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joined Jul 26, 2016

You have surpassed the Old El Paso tacos girl!

A meme to surpass Metal GearTaco Girl?!

joined Jul 26, 2016

It could be argued both Midori and Tazune are victims of equally their respective childhood traumas and gendered cultural expectations they don't know how (or care) to interpret in benign ways and lack the courage or will to buck. (They're also both sufficiently obviously dysfunctional people for perceptive outside observers in-universe to notice and be able to construct pretty accurate amateur-psychological profiles of.)

The key difference between the two is that Midori became a Stepford Smiler who essentially just hurts herself while Tazune's the one who unhesitantly dived headfirst into malign abuse of others.

last edited at Feb 26, 2020 12:19PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

This plan of theirs is so going to backfire.

Only if it doesn't result in a four-way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Every time I read that I hear it in Michael Jackson's voice and it's kind of distracting,

Weird kink but I don't judge. o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

It never gets old. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

lel, a classic indeed; was reminded of the same. Though I'd argue the initial heterosexuality of at least one of the bullies is less than self-evident...

joined Jul 26, 2016

If this is realistic then I guess humanity is more doomed than I thought it to be

People potentially ending up as awfully fucked up adults due to traumatic childhood experiences isn't exactly news; if it is to you I daresay the issue lies at your end.

joined Jul 26, 2016

tazune's backstory ain't even thought out well
"oh boo hoo, he got made fun of by some girls." who caaaaares lmao

You don't actually understand how any of this works do you.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Konbu Wakame seems to have a thing for big breasts

I could point at the decidedly slender Jahy-sama (all hail!) as a counterpoint, and for that matter Ichiban Oppai also spends a nontrivial amount of frames appreciating Chiaki's slim figure (even if her rampant homo lust for Harumi's ample charms is the primary running gag). Prima Girl, though altogether less risqué a series, similarly runs the spectrum from "pettanko" to "blubber monster."

Evidence weighs more towards Konbu just enjoying drawing pretty girls of all kinds of builds (and being very good at it) but having a thing for humor revolving around dem bigguns. :v

last edited at Feb 25, 2020 10:23AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I am inexplicably amused by how Morishima seems to be mostly upset about how the two backbiters aren't giving proper credit where it's due. "A 'little' big? Bitch, these are massive."

Same with 'kinda' pretty. :D

"A 'total' slut? Oh you have no idea, allow me to demonstrate..." o3o

cue another MD comment, "HIGH IMPACT SEXUAL VIOLENCE"

last edited at Feb 25, 2020 8:25AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I am inexplicably amused by how Morishima seems to be mostly upset about how the two backbiters aren't giving proper credit where it's due. "A 'little' big? Bitch, these are massive."

joined Jul 26, 2016

Eh, I wouldn't call any of this a "good reason" for being a jerk, but the girls picking on him were -also- being bullying little shits. It's not like they were just not interested in him, they were cruel and belittling. It's showing the cycle of abuse. If you treat someone like shit, there's a good chance they end up passing that abuse on to someone else. It doesn't excuse his behavior, but his later behavior doesn't justify their cruelty either.

Nobody said anything about that. You could keep passing the puck along even, hypothesizing that maybe those girls had problems from others, who also were abused or bullied by another, and so on. Who knows!

Case in point, I had a lovely childhood that featured both an abusive father and bullying at school. And I know the former had himself a very unhappy time growing up in a loveless home ("sins of the father unto nth generation" etc.) while several of the bullies had themselves been victimised in the past and were doing the classic passing-the-buck.

I consciously and actively refuse to act like either to further perpetuate the cycle.

Few people reach adulthood without unpleasant experiences of one sort or another, but everyone has a choice in how they act towards others as a result. Tazune opted for hurting others to feel better about himself and that is what makes him dogshit in human form.

Image Comments 25 Feb 05:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

Mistakes Were Made

joined Jul 26, 2016

Am I allowed to feel "told you so" smug now at certain people I argued with only a few days back? >_>

Anyway, I kinda like Tazune on a storytelling meta level. Usually when you have an Evil Boyfriend™ in a relationship-focused manga or anime, nevermind now a yuri one, he's a cardboard cut-out who basically just exists for the sake of drama, conflict and/or plot convenience. (Totally not looking at you here, Citrus...)
This asshole is given a proper, psychologically plausible and only too realistic backstory to shed light on how he ended up as such an abusive back of dicks; goes well with his equally only too credible MO so far. All in the space of, roughly, half a chapter to boot.

Now that's what I call craftsmanship.

last edited at Feb 25, 2020 4:59AM

joined Jul 26, 2016


A comment on MangaDex summarised this as "my classmates were trying to bully me so I made them gay" which sounds about right. :d

joined Jul 26, 2016

Random thought: correct me if I'm wrong since I CBA to pore over all the old chapters right now, but isn't it fairly rare for Yuu to initiate physical contact with Mari? (She's fine with Mari touching her tho, which happens often enough.)

The relative rarity should certainly have added to the... emotional significance of all that filthy, disgusting hand play in the cinema.

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Feb 10:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

Technically wouldn't Aria be an EMPRESS?

King and Queen royal terms do not translate well into Japanese history.

Unless she's got like European ancestry somewhere within those super complex vampire bloodlines.

East Asia consists of a Hell of a lot more than Japan tho, and the equivalents of "King" and "Queen" have historically been altogether the more common royal title there too.

Likewise the Near East where she's implied to originally hail from. The really big shots 'round there usually went by some variation of King of Kings.

joined Jul 26, 2016

They certainly still have their top/bottom attitudes, but regarding their activities, those are certainly less BDSM. Think about the start of the manga: band-aids on the nipples, shaving pubes, no underwear in public places, spanking. There what's a whole lot of super kinky stuff that now is certainly missing. I love how they are opening up and, in a certain way communicating more, but I miss a bit that kinky stuff.

nevar forget ;_;7

Yuri Couple discussion 23 Feb 22:48
joined Jul 26, 2016

So these two are pretty much the gay mascots of not merely their class but the entire school huh. :3

joined Jul 26, 2016

Wanko is totally like just as keikaku there and now, she will EAT this candy drop!

joined Jul 26, 2016

oneechan is too op, pls nerf >:(

Metrics agree - also lel @ Kaede keeping a running tally with undisguised glee. :D

VAMPEERZ discussion 23 Feb 19:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

Bonding over shared interests, yo. :v

VAMPEERZ discussion 23 Feb 08:48
joined Jul 26, 2016

RIP Aria's Bitcoin investments.

Wanna bet she also lost helluva lot of money in the Tulip Mania, the South Sea Bubble et al...?

VAMPEERZ discussion 23 Feb 06:09
joined Jul 26, 2016

From the hideously ancient names she casually dropped with the implication of firsthand familiarity she's presumably had ample time to traverse the whole Eurasian landmass (plus whatever parts of Africa she might fancy) very many times over. Reckon arbitrary geographical divisions just... stopped mattering to her a long time ago.

For all we know she could well have been a high muckety-muck among the vampires of East Asia already before Europeans started staking turf there to begin with...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Once ran across one of his loli works and read it out of curiosity. It was oddly philosophical and introspective, of all things.

Which also seem to be recurring themes with his non-porn stuff. Author Appeal I guess?

joined Jul 26, 2016


Kind of makes you wonder where the Hell the author originally came across references.