Does it end quickly or does it stretch out forty chapters?
I believe i've seen someone said it ended at 16 chapters earlier in the thread but not sure.
According to Baka-Updates:
"Status in Country of Origin
14 Chapters (Ongoing)"
Question: Is Midori technically already married and they just haven't had the ceremony? I keep thinking of them as being engaged because she's planning their wedding, but I think that's my western brain filtering the story. When I think about it again, there's no need for any ceremony in Japanese culture. They just need to file the paperwork and they're married. The ceremony is purely ornamental.
At some point I expect that Midori will have the epiphany that she CAN have her cake and eat it too. She can be with the person she loves, who has always been Maki, AND have a family, thanks to her ex being a selfish jerk who doesn't think birth control is a thing and her being stupid (or lonely and desperate) enough to let him have sex with her. The question is how much more angst with the two of them need to go through before they reach that point?
I'm wondering if they're ever going to return from Komari's Island or if they're going to end up going back there when all is said and done. I also didn't realize that Maki hadn't met Komari in person...
YAY! Backstory!
Why do they bother with a TV in a love hotel room at all? It's not like the people staying there will... WAIT! ZENMETSU-SAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO TO POOR SLEEPING YOGHURT PARTY-SAN!?
Honestly ZENMETSU putting the moves on a sleeping Yogurt Party kind of felt a little bit online predator-ish.
Some people watch porn to get into the mood.
Heh... I didn't think of that.
It's a standard trope in practically every "nervous couple's first time in a love hotel" or "not a couple but staying in a love hotel because the trains stopped running" story: Man... I'm nervous... I know! "Let's watch some TV!" Turns on TV! ["OH! OOOOH!!!! BABY!!!!"] Fumbles with remote, failing to turn it off while the loud sex scene goes on in the background and extra charges get added to the room if it were real!
I liked this, but I have to say- once you get to the point of meeting in RL I'd think you'd have long since exchanged real names at least right? Or it would at least be the first thing you did once meeting. It seems silly using weird online handles face to face.
I've been to several RL get-togethers for message boards / RP guilds / etc. over the years and people inevitably use their online handles at first, at least until they get more used to one another.
Our gaming group is about 50/50. Some of the people go by their real names when we get together at GenCon, some go by their on-line handles, some go by either. They almost exclusively call me Zen, with the exception of one of the guys who knew me in Grad School.
last edited at Mar 5, 2020 3:32PM
The 'my birthday's exactly one month from now' was kind of predictable, but it was still fantastic!
Kase, Kase, Kase! WTF made you think that hearing your girlfriend tell you she loves you in a soft voice, right in your ear, would HELP you get to sleep? You need to learn more about the physiology of female arousal! (Adrenaline is involved in the process, which is why the "I'm tired" excuse isn't JUST an excuse, it's actually a REASON why she isn't into it tonight! The adrenaline isn't flowing because she's exhausted, so it doesn't matter what you do, she's not into it right now... Maybe that's why so many yuri manga have tons of scenes in coffee shops? Gotta get that caffeine!)
Based on the table of contents on page 2, it looks like there is a sequel to this as well.
I hope it gets translated before the rest of them... This was great!
I've seen plenty of wigging in theatre--Liz's hair is all the way down to her ass, that's a very high-cut short hairdo, and there's not the slightest hint of dark hair at her nape. I guess it's supposed to be a wig--but why bother with it at all if the big senpai sex scene is going to be with long-haired Liz?
Why are so hung up on that anyway? It's a manga. It doesn't have to be hyper-realistic. Besides the point of the scene was how easily influenced and manipulated Liz is. It doesn't really matter that it was wig and whatnot.
Actually, I was trying to figure out if the scene with long hair was memory or the present. It wasn't clear at all that the short hair was a wig and it really makes very little sense that she would be able to have a wig that is THAT SHORT with THAT much hair under it. it would make much more sense that the long hair is a wig, which would be weird.
Oh for fuck's sake--if a character is shown to have recently gotten a surprise short-hair makeover that completely changed the way she looks, then in a subsequent scene she is shown back looking the way she did before without any explanation (not even a short-hair wig lying on the floor) it's beyond fatuous to say "It's a manga--it's not supposed to be hyper-realistic."
Well, I don't see anyone else having problems understanding what was going on, so....
Now you do...
As for the blame game, why hasn't anyone noted the power dynamic of the situation? Not only did Sumire continue to sexually assault a drunk woman after being told to stop, but she is also paying sponsorship money to that woman, putting her in a position of power over her. Liz's manager failed to be there to protect her client for the day, which put Sumire in the position to be the person in charge of everything, from the make-over to where they went to eat, and the sexual harassment started during the makeover.
Yes, Liz fucked up, big time! She should have asked to be taken home right after the shoot, regardless of how impolite that is and how against standard practices in the industry it is. But if she didn't already know that Sumire was trying to get her in bed, she's an idiot. The fact that Liz was drunk, and knew she was too drunk, believe it or not, actually DOES (scientifically) make a difference. A person who is drunk is not able to give consent and decision making is impacted in ways that can lead people to do things they never would do sober. People who say that being drunk makes you your more honest self are just wrong. The fact that she said no and they somehow ended up in bed anyway and she was drunk, and Sumire is in a power position over her, places this in the rape category in my opinion. I doubt that Liz will feel that way after the fact, and, actually, that is accurate for the situation as well. Many women in a similar situation would feel guilt as opposed to feeling victimized. When you consider that Liz clearly didn't figured out that Sumire is a manipulator back when they were in school, it's not surprising that she's slow to figure it out now.
I'm really not seeing ANY toxicity in the relationship with her girlfriend. Senpai basically showers her with positive messages about her intelligence and her self-worth. The fact that she's having trouble internalizing those feelings says more about the level of abuse she's suffered and not that her girlfriend is some kind of predator pouncing on a vulnerable girl. Is it her eyes? Is that why people think she's not sincere? She does have a rather "sharp" look to her...
Whatever.... I wish it was longer and more developed in a way, but I also don't know that I would want to read a longer, more developed story with her mother in it.
Well, it looks like mom won't have too much of a problem accepting the relationship when they actually tell her about it. She already correctly guessed that she shouldn't open the door on them when they are making lovey dovey noises.
Really one of the best I've read in a while.
Well... that went well...
Probably what bothers me the most is that what he did was a low key ejecting Ayano from the closet to her sister
How ? He didn't say anything about that matter, if anything it stay vague as hell. And i found very quick to jump on the husband for that when most ofthe fault is on Ayano, who go to say at who want to heard it that she cheat on her husband. I mean that she said to her husband,it's normal. It's the kind of thing you had to go trought at two but then she goes saying to her mother in law and her sister in law. She doesn't really have to do it but she does anyway. Plus after she cheats the first time, instead of telling Akari directly she have a husband. She come back to the SAME bar, knowning Akari will be here, with her husband.
You can blame the husband for giving his sister the bar location but remember that the sister wouldn't have ask in the first place if Ayano didn't say anything.
Okay... lets go through the things that are wrong with @Lilliwyt's reply here:
1) How did he "eject Ayano from the closet"? He sent Ayano's sister to the bar, telling her to look for a server who's name starts with 'H'. He doesn't know if there are any OTHER servers who have names starting with 'H' there, but he does know that Akari's last name DOES, so he sent her there expecting her to find out that the person Ayano cheated on him with was a woman... Not a mystery...
2) "then she goes saying to her mother in law and her sister in law" - She never said ANYTHING to her sister-in-law. Her sister-in-law is a shut-in. AND she didn't start the conversation about it OR out herself to the mother-in-law. It went like this:
MIL: "Did you two have a fight?"
Wataru: "We might get a divorce, maybe."
MIL: "Erm... WHAT? What's this about, Ayano?"
Ayano: "Ah, well... I'm... Im the one to blame here, so..."
MIL: "Eh? Eh? And? What does that mean?"
Wataru: "And if she has? Cheating on me, with--"
MIL: "With-- EH!? YOU KNOW!?"
Wataru: "I know. We met. She's really, really pretty, too."
SO, Wataru outed her to his mother. It seems that Wataru is making it a habit... outing her to people. I wonder if he's outed her to his co-workers now?
3) "after she cheats the first time, instead of telling Akari directly she have a husband. She come back to the SAME bar, knowning Akari will be here, with her husband."
While this is partially her bad, the bar was HIS choice. She didn't chose to go there and flaunt her husband in front of her. She can be faulted for A) Not telling Akari that she was married in the first place and B) not warning her before they got there, but, to be fair, that would have been a bit difficult after A) had been skipped. "Oh... you want to go to that place... sure, but let me text a friend first... (so I can warn her that I'm going to be there with my husband...)
4) "You can blame the husband for giving his sister the bar location but remember that the sister wouldn't have ask in the first place if Ayano didn't say anything."
And here I understand the origin of why you thought Ayano told HIS sister about the affair.. NOPE! That is AYANO'S sister! Her OWN sister. She told her OWN sister that she had an affair, but DIDN'T tell her that it was with a woman, then Wataru sent her to the bar to discover that his sister had an affair with a woman. So... that's what happened.
oh god everyone is so nice and everything is so fucked up and no one just gets to be happy or even really seems to feel like they deserve to be happy
I'm pretty sure that this chapter removed at least one person from the "everyone is so nice" list and Wataru's mother was NEVER on it!
Yeah, it's weird, but somehow I feel like the little sister is introduced as a consolation prize for the husband. Hm.
Either way, yeah, this is an entertaining and fun and unpredictable trainwreck.
okay Ayano you can follow your heart and get your girl right
just give your hubby to your sister, everyone's happy lol
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that got that slightly creepy vibe... Though I do recall that Kaede was seriously not a fan of Wataru's family, especially with them forcing Ayano to move in with them, so that is probably a no go...
Overall, I thought that this chapter painted Wataru in a very bad light. While his actions might not have been intentionally malicious, they were hurtful. If he wanted Kaede to know that Ayano slept with a woman, he could have just told her outright instead of sending her to the bar and making an uncomfortable situation for Akari. I HOPE that Ayano calls her sister and asks her why she went there and finds out that she got the information from Wataru, then Ayano lays into him and goes over to Akari's place... with a suitcase... and asks her if she can stay with her until she finds a place of her own.
On the other side of the coin, Wataru's oldest sister seems to be treated like crap, while the youngest one is very anxious and VERY concerned that Ayano not see her the way she was presenting... it furthers my questions about whether she's not straight... and maybe has a crush on her brother's wife...
This seems to suffer from the "chicken/egg" problem... in this case, the answer appears to be that they both came first...
What the hell is wrong with this stupidly lazy writing. I thought we were over this kind of stupidity 30 chapters ago but no why give them character growth when they can go through the same trash again and again and again. I like this manga a lot actually but this is disgusting. In my eyes they don´t work together at all. They are so insanely immature and dump it hurts to look at them. These topics aren´t even embarassing they just have literally no trust in each other I mean why just talk when it´s way easier to just act like trash to each other.
So let it be resolved like all the other stupid fights they had so that they can do it again after this because learning is for idiots.It's almost like they're kids or something.
Exactly! And @BlueDsc, might I say that your avatar perfectly emphasizes the tone of this comment!
I'm honestly really happy with this development. A lot of times in mangas (mostly yuri), whenever someone gets jealous that their friend/girlfriend are getting close with someone, the friend/girlfriend gets all mopey and feels bad about it, so they end up apologizing, followed by the jealous person apologizing for being jealous. This just has Chidori being rightfully pissed off at Nanoha for bring immature. It feels realistic, especially since they're teenagers, so I'm on board with this "drama"
Also, I really hope Mai gets a gf soon. She has a good heart being nice to Chidori, even though she loves Nanoha.
I agree. People seem to be thinking that this is "more of the same" for these two, but if you think about it, this is their first REAL fight. In addition, Chidori's well founded jealousy over Nanoha spending FAR too much time with Mai, especially considering the fact that Mai actually DOES have a crush on her and is actively looking for a chance to get between the two of them and wants to take Chidori's place (though neither of them KNOW that) was heading down the path @Beefaroni suggested. There was already that type of scene where Chidori told Nanoha that she felt jealous of the amount of time she was spending with Mai and about how much Mai knew about her childhood and Nanoha responded by feeling bad about the fact that she hasn't had much time to talk with Chidori recently AND the fact that whenever she's alone with her she doesn't think about talking but just thinks about how much she wants to kiss her, meanwhile her girlfriend if feeling lonely and jealous of her childhood friend... The standard, non-confrontational resolution that @Beefaroni was referring to...
Here we have a different approach. Nanoha gets jealous over Chidori keeping secrets about what she and Mai have been talking about, when the reason Chidori is keeping them secret is embarrassment because of her own insecurities. (Though I would think she could tell her about the first time that she was asking about, since she was embarrassed because Mai asked her if she'd ever kissed anyone. That might have cleared some of the issues up. Indeed, it might have even gotten Nanoha wondering about some of her own interactions with Mai and whether Mai had figured out something about their relationship... or if Mai might have a crush on her? But that's probably asking too much of the story and of the character of Nanoha. She's not supposed to be that socially aware.) In any case, Nanoha's admittedly petty attempt to get payback blows up in her face spectacularly, since Chidori is already on edge about having to go to the public bath together with her girlfriend. This is actually new territory for this manga. They haven't had any real arguments. The closest they came to having one was when Chidori's senpai was causing trouble, but Nanoha came through like a champ then when she probably had a legitimate reason to feel jealous. So saying this is the same thing over again isn't really accurate.
I love the fact that neither of them knew the other's given name until they'd been really close friends for a long time and, in Adachi's case, well after she'd fallen in love.
Huh huh I was waiting for 'em to upload 184 here...
That's was some big old fat FORESHADOWING if I ever saw one.
"If one day you go too far and manage to make them angry, shit gets real, and you better brace yourself for a whole Pandora's box of trouble!"
And with this, now we all start eagerly expecting the day Yuu goes too far, heh heh. ;P
Except it will be done in a subverted manner:
Yuu gets timid because she fears making Mari angry which, in turn, makes Mari angry because she isn't getting her kink satisfied by the girl she loves, leading to a reversal and Mari telling Yuu precisely what she wants and how she wants it in the future.
At least that's my prediction...
As for the rest of these chapters... THEY ARE FANTASTIC!
Haruka's note and the flirting between her and Kanae was epic.
And MIO! Go for it girl! Both of them really! I really don't have too many doubts about that relationship anymore. I'm thinking they really are good for each other.
last edited at Dec 10, 2019 12:59PM
So they were friends in school until one of them became an Idol, then they split up, after that they mey again years later and got together? Did I get that right?
No that’s a whole different girl I think
Yeah, she just looked a lot like her. The girl from high school was Ao-chan and the MC is Kotoko. I'm pretty sure that's her given name and not her family name.
I'm not seeing any poly vibes here. Nanoha is simply oblivious to Mai's feelings for her. I'm not even sure if Chidori is picking up on Mai's feelings. She's just jealous of the fact that Mai's known Nanoha longer than her and knows about her childhood and stuff and that Nanoha is spending more time with her lately. I don't think she is jealous in terms of thinking that Nanoha is cheating or that Mai has a crush on her. She's just jealous of the time she's losing.
She got som crazy eyes for her to see that her legs got fatter by 3cm jesus christ ٩( ᐛ )و and no wonder because she kept eating practice cakes
Well... 3 cm is actually quite a bit... especially in one week. What's more surprising is that she didn't increase... ANYWHERE ELSE...
Here we go... So... it looks like the really tall girl is a kohai and she's had a longstanding crush on Nanoha. She even came to this school because of her and joined the basketball team because of her only to find out that she wasn't playing anymore. And now she's got this sympathy card she is playing and Nanoha is spending all of her time with her and, in no uncertain terms, neglecting her girlfriend.
Meanwhile, Mai saw them kissing and see this as her having a shot at getting what she's always wanted: her senpai as her girlfriend. Chidori is already jealous of the amount of time that Nanoha is spending with the girl so it's only a matter of time before she figures out that Mai is in love with her girlfriend as well. I expect that she'll try to tell Nanoha that her kohai is trying to steal her away from her and Nanoha will get mad because she will not believe her and accuse her of being jealous for no reason... (I know there is a fight coming up...)
So... does this new vampire KNOW the guy she asked to get her a taxi, or did she just go up to a random place with lights on and order the dude to call a taxi for her?
Hmmm... so their friend ACTUALLY said HIM... I was wondering if she was image was everyone else's imagination of the presumed guy since there's no face. If she had used gender neutral terms I would have suspected that the person she was crushing on at her cram school was female...
These two certainly can get overheated just from the thought of kissing each other!