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joined Aug 26, 2018

I think is about time I jump off before it starts to go ugly. I had the feeling the series was going to be a disappointment but choose to give it a couple of chapters first, that last one though, the final red flag I needed. Remember the title when the ending is on sight, people.

Ooooookay? The last chapter was kind of the opposite though? If you had said this in the chapter where she revealed she was dating someone in the other world, fine. But in this one Marika actually says that her thinking of what is normal never really was true. Its even implied that she only dates that person out of obligation to her normal status. And the reason she thinks she has to be "normal" is that she did something people thought was abnormal. The real life metaphor escapes my mind right now....

Unless you are suggesting that littile bro/sister is going to finish her off before she can realize that she is gay. Kind of a sudden end. Very bold.

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 1:54PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

It has been 1000 years since I began my slumber...

And there is still no new chapter. A person can only reread the same 52 chapters so many times before going mad. Bonkers. Insane. Cray-cray. Loony. Flat-Earther.

The only ray of light is that the last chapter didn't end on the fight. Instead it ended on the promise of sleeping together! Speaking of... ressurect me when the new chapter comes out. returns to slumber

joined Aug 26, 2018

I am aware of that, yes, but I think there was a misunderstanding between what I wrote and what you read:
In that post, I wondered whether I should make a certain kind of post (as described in that wondering post), and not whether I should make a post to begin with.
Jeez, this is like the stupidest thing I got annoyed with in a long time.
Hopefully, this clarifies the misunderstanding.

How about this: Just keep those contemplations of possibly posting in the headspace.

let me ask yall something since im not a writer
does it really take a month to write a ch like this?
or did the drawing take long?

As a wannabe writer I wanna say that writing takes longer than you could possibly imagine... but honestly professionals can do it quickly enough if they have to.
It's definitely the art. Monthly chapters go from between 25 to 40 pages. That is an incredibly tight schedule. Being a mangaka is a nightmare.

There is also the fact that the manga is released in a monthly magazine so its not really an issue of how fast the mangaka is done anyway.

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 1:10PM

Anime season 25 Mar 10:11
joined Aug 26, 2018

Because they're princesses and they imply that they'll be together until their duty with the country forces them to marry some guy for political reasons and let's not pretend that isn't the case, because only kings can choose who they marry but princesses regardless or their potential just need to make a baby to stablish good relationships with whoever their father tells them...I could see Grea being a pushover but for Ann to be the one to acknowledge that she won't be staying with her is the worse, is even worse if they are an only child but idk that much, anyway, just the "until graduation" cliche is awfully disgusting for Yuri fans, in fact, I think I will avoid royalty from now on and forget that princess principal it's gonna have movies, after all, loving someone is selfishness.

I was scared of this when I saw izetta too

Calm yourself. This is a fantasy world, not medieval Europe. We have no indication that Anne cannot marry a woman. Sucession is a bit more complicated sometimes than just "Queen make baby, kingdom happy". There are branch families or bastards or other possible successors.
If we are talking about political marriages, having the princess of the dragon kingdom marry into Mysteria's royal house is pretty damn good if I do say so myself. lol

PS: This is a world with magic. I have no doubt there are ways to guarantee off-spring even between women. I'll leave it at that.

I deleted the comment because in hindsight it wasn't really a good idea to go down this road. There's enough negativity in this forum anyways. I respect that you and other people can find meaning in Manaria Friends, and I don't think it's "bad subtext", I just don't trust this kind of stuff for personal reasons, and the things in the "ghost post".

I figured it was something like that. I am usually not really one to "ship" just because I like a pairing actually. I just take the evidence in the story and base my judgement on that. And there is just no reasonable doubt to this pairing being legit. That's the only reason I defend it. Your pessimism isn't unjustified either. I'd feel much happier if there was at least a kiss or something as well.

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 10:16AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Logically speaking, Kaoru has only so many realistic ways of getting out of the situation and keep on living:

  • Let Uta leave and keep on pretend having a happy married life with Reiichi; Maybe pop a kid or two. Fade into obscurity.
  • Let Uta leave, divorce Reiichi, live on her own and later, once healed, find a new man (since she's hetero) and start a new family.
  • Let Uta leave, divorce Reiichi later when the shit hits the fan, go live with Uta in a happy yuri couple after seeing the light.

You forgot the equally unlikely, yet also viable possibility of:
-Confront Reiichi about the cheating, find out it wasn't cheating (or forgive him if it was), fixing their disconnected marriage and living happily. Oh and Uta still leaves I guess.

Reiichi is kind of the wild card here. He has shown both signs of just being with Kaoru out of guilt and actually loving her. There is still a chance things can be fixed. If that happens and things stabilize maybe the both of them can convince Uta together and make it work out, even if Uta has to keep her emotional distance and make peace with her failed love.

Well we are talking about fictional choices here, because Kaoru won't be able to see this. I still think this is up to Reiichi. He really needs to actually contribute to the story for once.

Anime season 25 Mar 09:28
joined Aug 26, 2018

I don't know why so many find an open ending disappointing honestly. We all know how they feel about each other. It's so well done that it deserves the attention anyway. A season 2 isn't impossible after all.

Pre-established IP without explicit yuri and extreme ship teasing are pretty obvious signs. The bolder and more "wink-wink" the teasing, the less likely the romance is to go beyond teasing, and the ambiguous ending can end up hurting all the more ("so close, yet so far"). Manaria Friends is the rule, not the exception, sadly.

There is also no indication in the source (the games) that these two can't get together or love each other. Every bit of the story they appear in is still during their Academy years. And its by far one of the most obvious pairings in the games. The anime went a few steps above (which only cements that its more serious than it initially appears in the games), but even in Granblue or Rage of Bahamut there is intentional romantic tension between them.

This desire for explicetness is understandable, but this is definitely not a bait pairing. At worst they love each other and can just never go through with it due to their standing. More likely they will reach a comfortable place where they can express their love beyond the end of their school years.
And in the best case scenario they might find a way to realize their love. We just don't have enough information to deny that possibility.

EDIT: And suddenly I am talking to ghost posts. Spooky.

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 10:04AM

Anime season 25 Mar 08:55
joined Aug 26, 2018

I don't know why so many find an open ending disappointing honestly. We all know how they feel about each other. It's so well done that it deserves the attention anyway. A season 2 isn't impossible after all.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Flash news: not every yuri manga has a yuri ending.

True, though het endings are way less popular than they used to be.

Wait, there was a time when those were popular?

joined Aug 26, 2018

In all the drama I almost forgot to mention this...
Although Kaoru pushed her away and Uta certainly took that as a hard rejection... Kaoru definitely blushed here. Doesn't look like the "blood rush from anger" either. I may not think them getting together is likely or the best outcome, but this is one of the few times she has shown a genuine reaction to Uta's closeness. I don't think a woman who feels no attraction at all would react that way.

Urgh..., this manga is slow. It's interesting, how many volumes it takes for Kaouru to develop romantic feelings to Uta, 4 or may be 5? I mean, they should, somehow, end up together, it's a Yuri Hime manga after all.

Flash news: not every yuri manga has a yuri ending.

Not to mention that there is a yuri pairing in this manga. So even if the main pair doesn't go there, we still have a "yuri ending".

On a human level, Kaoru is weak and self-centered. Me too. On a narrative level, though, at this point she’s not showing much that makes me care about her plight very deeply or to make me think that ending up with Uta would be a good thing for either one.

I don't believe in such a fairy tale ending either and it seems it wouldn't be worth the pain anyway...
Yet I do feel that Kaoru simply doesn't have the capacity to act more mature, because of her circumstances. And Uta's "maturity" is just forced self-punishment as well. As much as Kaoru clings to her, she actually raised fair points. It's just that the extra layer of Uta's confession completely destroys any reasonable solution. Kaoru probably blames herself and will continue to blame herself if Uta goes to her mother and suffers. That is true regardless of whether she wants to keep the status quo or not.

Kaoru is completely aware of everything going on around her, but more or less powerless to change the situation. Even more likely she would make it worse (from her perspective). That alone is enough reason to want her to succeed, even if it is hopeless. Thus we need to root for her to solve her issues rather than the situation itself.

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 8:18AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Actually, I wonder if both Marikas swapped world.

If both Marikas were "abnormal" in their respective setting, it could mean the missing Marika was straight in a yuri world.

Not that she had a choice. What could have been the trigger of them swapping? Hope we will get a reasonable explanation.

I was considering the same thing actually. All the little evidence across the board implies that yuri!Marika wasn't "normal" and never had a girlfriend etc. Kazami's memory of her might also play a role there.

This yuri!Marika apparently liked occult stuff and sci-fi books according to the bookshelf in her room, so maybe she did some weird ritual or the like. It's hardly going to be reasonable haha

joined Aug 26, 2018

I think Kaoru is worse off. If she accepts everything that's coming her way (Uta leaving and Reicchi cheating), she loses everything.

Uta is just at the beginning of her life, so she can move on. But it's a lot harder for Kaoru to lose all of her family, again.

Of course. I may have sounded a bit harsh on Kaoru there, but I am actually one of her (very few) defenders. I totally get why she is acting the way she does and she has my sympathy. But touching her with velvet gloves won't solve anything. She is cornering herself here. Uta's refusal to be drawn in anymore is pretty cruel too... But she at least tries to change her situation.

Honestly, I don't see Kaoru figuring this one out herself. Overcoming her own abandonment issues is too much too ask. She needs help and quick or everything will run through her fingers like sand.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Well well well. Actual advancement in the plot and characters being open about their feelings? Confrontations? No cop-outs?
Who woulda thunk it?

Oh wait. I did. Maybe next time I will not be ridiculed by certain people.
Just kidding~

Now for the actual chapters, this went about as horrible well as expected. Of course Kaoru is still clinging to her perfect little bubble and inadvertently hurting Uta in the process. That much was expected. I am actually kinda proud of Uta for trying to make a clear cut. Trying to keep up the perfect family dynamic in this situation is plain impossible. Kaoru is actively denying her the closure she needs (from Uta's perspective).
The thing is, while Uta seems to have it all figured out, she is definitely putting up a brave front here. This way out she has taken is not going to make her happy either. Kaoru has the right idea, but for the wrong reasons.

We can assume that this will be pretty rough from here on out. Staying in the same home as the one who rejected you is not easy. Either this will speed up Uta's leave or they will continue the silently suffering game. Would be great if big bro did his job for once.

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 6:34AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Wow little bro-ster is apparently way more perceptive than expected. This honestly just makes me more interested in what yuri!Marika was like, because the differences between the two were noticable enough for the sibling.

I also like that Marika actually skipped a beat when Kazami smiled. I guess what she did that was considered so abnormal was kiss a girl or something. The rejection and lack of understanding from her surroundings is a pretty good reason to close your heart and act like you have to be normal. That's actually the most standard lesbian in denial situation in the book.

First I didn't say It's totally unfeasible. I said it would be a logistical nightmare. Not to mention the moral and ethical of putting reproduction in the hands of institutions. Do you want the same people, sitting on AIDS medication, while the deisease runs rampant in Africa, in charge your reproductive ability.

As for the my argument about straight women, dating, and marriage. Your right sex wouldn't go away. It just wouldn't be needed for reproduction, neither would the pair bond. Women would be free to raise their children anyway the feel comfortable. Some might pair up. Some might group together, some might go it alone. With the sudden lose of men, society would go through rapid evolution, like life does after a mass extinction event.

Your conspiracy theories aside, if the choice is extinction or the government controlling birth. Guess what I would choose? It's not even up for debate. In the worst case scenario those who refuse will simply have to go. There are no pleasantries at the collapse of society.

Again, just because the bonds aren't needed anymore for reproduction doesnt mean human nature changes abruptly. Humans are made to have partners and generally monogamous relationships. The only thing that changes is who these needs are directed towards. Do I think its impossible for communities of free groups unbound by marriage or solid relationships to exist? Of course not, even in our current world there are places who attempt this. Its just not something you can project on all of humanity.

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 3:12AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

When your species survival is on the line, surprisingly people stop caring about the little things and pump funds into the crazy ideas.

I'd like to believe this is true, but the last few years have made me pretty cynical on this specific topic.

It might be a rather macabre example, but take the Manhatten project for one. The fear of the world that the Nazis might develop nuclear weapons first was so extreme that it could be called a serious threat to humanity's survival for some. Lo and behold scientists from all across the globe suddenly managed to develop a nuclear bomb in record time. All it took was the pressure of nuclear winter and unlimited funding.

The solutions might not always be as fun as this manga's alternate reality, probably much bleaker. But humanity will survive either way.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 2:49PM

Anime season 24 Mar 14:30
joined Aug 26, 2018

@BugDevil I keep seing you everywhere i go... Guess that means you have good taste in yuri ^^
As for Manaria Frieands I absolutely loved this series, but now when it's over i don't want it to end...

Chalk that one up to sheer quantity. From the sheer amount of stuff I read I am bound to hit some good ones sometimes lol

Yeah I know how ya feel. This emptiness after a beloved series ends is almost unbearable. You just wanna fill it with as much related media as you can.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 2:31PM

Anime season 24 Mar 13:45
joined Aug 26, 2018

Manaria Friends is over, oh lordie.
Sleepover? Hah! They got an upgrade. Now every day will be a sleepover for those two lol
Let the doujins come I guess.

Manaria friends ending completely ruined my day, I knew it was a possibility given their positions but they didn't need to say it, fack... I'm so sad

Don't worry nothing's set in stone. All Anne said is that they will be apart for a while, but that doesn't mean permanently. She just plans on focusing on the kingdom for a while.
Considering they are both princesses and thus of equal standing, this could be a very beneficial political marriage for both kingdoms. So depending on how many siblings Grea has she could easily be the 2nd or 3rd in line and thus be married off to Anne. Just food for thought.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 4:02PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Speaking of Kohagi, that entire Kaoru triangle didn't really go anywhere, huh? I mean she never had a chance with Yurine, but her two friends seemed clearly into her.

Actually aside from the poly trio, there was no real love triangle in the entire manga. Maybe that was supposeed to be a subplot, but Canno decided against it.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 10:28AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

^ It’s the opposite of the “Butterfly Effect” (where a butterfly flaps its wings and thereby changes the world in some profound way)—some fundamental aspect of society changes, but everything looks exactly the same except for that one thing.

Well if you put it like that it does appear rather fantastical.

joined Aug 26, 2018

How can there be an "offtopic" for a story that never had any "ontopic"? It's a random collection of couples doing random stuff. It never pretended to be anything more.

In fact this subplot is the only one that actually has well.. a plot.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I have been fine with subtext... until now. This is just too damn subtle. Is this even yuri? I wish they would actually show us something to latch onto so we can even suspect they might be interested in each other. The conclusion of the MC at the end that she might be a lesbian is so totally not supported. I mean really? I just see no merit in this unless they at least 69 each other while shouting their marriage rites.

9/10. Not enough subtext.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Koguma is such a disaster lesbian. Of course its easy to tease her if she goes crazy over just some shared candy lol

joined Aug 26, 2018

Considering bumbling fake cop was revealed because of a misunderstanding I don' think this is getting serious yet.

joined Aug 26, 2018

If straight women were using. iPC cells to reproduce, why would they bother with dating and marriage, at all. They would probably just band together and raise their children sister wives style.

That's a completely different topic. You just switched from "its not feasible" to "but what are the repercussions for society".
It's quite obvious that after 90 years without men (and women not losing their sex drives unsurprisingly) they would reform culturally into homo-normality. If there are no mates of the opposite sex, the brain's need for emotional and sexual stability will eventually take over preferences. And for the first following generation that might still be an issue, but humans adapt fast. Grandchildren that never knew what a man was will already see dating girls as normal. It does help that scientifically speaking, women have a far larger likelihood for bi-sexuality. If bisexuals and lesbians get to lead more healthy lives (because they don't live with the stress of having no mate) and get to have children (because they have a partner for iPS treatment) those traits will be passed on and normalize them even more.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 6:14AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

@Looking East

Believe me, I constantly reread this manga, which is why I questioned your claim in the first place, because I just don't see it.

The sauna treatment chapter: You have to consider that Sakurako is going way overboard. She is acting weird and creepy. Surprisingly enough, for people who never had any sexual interaction before, licking someone's legs is weird. Also most of these are just used for comedy.
And aside from her face she also acknowledges that Sakurako's legs are nice, but unlike Saku she doesn't weirdly fawn over them. So she does indeed pay attention to Saku's body too, not just her face.
Except when Kasumi touches her or refers to her body, Saku immediately clams up and gets embarrassed as usual.

I think you are misinterpreting shutting down sexual instigations with just shutting down Sakurako's creepy fantasizing. Saku never actually does or tries to do what she says you know? She just lets her pent up frustration out in weird ways and Kasumi is creeped out by it. If Saku ever tried to softly and reasonably approach her about it, don't you think that would be an entirely different matter?

As for Kasumi taking a physical interest in Saku, it's far more subtle in comparison to the leviathan of thirst living with her, but she shows it in more reasonable ways herself. For example she seems to have thing for her hair.
She also clearly has preferences in regards to body shape:
Kasumi actually was teasing Saku a lot about her fat, but she also liked to touch her. Feels almost like she might like it, eh?
She also does get her cuteness:
Kasumi's desire for physical intimacy is there as well, although it doesn't seem inherently sexual. She just takes it easier.

Just some mild examples. You gotta look for them that's for sure.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 6:15AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

@BV You didn't say anything outlandish there. Your guess is as good as anybody's.

What you should regret is that double posting.

last edited at Mar 23, 2019 7:07PM