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Dear NOMAN discussion 23 Feb 01:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

Isn't Bazu eating chicken kinda like...cannibalism?

No more than you are for eating a pork cutlet made of another mammal. The large corvids in general are cheerfully opportunistic omnivores that will happily gobble up anything they can find, scavenge, forage, catch, kill and/or tear into manageable portions including various smaller avians (nest-robbing is popular but magpies have been reported catching birds on the wing) and have been known to occasionally indulge in outright cannibalism amongst conspecifics.

last edited at Feb 23, 2020 1:03AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Girl if u love that bastard, it's all yours.

(assuming you're referring to Midori) It's sort of the whole point that she's desperately trying to convince herself she does, against severe lack of evidence for either that being the case or him being at all worth it in the first place.

The reasons why being rather clearly spelled out in both her bleak internal monologues and Doumyou's pitilessly astute dissection of her character and actions.

If you're referring to Doumyou though, well. It's unclear to what degree she wants him after catching glimpse of his actual character but in any case she's by far better equipped to handle him - and dumping him if necessary - than Midori with her metric ton of vulnerability baggage.

last edited at Feb 22, 2020 11:50PM

VAMPEERZ discussion 22 Feb 22:09
joined Jul 26, 2016

A white Vampire Queen of East Asia? Thanks again, colonial Europe.

Well the dress does look rather late 1800ish... and you also had real-life colonial adventure novel careers like James Brooke, first of the White Rajahs of Sarawak so yeah. Or the assorted mercenaries, adventurers and other soldiers of fortune over the centuries who founded the "White Mughal" families of India - such people start popping up in contemporary records across (coastal) Asia soon after the round-African sea routes were established in the late 1400s. Or even more exotically there was "Yasuke", the Black African slave who became a retainer to none other than the freaking Oda Nobunaga...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Either way Doumyou has quite the setup going for herself here: she makes advances on her friend’s husband-to-be, gets (unexpectedly or not) positive feedback from him, then lords Midori’s rocky relationship over her. Even if she’s acting in good faith at this point, it’s obvious that she’s become a toxic presence.

Fair. Hell by this point Maki is pretty much the only person in Midori's life not toxic.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Look, I appreciate the effort you've gone through here, but you haven't shown me evidence of abuse. You've shown me that Tazune is insensitive, clearly thinks lesser of his fiancee, and the two clearly aren't in love, which is something Maki also picks up on, but nowhere have you shown me that he has emotionally abuses her as seems to be the consensus here. It may very well be revealed in a chapter or two that he does in other instances, or he might begin to but within the five chapters so far he simply hasn't abused her. So, I'm just gonna put an end to this here and say lets agree to disagree because its looking like people want to see me as a villain simply for not jumping to Midori's side despite her own stupidity and selfishness.

What's obvious here is you don't actually understand what emotional abuse even is.

Or false equivalence.

VAMPEERZ discussion 22 Feb 21:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

Sakuya is seriously gonna burst if she tries to hold in that trollface much longer

Image Comments 22 Feb 21:01
joined Jul 26, 2016

Chocolates tastefully sculpted according to the inimitable aesthetic sense of Kuroki Tomoko, aged 17 or thereabouts.


joined Jul 26, 2016

She might be too happy to hurt indirectly Midori for "stealing" him.

Or, conversely, she might figure cheating on her might give the push she needs to break off from a guy she objectively shouldn't be with.

People are quite amazing at coming up with virtuous justifications for dodgy shit they do, after all.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So basically classic "receiver jammed wide open" obligate mindreading. Small wonder she's sour far past the usual teenage Weltschmertz.

Dear NOMAN discussion 22 Feb 20:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

LOL Mashiro you bad kid. You had your partner / girlfriend eat the filthy roach.

I mean tbf the larger corvids eat basically anything they can dismantle into sufficiently small pieces to swallow...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Althought we potentially found a candidate for the husband to cheat with.

also predicted, even if it was an easy one.

It's certainly strongly implied they've started an affair, if not fucked already. Relatedly though there's some interesting undertones to the convo Doumyou has with Midori implicitly stemming from it - particularly she makes a quite on-the-nose assessment of the latter's character and situation, seems to subtly warn her she really should prepare herself to be more independent (whether because she doesn't expect the marriage to last, genuinely feels Midori's just letting her insecurities trap her in a hella toxic relationship, or both - hard to tell) and in no small part sounds like she outright pities her.

May also be a translation artifact but the way she talks about having wanted, past tense, to fall in love with him might be taken to imply that's no longer the case presumably due to having caught wind of his true character. Doesn't seem to stop her from still wanting to fuck him ofc but that'd be something she can easily enough drop if necessary; she isn't the one with pathological abandonement issues in the equation.

Dear NOMAN discussion 22 Feb 20:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

Screw the supernatural fights, this officially a food manga now.

Why not a supernatural food fight manga?

last edited at Feb 22, 2020 8:16PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Bonus entry: the other thing that matters about her pregnancy is how it might affect her accessibility for sex, yay!

joined Jul 26, 2016

He isn't abusive. He's insensitive, possessive, and a dickhead, but he has not abused anybody. No matter how often you say it, it won't make it true. Show me an example or stop saying it.

Oh fine, link time.

Exhibit A - note also Maki immediately catching on there being something wrong here
Exhibit B - note also how Doumyou visibly catches on something being off and pauses

That's the occasions where he gratuitously and deliberately outright insults her in front of friends and associates - and indeed so far we've been shown he appears to only do that in such contexts.
Which... implies a fair few things concerning why he does it, none of which reflect well on his character.

There's Hell of a lot more varyingly subtler snubs that together paint a picture of him pretty much plain holding her in uncaring contempt except insofar she remains 'available and desirable' for him to stick his dick in. To wit:
1) - can't be fucked to extend even the basic courtesy of the stereotypical husband or boyfriend to accompany their SO on something she feels is important (in this case related to their goddamn wedding) and politely smile and nod along
2) - well I suppose it can be counted as a merit of sorts that he isn't controlling and morbidly jealous at least... which is a compliment akin to "actually not literally worse than Hitler" so, yeah.
3) - so apparently the only thing that actually matters about her pregnancy is how much it'll affect her sexual attractiveness in his eyes, good to know
4) - did he just basically state that the main reason he's taking responsibility for knocking her up is she's cute enough? Because I'm pretty sure he did.
5) - "associate and wife's friend(?) drops by to get off her chest that she fancied you too but she's now finally over it after seeing your domestic setting sorry to bother you, wat do Tazune-sensei?" "Why - strike up a vaguely flirty conversation (right in front of your wife-to-be mind you), causing [visible confusion] in said third wheel, walk her to the station having amiable conversation while basically neglecting wifey dearest wholesale and openly exchange numbers with her! That doesn't come across as God-awfully suspicious and callous at all!"
6) - cap off the above bizarre episode by gratuitously comparing your wifey dearest unflatteringly to the just-departed third wheel, because that's not plain deliberately mean or anything

Now certain amount of the above could be construed as the kind of flippant bullshit banter exchanged between people sufficiently familiar with each other. But the thing is, nobody involved takes it as such for a second.

last edited at Feb 22, 2020 8:05PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Midori is deeply flawed but is finally starting to make strides in recognizing and overcoming that. That's why I'm more forgiving of her and her obviously historically shitty decisions

and while the way Midori dropped Maki like an old sock upon graduation sure as shit wasn't nice

Weird flex but ok

I don't remember ever saying anything about old socks, so I don't understand why I'm suddenly being dragged into this angry discussion lol

Yeah, the second one is not from you but since i can't make 2 quote without putting something between it I end up putting the two quotes in one

Does wonders completely obfuscating what you even meant though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Midori has not been abused in any way!

Uh-huh. This astonishingly clueless claim by itself would be cause enough to simply disqualify from the discussion, just so you know.

Her fiance calls her an idiot with a cute face but unlike Midori we have had no POV from him to determine if he's doing it out of sheer vitriol or if he's just ignorant to people's feelings.

For the record I was initially willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was merely tactless and insensitive rather than actively malicious.

He since amply proved himself a two-faced actively abusive cunt so.

And its not like he's wrong anyway. She's proven that she's just an idiot with a cute face.

Quite irrelevant. All people have flaws; but if you're going to be in a relationship and not a total fucking dickbag you owe it to your SO to not constantly and maliciously belittle them for theirs. It's kind of basic human decency to not get into a relationship with someone you scorn just so you can heap abuse on them as you please.

Tazune does exactly that so it duly rather follows he indeed is a total fucking dickbag.

Midori made her bed to have unprotected sex with a guy who she knew was a dick but she did it anyway just to keep him there!

And Tazune outright refused to put on the rubber for wholly selfish reasons, more likely than not because he'd caught on to Midori having too strong dependency issues to reject him (which would also explain why he started shedding his nice-guy mask around that period). And while his willingness to marry her in the aftermath could be construed as "taking responsibility" all evidence implies it had altogether more to do with a golden opportunity to get himself a nice easily manipulated doormat of a wife who's far too insecure to refuse to put up with his shit.

Also known as helluva textbook domestic abuser behaviour.

SHE was that same insensitive dick years ago and she's the same now. She knew Maki loved her and was soft enough to welcome her back with open arms that she could cry in about her shitty life and then when it was all over she went back to him. Abandonment issues is no excuse for using people either. Even after hearing Maki whisper to her that she still loved her she said "let me have my happiness". She's a grown ass woman! She knew what she was doing, and if she didn't she's even more selfish!

So hey, remind me of the points where she goes out of her way to actively hurt and humiliate Maki just to stroke her own ego?

The people on this website have a serious problem acknowledging problematic female characters. They immediately swallow down the POV of the main characters regardless of how shitty they are.

Bullshit. And your entire argument is based on a gross false equivalence.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I guess this pretty much confirms what I suspected, as seen in a previous question of mine:

Tiny Daddy is the opposite of Incel. Total Chad-man, who doesn't even need to chase women, they throw themselves at him.

His personality may be rotten, but he can pretend to be nice long enough to get someone in his bedroom.

Ah. So he's like a straight and much less attractive version of the Roman emperor Hadrian?

Well Hadrian had the benefit of being the motherfucking Emperor. Tended to be Hell of a pheromone, that. o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

You're finding excuses. How do you know Tazune doesn't have deep rooted problems of his own? Because he didn't get a nice backstory explaining his actions and personality? Midori took advantage of Maki, Tazune took advantage of Midori. They deserve each other.

And you're engaging in blatant victim-blaming to excuse blatant domestic abuse so, yeah. See the thing is that while Tazune might well have a shitty backstory of his own that explains his nasty habits there's nothing that would excuse them, and while the way Midori dropped Maki like an old sock upon graduation sure as shit wasn't nice it's a far cry from the active belittling disdain et al he keeps heaping on his wife-to-be at every opportunity for no other apparent reason than enjoying it.

As far as we can tell from the available information Midori acts, and acted, the way she does and did out of deep-seated abandonement issues. While Tazune seems to be going off a malign need or desire to put down others - or at least his wife, but the way he rubbed it in the face of her old friend sure makes you wonder - to feel better about himself (at best; "for sick kicks" certainly isn't off the books either).

Active malice is an altogether greater moral offense than mere thoughtlessness.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I wanna taste that Dark Matter on the menu, sounds delicious and dangerous.

"It's so good, only the most supernatural can observe it!"

joined Jul 26, 2016

BTW, how the frick did we get a very engaging convo about temparatures in this particular forum? Shall we move to it Dynasty Café, or drop it entirely?

Because in-story a girl fainted from getting out of a hot bath for the sake of muh plots. o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

The difference is that Midori's issues are rooted in major dependency problems and fair bit of emotional damage from childhood, whereas Tazune besides being a two-faced toxic asshole is de facto exploiting them - consciously or not, but I doubt he'd be as openly abusive towards Midori as he is if he didn't have at least a hunch of why she's willing to just "grin and bear it". (He's quite capable of putting up a "nice guy" front when he wants to after all.)

Being flawed and foolish is one thing; actively abusing such in others for your own gain is a sin of an entirely different magnitude.

last edited at Feb 22, 2020 5:09PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

On the subject of abortion in Japan: it's actually quite easy, if you are an unmarried woman. Even more so if you are a college student or a high school girl. That's because the law allows doctors to practice abortion because of "economic reasons" -- in other words, if the mother doesn't have the money to raise a kid -- and the lack of a breadwinner husband is considered economic reason enough.

I remember, in shoujo/josei series I have read, many incidents of schoolgirls who get pregnant because of carelessness. Abortion is immediately assumed to be the solution, and the only real question is who will pay for it, as no hospital will do it for free! (This usually leads to a heated quarrel with the stupid bf who didn't use a condom and now doesn't want to fork over the cash for the procedure...)

The Wiki, FWIW, notes that in over 99% of cases the doctors just write down "mother's health" as the justification and have consistently done so for decades, which is pretty obviously a bald-faced white lie on their part. And that's just the ones they actually do report in the first place.

Or at least that was as of 2000 but chances are pretty good the situation hasn't changed much since then.

last edited at Feb 22, 2020 3:46PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

That kitsune majordomo would not perchance happen to be named Iznogoud, would he...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

anyone know how abortion is perceived in japan? is it even legal?

This took me all of two minutes to find, though the summary is vague enough I couldn't tell you how the legal coin would fall in this scenario. Not that the mother seems terribly likely to be receptive to the idea anyway and that's explicitly no-no.

last edited at Feb 22, 2020 1:52PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't exactly get what the problem is. Her concerns about being seen as Chiru's caretaker don't have anything to do with Suzu and Chiru being together.

If I were to guess the issue is the emotional significance of Suzu being just about the first emotionally significant relationship she's developed "privately", that is by herself outside the context of Chiru and her family. The usual teenage chafing for independence may also be involved. (Also gay crush given what kind of series this is but anyway.)

Basically she wants to keep the matter as "something of her very own" and starts bristling at Chiru's well-meaning butting in on her private business, not particularly helped by the onset of jealous anxieties she has little experience in coping with.