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joined Dec 18, 2013

Okay, what the hell happened here? Someone found the video and the girls were separated? Am I reading that right?

Oh and Tanlines are FUCKING AWESOME.

Nijipuri discussion 02 Jul 02:24
joined Dec 18, 2013

Good art but the ending was meh.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Was I the only one that had troubles to follow the plot? Layouts are a bit confusing and the sudden change of characters doesn't help.

joined Dec 18, 2013

YES! Another Yuricam chapter! And one that is the start of an actual arc, pretty nice. Thanks Papaya Scans!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Minase Ruru, you will missed. Best of the luck on your future projects! ;_;7

And as a side note, I wouldn't take anything said by Simone seriously; she's all about pandering to the fans, Is kind of irritating to be honest (specially because she isn't that good of a writer to boot)

joined Dec 18, 2013

It's a shame that according to yuri-sm she has left the yuri doujin scene to work on a commercial series :(

joined Dec 18, 2013


They really want to be her friends.

They need to get some therapy first though :P

Thanks for the release!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh the mang it is cute, is just that it felts directionless. Is juggling a lot of plots and there's no development for them; as I said, it possibly reads better on sequence than on a chapter basis.

joined Dec 18, 2013

For many of you wondering how often the new chapters come out. A response from Erin with lililious has given me a good idea. The Japanese raws come out every four months, and because lililious has no set schedule to translate and update it can take up to six months for each new update. Best thing we can do is set up notifications on the sites that we read and wait lol, unless anyone can translate faster for them and help out. I would love to do translating but my Japanese is basic at best, my Spanish is more like Spanglish lol and my French and German are basic level , but the up side is my English is perfect hehehe :P

I was under the impression this series was finished a long time ago (I think that Okazu even reviewed the tank of it), is a moot point anyways since as you said it, Lillicious doesn't have a set schedule.

Man this was so worth the wait, Takemiya Jin really has matured as storyteller and this story is easily her best, characters that break the mold, plot developments really hard to find within the genre, expressive faces. All in all a real treat, can't wait to see how's gonna end. :D

last edited at Jun 27, 2014 11:04AM

Salomelic discussion 27 Jun 10:52
joined Dec 18, 2013

Funny, I actually realliy liked this story with the last chapter reveals. Yes, is simplistic but that doesn't makes it bad. Great and fluffy story, just what is needed when you're feeling down.

joined Dec 18, 2013

And yet, this was somewhat depressing.

joined Dec 18, 2013

So anyone could explain me what is happening? For a moment I thought the senpai was a boy, I keep being confused with all the love triangles and the plot doesn't seem to move forward. Probably it would read better on one sit though.

joined Dec 18, 2013

For anyone who don't want to wait:

Feel free to delete this if you don't want it.

Oh man, I just read them all and is FANTASTIC. Great art, great plotting and mostly, filled with fuzzy feelings <3

Anyone knows if Ichinose's still working on the series? chapter 6 was finished on 2012...

NanoFate discussion 26 Jun 12:46
joined Dec 18, 2013

I need more.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I see, in that case I think it would be best to just pack the images I found relevant for the site and put that link on request, with the info having the actual links to the artists' pages (since their pixiv aren't just yuri). And well, isn't like I'm in a rush to see the images here. Thanks!

joined Dec 18, 2013

That was so CUTE!

Now I need some insulin though :p

joined Dec 18, 2013

Great art, a funny story and a decent treatment for Reisen (all things considered), and Reisen look stunning on those clothes :D

Hope we see more of this artist!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Reading through this thread I see that the upload request menu can be used to request for images but since the format seems to be thought just for series/doujinshis I'm a bit lost about the procedure. Would anyone be so kind to explain it to me?

joined Dec 18, 2013

That was a thing :P

joined Dec 18, 2013

And somewhere along the line, Marisa somehow forgot that Shanghai was sentient, and at the same time Shanghai utterly forgot that she was in love with Alice first (and that she'd come out as sentient to Marisa already)? Seems pretty thin, continuity wise.

Also, Patchy doesn't claim that she'd confess before they made it. She said she'd confess after Shanghai was human (and indeed, would help her do so). But apparently she forgot somewhere along the line, a lot of that going around.

As an aside, Alice and Patchy already seem to have a de facto relationship going on in Haruhakutai. So I'm not sure this is really a confession story as such. A lot of their pairings seem to just develop without anything so definite as a confession.

I don't see a contradiction here:

  • Alice wasn't THAT surprised at Shanghai on the last doujin, if anything she came off more like 'So you really are autonomous, uh?' and she said that Shaghai was already an splendid Youkai.

  • Feelings change with the time, is actually pretty common for someone to get over a one sided love over time. And in Patchy's case she just changed her mind after her feelings for Alice grew stronger.

  • And let's not forgot that Yohane has changed his mind numerous times about Patchy, she was with Remi on his MeiSaku doujins, then with Alice here and now he's shipping her with Koa (and Remi with Satori)

  • While you have a point about Haruhakutai not having an explicit confession I don't know where are you getting that Patchy and Alice were already in a relationship there. Patchy was sulking on the library because she couldn't see Alice and when she actually wen to see her was really embarrased and a little tsunderish.

last edited at Jun 24, 2014 2:08AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

I read through the two available chapters and it was nice for pass the time but nothing too impressive. Now glancing through the comments a few things:

  • The whole thing is played for laughs and frankly, is kind of absurd to start a large diatribe on sadism and bullying when the manga doesn't take itself seriously, is classic japanese humor and is a fictional history.

  • If you don't like it, that's perfectly fine, say your piece and don't read the manga. One thing is to discuss the content of it and another to see post after post about how much it sucks, I mean nobody is forcing anyone to read this and there are people who like the series.

People just take things way too seriously nowadays.

last edited at Jun 24, 2014 10:43AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Awww, poor Mami.

FAA discussion 24 Jun 01:16
joined Dec 18, 2013

You guys are being way too stuck up with this, the art is pretty nice and some variety is nice once in a while. And if even then you still don't like it, well, just don't read or comment about it shrug

joined Dec 18, 2013

The way I see this story is this:

1)This doujin (note that it was done on 2010), Alice was still in one-sided courtship with Marisa, while Marisa seemed too young to comprehend the need to love. And Shanghai(Alice's doll) had a very strong affection towards Alice, but couldn't express any of her feelings because she was a doll.

And in the end of this doujinshi, when Marisa took Alice and Shanghai to find a book about how to transform Shanghai into human, of course, in SDM, patchouli showed up, and told Shanghai that she knew what they were up to. Then Patchouli claimed that before they made it, she would have surely confessed her love to Alice, and made Alice her girl-friend.

While Shanghai was totally astonished, Patchouli left a suggestion that Shanghai could well have Marisa instead, when Alice became truelly unavailible

Then comes the second one:

Patchouli did successfully confess her love to Alice, and made Alice her girl-friend

Then the third one:

While Alice becomes really unavailible, and Reimu is already with Sanae, both Marisa and Shanghai become so alone. And at this point of time, Marisa also seems to have grown up a little to realize the need to find someone as a companion of romance, and begins to feel lonely. Therefore, these two somehow end up as a couple, just as Patchouli "predicted" in the first doujinshi of this storyline.

Of course that isn't perfect since Yohane grew as artist and storyteller during this years.

joined Dec 18, 2013

All Yohane's works are on the same 'verse, and so anything with Alice and Marisa is related to this story. Chronologically speaking this is the first on Shangai/Alice story, the final one is this: and they have a cameo here:

Hope we eventually get translated the Ran/Shou and Kanako/Hijiri ones .