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joined Nov 3, 2018

You're thinking of Komachi. Miho is the mean girl who was bullying Komachi. You may remember her as the one Satsuki half-drowned in the pool to save her from a concussion, and she was also the girl Michiru tied up and almost lit on fire because someone swapped the oil she was using with combustible oil as they mentioned in this chapter. She's friends with Satsuki now though they're still in conflict about her being a bully.

last edited at Jun 30, 2022 10:07AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

The conundrum of reading an incredibly hot doujin in the already scorching summer heat.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I'm too lazy to check the raws but I assume she originally phrases it without an explicit recipient, which you can't really do in English.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Nice to see the comic relief classmate get her own romance, it's not too common.

VAMPEERZ discussion 27 Jun 06:55
joined Nov 3, 2018

I have been wondering if the author has been keeping the overall tone fairly light despite the subject matter so that a sad ending will hit harder. I just feel the "Ichika gets mortally wounded and turned to survive" would be way too predictable at this point with all the foreshadowing.

VAMPEERZ discussion 26 Jun 17:36
joined Nov 3, 2018

No surprise that Al-kamil would want to go herself after Ghika's latest failure. We're probably approaching the endgame of their storyline.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Damn she ended up falling asleep, what a bummer...
I don't think it would be a good idea to suddenly put nsfw tho, this cute wholesome kisses are perfect for them, maybe a nsfw manga apart would be good after the manga finishes

I think the author wouldn't have teased the possibility of them going further if she wasn't planning to deliver at the end. And yeah, it doesn't have to be portrayed in a particularly lewd way.

joined Nov 3, 2018

They just had their first kiss a few hours prior and already progressed to parent-sanctioned sleepover, Yori was already breathing heavily atop Himari right before the girl fell asleep, and Himari later thought it was a wasted chance too :)) Slow down, girls.

Let's just hope the lyrics in Yori's new song won't sound too horny.

joined Nov 3, 2018

The wait was worth it and then some. I love how Himari twisted the knife about Shiho to make Yori call her by name, lol.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Don't you think this chapter hints at Shion having some connection to Lord? She already knows Utena is Baiser, has a grudge against her and Enormeeta and she gets angry when Randa tries to grab her ass. Maybe Lord's consciousness got sealed by Vena and Sister in the half-mask Shion wears?

joined Nov 3, 2018

You just put this image of a very feminine and voluptuous Kyubey being whipped into my brain lmao

I'm not really joking by the way, we've seen that Vena's plush limbs are actually long sleeves covering up humanoid hands: Knowing this series, I feel like it's inevitable.

joined Nov 3, 2018

The translators are just betting on the fact there's been zero males shown and Vena inevitably being turned into a human(oid) girl to be punished by Utena.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I feel like prez's deal in the overall story will be introducing Satsuki to the dilemma of whether it's right to save absolutely everyone and to the consequences of her messing with fate so often. He himself is not in the right with his mindset of letting mere bullies die, but it will build up to worse cases that could make Satsuki question herself, such as the already foreshadowed Akira's father who might try to kill Akira and her mother. As for messing with fate, prez noted that potential deaths around school have increased considerably since Satsuki started to prevent them, which will either be because of Komachi like someone else mentioned above, or because of the universe trying to course-correct. Both cases would lead to the argument that it's better to let some people die so that more can live, especially if/when we get to the event teased at the start of chapter 1 and people do die because of Satsuki's activities.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Bro why every panel with Satsuki facing the president has so much sexual tension what the hell

Any time she gets in his face she's extremely angry and he's scared shitless, we've seen what Satsuki's reaction to feeling sexual tension upon close proximity is with Akira on her bed and Komachi in the closet and it's very different. Personally I feel it's pretty fun that she expresses her physical superiority over prez with so much confidence without getting embarassed.

joined Nov 3, 2018

The pigeon clearly was friends with the crow that almost pooped on Natsuki and so had to pay.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Waiting for a sequel with Tokiko and Natsuki in isekai where all monsters die in random accidents before they can even fight them.

joined Nov 3, 2018

^ Satsuki is awkward but can still function in society and generally understands other people's feelings so I can believe she'd fall in love or that someone would fall in love with her, Tokiko is an actual sociopath to the point it's a wonder she was able to make one genuine friend so I feel like romance would be too alien to her. Maybe in a hypothetical future where people stopped dying around her and she could've started trying to understand "normal" emotional reactions better.

joined Nov 3, 2018

She's not going to scream her heart out or cry, I doubt she even knows how to do that.

joined Nov 3, 2018

She tries smiling again and being uncaring when the woman questions her, then after the pigeon is killed all emotion drains from her face like at the start of the chapter.

last edited at Jun 13, 2022 5:25PM

joined Nov 3, 2018

The worst part is that Tokiko tried reverting back to her standard behavior for a bit before fully breaking down.

joined Nov 3, 2018

This might be clarified a bit more in the remaining chapters assuming they go over the origin of Tokiko's curse, but I've been wondering if Komachi from Liar Satsuki is the same as her. The student council president noted the premonitory corpses started to dramatically increase once Satsuki began preventing deaths, and Komachi's was the first.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I mean, she does need a massive amount of money for shady reasons. It's not a job, but she definitely does.

Her reason is super pure, she wants to meet her childhood friend again. What was her name again? Mei? S-she didn't forget or anything.

joined Nov 3, 2018

My Wish is to Keep Reading This Until I Die of Sadness

joined Nov 3, 2018

Nice to know that it's going to continue longer than the author intended. I didn't think the confession was rushed but it would've been a shame to have it end right afterwards. I appreciate there have been more manga where the couple getting together is just the first phase, like here and in Sasakoi.

joined Nov 3, 2018

The only thing against this, and it's actually pretty big, is that Nanao knows Asumi is 'losing' money rather than 'gaining' any, so I'd say it'd be much more probable that she's a customer rather than a worker in Nanao's mind. Otherwise, I'm also not against this idea.

She might think it's yet another job she's doing and that she needs a massive amount of money for shady reasons.