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joined Jul 22, 2015

Me too. Hoping for a sequel.

Image Comments 12 Sep 20:33
joined Jul 22, 2015

Look at that knee placed in Yuuna's special place~

1 x ½ discussion 09 Sep 18:45
joined Jul 22, 2015

I really, really hope this doesn't turn into mom doing the daughter because she wants to be with her late dad by proxy. Because that would be more 0.o than I can handle.

Same, senpai.

xxx discussion 07 Sep 13:29
joined Jul 22, 2015

Assuming this doujin was scanlated by ACK, he also did a light Diakko SFW doujin called "Stand By Me" ( It'd be nice if someone can upload that one here.

Under your account there's an upload request feature.

Image Comments 06 Sep 00:22
joined Jul 22, 2015

Using brooms for masturbation is one reason deviant women (often thought of as witches) and broomsticks have been woven together.

Image Comments 01 Sep 09:37
joined Jul 22, 2015

That uti/yeast infection is going to a bitch.

joined Jul 22, 2015

I've rarely encountered such mindless trash. This one-shot is trash and I'm distraught that a decent mangaka did this. It's definitely Rape. It's not even Yuri. I hated every page.

last edited at Sep 1, 2017 9:32AM

joined Jul 22, 2015

I want more :(

Image Comments 27 Aug 11:38
joined Jul 22, 2015

Yeah you can. Kyouko is big into cosplay.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Hey Alice, I've noticed you updated the Thingifier. If you could just quickly insert the code I gave you for that extra feature, that would be much appreciated. It literally only requires copy, paste, save, and upload.

Also, why not try uploading the project to GitHub so people like me can make pull requests and such?

joined Jul 22, 2015

I sense Drama Love Triangle Cheating in the future if there's a sequel. Please madokami-sama, let me be wrong.

Earth Girls discussion 20 Aug 15:34
joined Jul 22, 2015

LittelWind posted:

What..Kidaha belongs only to Io! >.<

Um... Kidaha has a giant poly harem that, at highest, was in the dozen or so girls. Io was merely Kidaha's first wife and dearest.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Definitely recommending the Lolicon tag for this one.

Earth Girls discussion 20 Aug 11:41
joined Jul 22, 2015

There was a 2 year time skip in chapter 4 of Tsumugi, maybe it's during that time that Kidaha gives Yuuri and Fana the necklaces, the events of the original Earth Girls happen, and they give the necklaces back. In fact that's the only possible explanation so I'm going with it. It also partially validates Mira's sketchy chronology comment: the last part of chapter 4 takes place 2 years after the original installment.

That makes sense. And Kidaha has an injured leg at the end of Chapter 4, the same as she has in the Chapter 7 of the original volume. So the timeline would go like:

1) Tsumugi up to Chapter 4 p95

2) Earth Girls Chapters 1-3 (these take place during the 2 year time skip between p95 and p96)

3) Tsumugi Chapter 4 p96

4) Earth Girls Chapters 4-6

5) Tsumugi Chapter 4 p97-99 + Earth Girls Chapter 7

Damn. Wish Mira-sensei would clear up the timeline a bit.

Earth Girls discussion 20 Aug 02:34
joined Jul 22, 2015

gwennie-chan posted:

If you check the timeline of the main Earth Girls (which is naturally set after the Tsumugi prequel sequel), you'll find that in one of the extra pages, Yuuri and Fana are both seen wearing a Kidaha wife necklace. So after the Tsumugi timeline, just like the threesome that starts at the end of Tsumugi Ch 4, apparently they become a triad again.

Also, just like one of Kidaha's wives insinuated in this page, Kidaha might have figured from the get-go that Fana and Yuuri were going to end up a thing. Considering we never see her having one of the wife necklaces (which a few of the other girls so sport at times if you look closely).

Earth Girls discussion 20 Aug 02:23
joined Jul 22, 2015

If you check the timeline of the main Earth Girls (which is naturally set after the Tsumugi prequel sequel), you'll find that in one of the extra pages, Yuuri and Fana are both seen wearing a Kidaha wife necklace. So after the Tsumugi timeline, just like the threesome that starts at the end of Tsumugi Ch 4, apparently they become a triad again.

last edited at Aug 20, 2017 2:25AM

joined Jul 22, 2015


joined Jul 22, 2015

Damn that ending

Image Comments 03 Jul 21:12
joined Jul 22, 2015

The pun you all were looking for was "Dragon Lay-er"

Image Comments 16 Jun 08:17
joined Jul 22, 2015

Technically Mikan x Yami can happen as part of the harem.

Image Comments 21 May 15:52
joined Jul 22, 2015

@Homura E.N.D. They have that, it's what Fuyuka and Natsuki end up dealing with in

Image Comments 29 Apr 20:42
joined Jul 22, 2015

While not that, Kisa, there is a spin-off manga called Kanna's Daily LIfe that is centered around her.

joined Jul 22, 2015

As a trans woman myself, honestly there's nothing trans-related about this. All I see is Age Gap Futa Gender Bender Moderate amounts of sex. People have just latched onto the Futa aspect and treated her as a surrogate for a Transgender woman. Nothing more, nothing less.

So all the trans discussion is mostly ridiculous and pointless in the context of this doujin. Should've mostly been its own separate, unrelated forum post.

Edit P.s. This is all I have to say on this doujin. There's nothing more to say. Don't try to convince me one way or another, you won't get anywhere. I'm not posting anything more on this thread, as reply or otherwise, so don't try to engage me.

(Also, I was asked to comment by one Georgium_Sidus on IRC.)

last edited at Apr 19, 2017 5:54AM

joined Jul 22, 2015

Honestly this isn't Yuri it's Subtext at best.

joined Jul 22, 2015

I haven't read that one, so I can't really say. This one, however, is focused more on the process, rather than the person's relationships.

You should read that one linked above. It's rather good. It's autobiographical and tries to be informative too, however it also focuses on the author's personal journey.