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joined Oct 25, 2023

I met my (future) boss while

For some reason I read this as "future wife" at first and thought you were about to do a bunch of gushing/bragging lol. Still interesting though so thanks for sharing :)

last edited at Sep 18, 2024 2:35PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

That "generations" terminology came up again in this chapter with Xiaoen telling a much older woman that "they're part of the same generation, right"?

Never got an explanation for it when I made a comment about it a few months ago:

Ok so I've been confused about "grand-aunt" stuff ever since one of the early chapters when Mu Xiaoen said she was "2 generations older" than Xingyuan.

Specifically from this chapter there's this speech bubble from little bro:

Mu Xiaoen's the town's grand-aunt, so based on generational order, you all should be calling me grand-uncle

It makes so little sense to me that it might as well still be in untranslated Chinese. Could anyone lend me helping hand?

I'd appreciate it very much if someone could shed light on this for me.

Xiaoen was adopted by a very old couple, thus technically putting her in much higher generation than she'd normally be compared to her peers, and Xiaoyang is giving himself that same status as her brother. Like if the town founders were the first generation and youngest generation furthest down the line are the seventh, Xiaoen's parents are fourth generation, making her technically fifth generation, equal to some people in town who already have grandkids. That's how I understood it at least. I don't actually know if there are from measuring from some founding family or what, and it's obviously not that practically important of a topic given all the new people moving into town. It's mostly just like a minor detail that's technically supposed to inform manners and how people are addressed, but isn't really practical or enforced beyond being like a bit of trivia, thus why the old woman laughs at Xiaoyang claiming to be the same generation instead of feeling like he's being disrespectful or anything.

Thanks for the explanation! For some reason I was thinking Xiaoen's adoptive parents were good friends and around the same age as the parents of the divorced childhood friend who's in love with Xiaoen.

I was also wondering if I was missing some cultural importance that the Chinese put on specifically knowing who is in what specific generation (beyond just forms of address you'd use for someone older or younger than you).

joined Oct 25, 2023

That "generations" terminology came up again in this chapter with Xiaoen telling a much older woman that "they're part of the same generation, right"?

Never got an explanation for it when I made a comment about it a few months ago:

Ok so I've been confused about "grand-aunt" stuff ever since one of the early chapters when Mu Xiaoen said she was "2 generations older" than Xingyuan.

Specifically from this chapter there's this speech bubble from little bro:

Mu Xiaoen's the town's grand-aunt, so based on generational order, you all should be calling me grand-uncle

It makes so little sense to me that it might as well still be in untranslated Chinese. Could anyone lend me helping hand?

I'd appreciate it very much if someone could shed light on this for me.

last edited at Sep 18, 2024 12:05PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Shimamura sees Adachi as a burden, but Sendai thinks the opposite of Miyagi.

It's been a bit since I read any AdaShima but I don't recall Shimamura seeing Adachi as a burden. A pain in the ass at times, sure, but she still enjoys being with her and doesn't feel like it's something she does out of obligation or anything like that.

I don't usually celebrate these things, but I got roped into attending a mid-autumn festival party. I was planning to push part 77 out today (because it's also really cute), but dang, I'm tired. Fortunately, parts 77 and 78 don't look very long, so if we're lucky and the me of tomorrow feels motivated enough, we can get another double update out.

Do what you need to relax and recharge! We've been spoiled by almost daily and even multi-chapter releases lately so I think you've probably earned a break. :P
It doesn't feel like "mid-autumn" in my neck of the woods but I've seen sillier excuses to have a party.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Chapter 352 is up:

Awww that was sweet. Sendai told Miyagi she was happy because they're together and thanked Miyagi for being with her.

Moreover, today Miyagi is exceptionally cute because she is wearing the makeup I did, the hair I styled, and the clothes I picked. I didn’t want to let her out alone. I wanted to keep her confined in this house and watch the Miyagi I made.

Her throat moves, and the cider, which shouldn’t be visible, becomes visible.
If possible, I’d like to see inside her body.
I want to follow the path of the food we made together with my eyes."

And Sendai continues to be a bit crazy with her thoughts. Girl is down so bad that it's breaking her brain.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Thank Madoka your spelling is normally way better than this. :P

'guesstimate' is probably a common coinage, and has entered the dictionaries.

Huh TIL. Don't know why "estimate" isn't good enough but oh well.

joined Oct 25, 2023

its just me or the controlling manager is kinda creepy. Unless she is a minor but he couldnt get a job if its a minor

What do you mean? There's nothing creepy about her

joined Oct 25, 2023

And the Amawashi Translations continue to progress at lightning speed with us reaching Part 76:

Sendai is getting payback after being fooled in the blouse-swapping incident. She's suffering from an acute case of Miyagi deficiency and needs a kiss infusion to get back to healthy levels.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Facts. The Qipao is an amazing dress

joined Oct 25, 2023

I find that every time I write Sendai's name, I always attach "-san" to the end of it since I've been typing out her name so much. Perks of being able to type faster than I can think, I guess.

Is this a type of occupational hazard or illness? :P

But people do funny things with the names. I love Himi but wonder why they go out of their way to always refer to Maika by her family name when her given name is much shorter and used much more often in the story.
And there's somebody who occasionally posts Shuukura related content on Reddit where the title has "Sendai San" with the "-" omitted and the "San" captilized like it's her other name. Makes me imagine people calling her "San-san" and giggle to myself a bit.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Same here. Thankfully Shuukura didn't take the same approach with physical romance. It was almost impressive that with as many volumes as AdaShima has we didn't even get one kiss scene. I guess the story always was more about their emotional connection rather than their physical one though.

Thankfully it's well written overall, because between the glaring absence of physical affection, the weird alien girl, and the side couple I don't care about at all, there's a lot of stuff about the series I'm not a fan of.

I was thinking the other day about how similar Miyagi and Adachi are in respect to their home life. Both without any siblings living with a single parent that they never talk to. I just kind of assume Miyagi has the same type of relationship with her father that Adachi has with her mother as we've never seen the two interact. I may be wrong but that's the impression I get. It could also just be that the author has never found it relevant to show any interaction between them so we don't really know.

Yeah Miyagi has thought back on her interactions with her father enough to paint us a clear picture of their situation without needing to show them interacting directly.
And yeah, both Miyagi and Adachi have developed issues with attachment as a direct result of their problematic home life. Thankfully they each found someone who'll put up with their considerable weirdness.

I think it's funny to imagine a meeting between the four girls. I can just see Miyagi and Adachi sitting there glaring daggers at each other thinking don't touch my woman, while Sendai and Shimamura sit there having a pleasant chat. Not that Shima is very social but she could at least hold a conversation.

Sendai would be wanting to hurry up and leave so she could be alone with Miyagi. Shimamura would be wanting to hurry up and leave so she could go take a nap.

last edited at Sep 17, 2024 8:13AM

joined Oct 25, 2023

What's with all the cynics in this thread? I didn't think the drama was handled perfectly either but the resolution was nice and clearly the characters' relationship is in an even better place now

Forgive me for not liking the previous 2 chapters and feeling that the drama was shoehorned in. I did like the first 3 chapters though.

joined Oct 25, 2023

But take your time and enjoy getting those gains...or polishing that cut at the gym. :D

Seriously, are you like one of my multiple personalities or something? I didn't even see your comment before I left mine. That's a little more than a coincidence lol.

Lmao we're just Miyagi-brained! I would say Sendai-brained but I don't think I'm smart enough for that. :D

I caught that before the edit and was going to say that Shima is on a whole different level.

Dangit quit peeking at me while I'm still getting ready! :P

But yeah I do see parallels between Adachi/Miyagi and Sendai/Shimamura so my brain mixes them up every so often.

I very very very much prefer Shuukura though.

joined Oct 25, 2023

But take your time and enjoy getting those gains...or polishing that cut at the gym. :D

Seriously, are you like one of my multiple personalities or something? I didn't even see your comment before I left mine. That's a little more than a coincidence lol.

Lmao we're just Miyagi-brained! I would say Sendai-brained but I don't think I'm smart enough for that. :D

last edited at Sep 17, 2024 12:22AM

joined Oct 25, 2023


Thank Madoka your spelling is normally way better than this. :P

But take your time and enjoy getting those gains...or polishing that cut at the gym. :D

Anime season 16 Sep 23:34
joined Oct 25, 2023

So Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku, Takeda Ayano's series about a high school recitation club is getting an anime adaptation.
I'm honestly p hype about this, it's a great series. Dunno much about Studio Bind but they did Onimai!, which was good, so there's that~

Reddit's /r/yurimemes was beating the dead horse that is Hibike yet again but that quote from that interview about Takeda's views on female friendships certainly raised an eyebrow:

... l原作の時点で、久 美子が麗奈を見るときの描写って、かな り色艶があるんですよ。でも別に特別な ことではなくて、女の子ってけっこうそ ういう目線で友達とか、同性のことを見 ていたりするので…………と原作者の武田先 生はおっしゃっていましたね。

"In the original work, the depiction of Kumiko looking at Reina is quite sensual. But it's nothing special, and girls often look at their friends or people of the same sex in that way ..... or so the original author, Takeda-sensei, said."

joined Oct 25, 2023

Boccher, if you make a cute kinda pouty face like that it'll just make Kita more aggressive.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Just kidding of course :D

joined Oct 25, 2023

"H-hey! We're in public!!"

joined Oct 25, 2023

Will this be another entry in the tribadism wars or will things remain civil? Either way, it's nice looking art.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^I have an alt scenario instead of wife being a messy eater. The daughter's head bumped her hand just a bit causing the jam to get on her cheek. Followed immediately by giggles from both daughter and wife.

joined Oct 25, 2023

I PROMISE I'm not pandering for upvotes.

Sounds like something a karmawhore would say :P

joined Oct 25, 2023

Thanks @TctyaDDk for validating my toxicity. Take that FluffyCow! :P

last edited at Sep 16, 2024 9:46PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

:( I don't like seeing sad Momoka. Keep comforting your girlfriend, Nina!

joined Oct 25, 2023

^And I shall continue to provide salt to the seas so the crackships can better sail them! That's how sailing works, right? :D