Another great doujin from Yohane <3
Shame that the translation is kind of rough sometimes.
I never thought this would be uploaded here.
I translated the doujin from a hard translated Chinese version. Mostly for fun over the summer, so that people would have something to read. I happened to really enjoy Yohane's stuff.
To see it uploaded here, I wonder if that implies that the translation is 100% accurate? Because it's not. So take everything with a pinch of salt. Because no one can say for certain if it stays true to its original.
Maybe all it should be is a placeholder to satisfy people's curiosity. I don't know. I was really afraid to take this translation anywhere because of that. There is a MASSIVE amount of Yohane's work in Chinese that doesn't have any RAWs, but I never figured out how people feel about translations from Chinese even when there are no alternatives.
Still, if you are wondering why we don't just use a hard translated Japanese copy. Well, the Chinese scanlators simply will not release the RAWS due to them wanting to create a market for Chinese translations.
Theoretically, since this doujin does not use any native expressions, nothing should be lost in translation from Japanese to Chinese. The languages are very interchangeable in terms of expressions and way of speech (no I don't mean grammar). So I would say with a level of confidence that this translation is viable. Perhaps even very viable.
Lastly, I just want to say that the Title page does exist in the original form on Yohane's blog. Me and another friend couldn't make sense of the title at all (All hiragana and with weird structure that required context). So combining our understanding with the Chinese title, I got "How to Melt Icy Fates" originally. Although after awhile I thought perhaps the title could be "Frozen Fates Can Melt." Although even that could still be wrong.
EDIT: This was the title by the way. "ゆきとけのユエ"
Ah I see, your effort is really appreciated since Yohane's work are somewhat rare despite being SO good. Thank you so much for this!