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halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I also wish words like "sunbae", "unni", so on would be written in RR: "seonbae", "eonni". (Mostly for selfish reasons, since I've already figured out RR, lol.)
But once again, I know these are very common, as Kanaria has said:

I left all the names true to RR 2000. Recurring phrases like sunbae, hoobae, noona, unni, and hyung were formatted to follow widespread informal romanizations that can be commonly found in Kpop communities.

Ah well.

I think the reason why those romanizations are so popular are because they're closer to the original pronunciation, than "seonbae" or "eonni" lol. Like you said, there are a lot of sounds in Korean that are difficult to represent with English (i.e. 으, 의, 왜, 읽, all of the double consonants, etc.). I wouldn't think that most people bother to learn romanization; they often just try to read what they're given. I could imagine some might read "seonbae" as "seh-on-beh", or "see-on-beh" instead of "suhn-beh". It's unlikely that someone would read "sunbae" as "soon-beh". Trust me, I know so many people who pronounce Seoul as "See-ol" or "Soul", when it's "Suh-ool". While the RR system is made so foreigners can read Korean, I personally don't find it very effective or helpful, as a fluent English speaker. It makes absolutely no sense to me phonetically when I try to read it in English, so it always takes a minute for my brain to convert the romanization to Korean.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

However, because this is a person's name, the 2 words are written separately, with a hyphen, and the above rules do not apply.

If anyone sees anything incorrect in the above, feel free to correct me. (Not Korean; I just know some stuff about Hangeul and Korean romanization.)

Romanized Korean is just gross. I hate it lol. Seol-a's name is pronounced "Seora", where the the "R" is a bit soft because it's mixed with a hint of an "L" sound. From what I've seen, there are no real strict rules concerning how you have to write a Korean name. I've known people who use dashes, spaces instead of dashes, or no spaces/dashes at all. Using dashes is probably the least common option, in my opinion. It doesn't necessarily have to follow Romanized Korean rules to be considered "correct".

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I'm trying to be patient and wait for it to be uploaded on Dynasty, but I really want to know what happens next. :x Where is everybody reading this?

We've been inconsistent with finalizing everything because we don't work on a set schedule. Sorry about that. But like I mentioned before, you can find my rough translations in my pastebin folder (google "pastebin halmoni"), and you can find the link to the google drive with quick edits (English edits up to Ch.22 and raws for ch.23 and 24) on page 7 of this discussion thread.

The raw manhwa is uploaded weekly on Mondays, Korean Standard Time, on . The most recent chapters are free to view for about 3 days or so.

last edited at Feb 24, 2015 1:20PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I'm sorry but where can I get the translation? :/

If you ever have any trouble finding my rough translations, google "pastebin halmoni", and it'll most likely be the first link that shows up. The /u/ thread has been cluttered full of racist weeb trolls lately, so it could be a hassle to try to find my links there.

It's nice to know that people are still sticking with FF, regardless of the het drama. We all know it's going to be No-rae and Seol-a together in the end, right? :)

last edited at Feb 23, 2015 9:55AM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Halmoni when are they going to post it on google drive?

I honestly don't know because I'm not the one who puts everything into Google Drive. We all work at our own pace, so some people might be caught up with everything, while others are taking their time or busy.

would you mind telling me about the scanlation group you're part of?

It's not exactly a scanlation group. I just do rough translations for FF/whatever other manhwa I find interesting on /u/, and other people help out with raws/qc-ing/cleaning/typesetting if they want to. If you want to thank me, you should also thank Kanaria, jrdp_18, Ryo, QCO, and all the anons who made this possible. What I do really isn't much compared to everyone else.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

* note:
OK, now technically, is that really Seol-a?
I believe that blog post is not actually directly related to FF. (Unsure; not Korean. Maybe someone can clarify?)
However, it was made on 2014/06/03, just a few days before ssamba's first post about FF on 2014/06/14.
So even if it wasn't directly related to FF, I'd assume that's more or less concept art for Seol-a.

Yes, ssamba confirms in that blog post that that is indeed a character from their future webtoon (FF), so it most likely is Seol-a.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Why i cant see the drawing halmoni? Even in google drive? Help ahjumma. T^T

Ahjumma is different from halmoni, but anywho...the chapter 23 raws haven't been posted in the folder yet. We do have download links to the raw, but QCO has not finished putting them into google drive.

I though the girl was one of those who pretended to be friend with Seol-A but talked behind her back (chapter 12), so she took her revenge. Did I misunderstood ?

You are correct. I personally don't think Seol-a held any romantic feelings for this high school friend. She was just another "friend" who wanted to use Seol-a to get closer to Ji-hwan, and Seol-a felt betrayed after learning that. So being that she was young, she acted immaturely by acting like Ji-hwan's girlfriend,to get revenge.

Remember that in the sea scene, Seola said, watching norse sleep, that something similar had already happened?

This was referring to the scene in one of the first few chapters, when Seol-a slept over at No-rae's place after being attacked by the crazy guy.

last edited at Feb 16, 2015 1:07PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

i def raised a brow at Girl: It's not like she's lusting after the guys either... -- do others suspect she's a lesbian?

No, it's more along the lines of "Why did she date so many guys when she isn't even that thirsty?". They can tell that she's not some desperate guy-crazy girl, so they're confused as to why she's dated so many of them.

I wonder what Seol-a means by "it doesn't matter" (the last line).

It most likely means the latter of your speculations (because I just want her to stay by my side). No matter what sort of barriers No-rae has, it doesn't change the fact that she's still No-rae.

I also wanted to say a big thank you to halmoni and her scanlation team at /u/.

It really isn't "my" scanlation team at all, but it's good to know you're all enjoying FF.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Please check the /u/ FF thread if you want the rough translation. If you can't find the thread (Google is your best friend), just let me know and I'll link you there. Although our fiasco is over, I don't feel comfortable posting links here.

I have a question about posting a link for the korean raws. If we found some who posted the download links for the korean raws on another website, should I tell them to stop and give the link to the comico website instead?

If they post the raws without giving proper credit to ssamba, then yes please tell them to stop and link the comico website. Otherwise, I don't particularly find a problem with posting the raws, but that's my personal opinion as a scanlator. It would be proper to at least mention the comico link, so ssamba can get the appropriate views/traffic on their primary source on comico while the chapter is free.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

P.s why ur name halmoni? Halmoni means aunty or an older person in korean right? Or maybe im wrong. Hehe just curious.

There's only one author for both the story and art, which is ssamba. Halmoni means "grandma" in Korean. No particular reason why I picked that username; I'm just tired and lethargic most of the time, like an old person.

Question: How much would buying the original copies of the webtoons cost?

I'm not sure if we still plan on buying the old FF chapters, but it's probably going to cost somewhere from $5-10. Currently there's no way for foreigners to buy anything on comico, so if we need your help I'll let you know. Thanks, though.

Oh wow! Has there been any author commentary on the story/their work?

You can check out their blog at . Ssamba mostly says stuff like, "Here is the new chapter," I hope you enjoy it," "I will continue to work harder".

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Thank you Nez.

AAAAAnyhoo, since we were on the subject of authors, sorta, does FF's have other works or is this their first one??

I haven't come across anything else on ssamba's blog, so I'm assuming FF is all they have at the moment.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Thank you ssome, for representing every single Korean manhwa author in Korea. W0W! (In case you can't tell I'm being sarcastic.)

Gaji told us nothing about posting lezhin webtoons on other websites. She stated that that's lezhin's business, not hers. Our team didn't talk about buying and scanlating WDFS? LOL. Are you fucking kidding me? That's one of the major issues we've been discussing since the day we found WDFS. We've also been trying to find a way to buy older FF chapters as well, to revamp the quality of our work. In case you didn't know, all of /u/ work together as a team, anons and everyone. Oh, and jrdp_18 is also a major contributor to our so called "team" (she's on the damn credits page at the end of FF, ffs) and she's been the one who's most concerned with finding a way for us to buy Korean webtoons, since none of us currently live in Korea. You don't know anything about how /u/ scanlations operates, so please don't assume that you do.

There are always going to be slight differences between translations and the original, considering that one of my jobs as a translator is making the content comprehensible for an English speaking audience. We do our best to stick to what the original Korean says, but sometimes it can't be helped.

Thanks for linking me to that irrelevant article. To be honest, I don't give two flying fucks about what you have to say about "saving the Korean webtoon industry". Like Kanaria told you before, you obviously have no basic knowledge of how the economy works. I'll repost her Korean message for you, in case you missed it:

썸씨가 영어 말기를 너무 못알아듣는것 같에서 한글로 응답하겠습니다.
-I've decided to respond in Korean because you didn't seem to understand English at all.
첫째, 저희가 지금까지 번역해온건 코미코의 '설레는 기분'과 레진코믹스와 관련도 없는 gaji작가님의 개인 블로그에 올려진 원샷뿐 입니다. 저희가 레진코믹스의 승인없이 웹툰의 일부 또는 전체를 복사하여 다른 매체(개인 미디어 포함)에 게재한 행위는 단 한 번도 없습니다. 이러하여 왜 썸씨가 레진코믹스한테 저희 활동 대해 고자질을 하셔야 했는지 도저히 이해가 안 갑니다.
-First, what we've released so far are comico's Fluttering Feelings and a one-shot by gaji that has nothing to do with Lezhin Comics and that has been uploaded onto the artist's personal blog. We have not engaged once in activities in which we copied and/or distributed a part or whole of webtoon(s) to other parties (including personal media) without approval from Lezhin Comics. As such, I am utterly confused as to why you had to rat us out to Lezhin Comics when we did absolutely nothing to infringe on their copyright policy.
둘째, 썸씨가 도발적인 행위를 취하시기 바로 직전, jrdp_18님께서 레진코믹스와 연락해 어떡해야 외국거주민들도 레진코믹스 상품을 구입할 수 있는지 문의하셨습니다. 레진코믹스측에선 Google Play나 Apple App Store에서 Visa또는 MasterCard로 구입은 가능하나, 다른 구매방법은 현재로 없다고 답했습니다. 자, 이런 구매 의사가 뚜렸하게 있는데도 불구하고 저희를 계속 "도둑놈들"이라고 이끌고가실껍니까?
-Second, just prior to your ratting us out, jrdp_18 contacted Lezhin Comics to ask about how foreigners can buy webtoons on their website. Lezhin Comics responded that while it is possible to purchase webtoons with Visa or MasterCard via Google Play and Apple App Store, other payments methods are currently unavailable. So, even with our clear purchase intentions, are you still going to call us "thieves"?
셋째, 썸씨 말마따나 작가님들의 수익이 독자수로 정해진다면, 오히려 저희의 "불법행위"가 작가님들의 수익을 높이는데 큰 도움이 되는거 아닌가요? 봐요, 저희가 내논 번역판들 없이는 해외 독자수는 0일것 입니다. 하지만, 번역판들이 영어권 독자들에게 배포돼 작가님들의 인지도가 높아지고 팬들이 생기는 덕분에 원본 사이트를 방문한 해외 독자수는, 거짓말 아니고 1000~2000명 증가 했을지 않을까 싶네요.
-Third, if the authors' revenues depend on readership as you pointed out earlier, then isn't our "illegal activities" rather helpful in raising their income? Look, without our scanlations, foreign readership would be 0. But with the spread of our scanlations amongst English readers, not only will artists gain recognition but also fans who'd visit the original site, thus bringing up readership by 1000~2000 readers.
넷째, gaji작가님같은 아기작가님들에겐 무엇보다도 인지도가 제일 중요합니다. 썸씨 뜻대로 해외 인지도 마저 뚝 짤라 버리면 gaji작가님한텐 뭐가 남아있습니까? 국내에 백합물에 관심있는 인구는 말도못하게 적어 죽겠는데, 수만명정도 되는 영어권 백합물 독자들을 등뒤로 할것십니까? 앞으로 당신을 취직시킬 회사의 미래가 참 두렵네요. 단기간적인 경제 전략만 생각하지 마시고 더 넓게, 더 깊게, 더 길게 보세요. 요새 한국경제의 테마가 뭡니까. 푸른 바다 전략 아닙니까. 저 푸른바다 너머 어마어마한 기회를 노리는게 우리민족의 목표가 아니겠습니까. 잘 생각해보세요.
-Fourth, for budding authors like gaji, public recognition is of utmost importance. If we cut off foreign readership as you wish, what is left for gaji? I mean, domestic readership for yuri is already so pathetically small, but you still want to turn your back towards the tens of thousands of English-speaking yuri readers? I dread for the company that will hire you in the future. Instead of thinking short-term economic strategies, think wider and deeper. Think of our nation's economic theme these days. The "Blue Ocean Strategy." Our target is the untouched, gigantic market that lies beyond the vast blue ocean before us. Think about it.

If you don't believe international attention can help authors, you're delirious. You're Korean and you don't even know how Hallyu has progressed throughout the years with the help of foreign translators?

Clearly you have nothing positive to contribute to our efforts, so I'd greatly appreciate it if you kept your nose out of our business and /u/. Thanks.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I don't understand for (What Does the Fox say), did the author or the publisher directly contact you?

The author told us that she was uncomfortable with the idea that we were translating her comic (same author for WDFS). This was probably caused by a lot of reasons (misconceptions from the person who ratted us out, us not taking the initiative to talk with her, etc.), and I wanted to respect her decision. There has been no reply or contact from lezhin, but I doubt they would care about some nobody/nugu emailing them. We hadn't even decided to work on WDFS at that point, so I seriously don't understand why that person tried to report us when we didn't do anything related to WDFS.

Hopefully nothing like this happens to FF. But no matter what conflicts arise, I'd still want to translate FF. I think the best course of option would be to keep our work on the down low, while everyone else can enjoy the full releases on dynasty. I'd prefer that our work isn't interrupted by any more close-minded nobodies, regardless of whether we decide to ask authors for permission or not.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Thank you for all the support, everyone. Hopefully everything is smooth sailing from here on out. It would be great if those who don't understand the purpose of scanlations kept their noses out of our business.

Basically what happened was that a user from dynasty reported our actions to an author we were interested in working on scanlating, as well as to their publisher's site. So one project was ended prematurely (A Pet's Aesthetic), and another was ended before we could even consider starting on it (What Does the Fox Say).

last edited at Feb 11, 2015 10:47AM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

oh great the links are gone XD but still thanx for the rough translation I appreciate it :)

so does this mean no more updates every monday??

As far as I know, we're still working on FF. However, I think I would personally stick with keeping our work-in-progress (raws, translations) on /u/ or some other domain. Having our work interrupted in this manner has made me a little skeptical about posting here.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Hello everyone, apparently some people are having issues with our scanlation group providing free distribution of Korean manhwa. While this is unforunate, I'd love it if people could stop posting the download links for the raws. If you wish to see the raws, posting the link to comico is fine, but otherwise it would be great if you guys could wait for us to at least finish with the English quick edits before posting any download links. Thanks!

tldr; download links for English edits are fine, direct website links to Korean raws are fine, download links for Korean raws are not okay

As a reply to 썸,
I'm not sure if you're failing to understand our purpose at /u/ because of a language barrier, but this user has summed up our feelings towards scanlations nicely.

Yeah, but they're selective about which they choose to translate and I don't think they'll pick any yuri anytime soon. All scanlators take the risk the original artist may protest an unofficial English translation, but most don't care or don't know.

If you wish to continue your "social justice" parade on our scanlation projects by misinforming authors without discussing the issue with us first, then feel free to do so. We will stop scanlating if we feel that there can be possible legal repercussions or if it goes against the author's wishes. If you want to inform every author or publisher on every project we do/plan to do, and prevent Korean yuri from ever reaching an international audience, be my guest.

last edited at Feb 11, 2015 4:01AM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Do not fear halmoni is here



last edited at Feb 10, 2015 7:29PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

since translations and TLC's are done up to chapter 21.

Probably a dumb question but what does "TLC's" stand for? I've seen this term a couple times and I'm honestly not quite sure what it means.

I believe it stands for "translation check". Basically checkers look over the rough translations and fix them up.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I have a question, hopefully is not annoying... anyone knows when are the rest chapters getting uploaded on dynasty? I'ts a lot easier to read here. I already read up to chapter 20 haha but I would like to have the opportunity to re-read some of them later :D

One of our editors who usually cleans/edits the final drafts seems to be busy lately. I'll ask our other editor and/u/ if we can start checking and finalizing our older chapters, since translations and TLC's are done up to chapter 21.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

halmoni, and this?...

what do you think?...

I read the first chapter and the art is really nice. I'm not sure how the webtoons on that website work though. I've seen some chapters that are free, and some that aren't. WDFS only has one chapter out so far, and it's free to read as long as you make an account with your email. If there are other people interested in working on it, I'd be more than happy to help with translating/qc.

Someone on dynasty has already made a topic for WDFS at . Since this topic is for FF, we should try to keep our discussions related to FF lol.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I like to read the forums from time to time, especially if I like something a lot. But I've never had an urge to post a comment. I'm posting for the first time ever because I needed to express my gratitude for this manhwa. Fluttering Feelings means the world to me as a young Korean-American gay woman. Although they live in Korea and have Korean values instead of American ones, I see myself in these characters. I've never read anything that hits as close to home as this particular work of fiction. I can relate to their confused emotions and Korean humor. This story feels kind of different from the usual western and Japanese narratives that I've seen so much of (with the exception of Their Story I suppose). I'm not 100% fluent in Korean, so I rely on the English translations when I don't understand a certain word or phrase in the raws. I would be pretty distraught if I couldn't understand everything that's going on. I wish I could thank the author Samba personally or send them a message in Korean, but I don't think I'd be able to do that. In the mean time, I want to thank halmoni (할머니 :D) for being an amazing contributor and responder, the dynasty-scans uploaders for introducing me to this manhwa, and anyone else who is reading this and has worked on FF. I wish I could convey my feelings more fully, but I guess this will have to do! I've been looking forward to every update and I can't wait for the future ones as well.

Aww, it's really nice to know that this story has touched people's lives :) We'll keep doing the translations for as long as this manhwa continues. If we can, haha. If you don't have the comico app, you can always visit their new website: . You could definitely leave a comment or something on a chapter! If you want help translating your comment to Korean, I'd be happy to help (although my Korean isn't the best either lmao). It must be difficult being a queer Korean-American. I hope you can find some strength from reading FF. 화이팅!

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

according to the google translated comments on comico, Seol-a is jealous big time of No Rae's friend Hee-jin
would be so nice to get a translation soon.

here is the rough translation :)

I can't understand the last part. I mean, who is the model, who is pretty, is she looking someone else there?

Yes, she's just saying how the people at the exhibition look nice, and she was pointing out a random girl who looked like a model.

last edited at Feb 10, 2015 7:37PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

according to the google translated comments on comico, Seol-a is jealous big time of No Rae's friend Hee-jin
would be so nice to get a translation soon.

here is the rough translation :)

last edited at Feb 10, 2015 7:36PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Gosh, I love this manhwa so much. Is there a translation draft on pastbin for chapter 6-8 like there is for chapter 9 on wards? 'Cus I'm feeling like dying from waiting for the next released orz. Thank you so much though for the translation and uploading.

Final English release:

I don't have the link for the past pastebin drafts, but I don't think it's necessary since we have the quick edits for those chapters in the google drive folder.

last edited at Feb 10, 2015 7:39PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

So is my internet connection being WEIRD or you can't zoom on the pictures in the Google Drive account now?

I just checked and I seem to be having the same problem as well (for all of the chapters). I'll ask QCO about it and keep you all updated if we manage to fix this issue.

Edit: I found out that if you click the items box on the far left bottom corner "x of x items", after clicking on an image, you will be able to zoom in.

last edited at Jan 26, 2015 3:12AM