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joined Jan 22, 2015

More useless lesbians. Goddamit.

joined Jan 22, 2015
  • ♡ w e t p u s s y n o i s e s ♡ * <ROFL that typesetter just had enough

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed

Ahahaha I lost it when I saw that

joined Jan 22, 2015

I was not prepared for page 5.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Good, but not what I was expecting from that title/cover.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I love the casual MH reference.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I'm not sure how to take this. especially the last bit about the mom. While I get why Kaede wouldn't just hand over Kirika to the woman who stood aside and did nothing while her husband abused, and then sold their child.

I would not take what the mother says at face value.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Bruh having your study abroad canceled midway is rough. Hopefully you get another opportunity.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I hate how into this story I am.

joined Jan 22, 2015

What truly bothers me is the shape of this table. It's just... wrong.

Still Sick discussion 29 Feb 17:49
joined Jan 22, 2015

Communication in my yuri manga!? Blasphemous I say!

joined Jan 22, 2015

Tazune is clearly reaching out to Doumyou with the intent to hook up. Apparently he feels entitled to do so because he's not getting enough nookie from his distressed pregnant wife.

Doumyou clearly is a selfish twat because not only did she ask her married and pregnant friend if she could come over to her gatdamn house to tell her gatdamn husband that she had feelings for him, she saw him treat his wife like dirt and STILL had the gall to spit mean at her at work.

Tazune and Doumyou DESERVE EACH OTHER, they go together like a dumpster and a nasty grease fire, and I hope that their cheating is what finally drives Midori to GET OUT.

And we all know it'll be to Maki.

So much this.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Idk who these two are but I ship them HARD. MOAR!

joined Jan 22, 2015

I thought the Father in "The Poisonwood Bible" would, for all eternity, be my most hated fictional male character.
I was wrong.

joined Jan 22, 2015

There's a tag for hair on this site? Now I've seen it all.

joined Jan 22, 2015

sees tags Oh hey Itou
sees cover art ...Tai must have binged some Itou

joined Jan 22, 2015

I read the title as Starpregnation Manga.
......I've become so corrupted.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Guys, what if the parents ARE that car?!

I've seen a lot of things in my life. Talking cars, cats turning into cars, even sentient motorcycles. But never have I ever seen a car spawn a human child.

So new theory, the car is Nikaidou's ADOPTIVE parents. It found her while on a humanitarian mission countering human trafficking/experementation. A small African nation was trying to create test tube super soldiers and she was the result of that project.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I think this is a rare instance in which we can all agree that her knockers are lethal weapons.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I've never been interested in listening to a radio drama based off a manga before, but now I want to listen to this one.

Especially when they hired two VA for make the boobs sound effects.

Never change Japan, never change.

joined Jan 22, 2015

We are at 37 chapters of boobs. Remarkable.

Yuru Oyako discussion 29 Jan 21:13
joined Jan 22, 2015

Now imagine a collab between Taiyaki and Itou Hachi.

Add in Mochi au Lait and think of the shenanigans that could happen

I would pay good money to see this.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I have never identified with a Male character in a yuri manga the way I have today. Having your friends, family, and coworkers push you to start a relationship can be utterly draining. I just... enjoy being alone.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I was loving this but last chapter just killed it for me. I'm so done with the interrupted confession trope. I've been done with it for years and it's still showing up making me hate it more and more each time. It's absolutely terrible writing and I can't believe authors continue to thoughtlessly pump out this tripe

This. So much this.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Ah, hallucinating people calling your name? That’s a pretty bad sign of PTSD. I’m getting the sense that her parents are probably even worse than most people are expecting.

I'm no expert, but I'd wager that is not a strong sign of PTSD. If it was, Bella from Twilight had an extremely severe case of PTSD.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Talk about shit friends. Though, I'm also gonna have to give the MC some flack for being such a pushover. If you don't like something just say "No". Keeping others happy is not your job.