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joined Oct 15, 2016

I was expecting this to go to a whole different route, but i'm glad i wasn't scarred by some vore today. Loved the kinda fucked up humour of this author though.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Has this sort of thing happened to anyone in real life? I guess it could, it just seems so unlikely. But I see it all the time in manga which makes me wonder if it's actually a thing in Japan.

I used to think a girl who used to bully me on elementary school was just a boy who liked to pick on girls for some reason. I mean, i didn't fall for her or anything of the sort, but i did use to think she was a boy because her demeanor was that of a big macho tough guy and had a raspy voice.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I really like her line of thinking.

It took her a single glance at her b... err, beautiful face to convince her that she wanted to date her. Love it, wish it was longer though.

1 x ½ discussion 27 Feb 02:00
joined Oct 15, 2016

Have we ever see this Jun before? I'm hoping he won't suddenly show up just to make trouble.

I think its the best friend's brother, the one who said she was ruining her mom's life by being so clingy or something along those lines a couple of chapters ago.

That aside, I really like how the mother and daughter continues to communicate. They save themselves a whole lot of melodramatic chapters that way.

I like how the mother is basically the chill and less creeped out version of this mom:

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 12:35
joined Oct 15, 2016

I know there are going to be extras (like the rest of the volumes) but I don't see a To-Be-Continued anywhere - please give me proof this will continue please?

It would continue, this is not the end of Citrus yet. Yuri-Hime confirmed that there would be no chapter next month though, so we will get the new chapter in April.

joined Oct 15, 2016

honestly pretty disappointed with this series, which is a bit of a shock, since I really love this mangaka’s work. the main character was just a total dick, and had no meaningful character development throughout. she just remained a clueless asshole to the very end

"Clueless asshole finds love, sorta" should be the name of this story tbh.

joined Oct 15, 2016

This is why I love this girl, imagine how many fucking years Sasameki koto would've lasted if not for her }

Maybe the author of this is a fan of Sasameki Koto and she hated how the crossdressing kid didn't found love so she made this manga in hopes of finding love for that kid.

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 11:59
joined Oct 15, 2016

The entire manga was like this, though? There were maybe 4-5 chapters where they were dating where I could almost see Mei try to step out of her comfort bubble and open up to Yuzu, easing the pain she has put her through. Which was then officially undone by the outcome of the following chapters, of course. I am no stranger to broken characters with past traumas and irrational behaviors, but my tolerance has been wiped out throughout the course of almost 40 chapters with no closure for Yuzu. Isn't it sad, becoming aware that Yuzu's happy moments were her being blissfully ignorant and borderline delusional, because Mei claims she loves her but then contradicts herself by stating she is doing all of this for her own sake?

I agree with you. It seems that everytime Mei gets some sort of character development, the author decides to undo that in just the next chapter. I mean, just last chapter i thought that maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't go the usual cliched route of "I have to marry this schmuck cuz my family needs it, so goodbye forever" type of storyline we always see in romance stories, but we went there and the way this would unfold would be exactly like every other story we've seen with the same plot device. Yuzu would be the knight in shining armor that would save the helpless Mei from the clutches of bad marriage and all shitty actions would be forgiven cuz "I love you" and everyone would live happily ever after.

Citrus discussion 16 Feb 23:19
joined Oct 15, 2016

this chapter is the best chapter than all the other chapters combined. my poor little yuzu its going to be okay. :p

Maybe i hated this chapter cuz it reminded me of a past romances where i was dumped aside with no explanation given. That type of attitude sucks and it makes Mei highly unlikeable and a tad irredeemable to me.

Citrus discussion 16 Feb 22:06
joined Oct 15, 2016

Not even an hour has passed since the ban and you already made an alt account to continue to bash something you don't like on the internet? Whats the point?

they want senpais attention.

Playing the tsundere its a little played out IMO. But hey, you go Cannibal-chan.

Citrus discussion 16 Feb 22:01
joined Oct 15, 2016

Not even an hour has passed since the ban and you already made an alt account to continue to bash something you don't like on the internet? Whats the point?

Citrus discussion 16 Feb 17:35
joined Oct 15, 2016

I can only laugh to be honest... I'm waiting for the conclusion on the side characters, like drill twintails

I think thats the only thing we can do at the moment. It feels exactly to what i felt when i forced myself to finish reading Naruto, i loved that series so much at one point that i felt the need to finish it for the sake of giving a proper conclusion to something i previously liked so much. I did ended up liking some aspects of it, so even if Citrus turns into the worst type of cliche soap opera, i'm going to read with the hopes of liking something out of the whole mess the same way i did with Naruto.

Citrus discussion 16 Feb 15:55
joined Oct 15, 2016

Who cares about random manga with lesbians?

I do.

Citrus discussion 16 Feb 14:26
joined Oct 15, 2016

So, the RAWs of next chapter came out and /u/ is having a meltdown over what it allegedly happens

Time skip to Yuzu's last year of high school, Mei abandoned her but left a note explaining her actions, Yuzu is sad, and Matsuri is now a first year at Aihara Academy.

last edited at Feb 17, 2018 4:32PM by Alextasha

joined Oct 15, 2016

An unexpectedly sweet ending. I liked this series, it was more chill and straight to the point than the usual yuri story.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I wish there were more chapters coming in the future...

considering the artist lets not or we'd get 100 million pages of melodrama

Wholeheartedly agree. Kodama is at her best when she does short stories, otherwise we get some telenovela levels of drama.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Its a nice premise, i would really like to read a mature story on a bisexual spy. Hopefully this is like an intro to a bigger series, but its most likely a one-off thing.

Next day lady spy dies and doctor is spotted so they kill her and all of her family.

This is the type of fluffy feelings i came here for...

1 x ½ discussion 12 Feb 01:37
joined Oct 15, 2016

Um, if ya'll wanna know, this shit is going down an unhealthy path, basically mom trynna replace husband with daughter.

Please no, say it ain't so. SAY IT AIN'T SO! Though you know, they weren't going down the healthiest route in the first place...

Yeah, if the premise of daughter fells in love with mother alone didn't make you realize that this story wasn't on the healthiest paths to begin with, i don't want to imagine the type of stories you read

last edited at Feb 12, 2018 1:37AM

joined Oct 15, 2016

Of course she had a boyfriend/husband, of course. Why not a girlfriend? Sigh.

Wasn't established in the first 2 chapters that he broke up with her though? She's single now, so she's free to get her first girlfriend.

I didn't read it from the start.

I see. Well, if you're not busy at the moment, you should read the first chapters. It's not a bad story.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Am i crazy or did Jin improved her art style a bit in this chapter?

joined Oct 15, 2016

Of course she had a boyfriend/husband, of course. Why not a girlfriend? Sigh.

Wasn't established in the first 2 chapters that he broke up with her though? She's single now, so she's free to get her first girlfriend.

Image Comments 10 Feb 03:58
joined Oct 15, 2016

Am i glad i took spanish classes back in highschool, that youtube link was a gold mine of a rabbit hole.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I would say that is a determined look, not a stunned look, but for Yuu to initiate more 'intimate' contact is different from her normal behaviour. If she did initiate a kiss, I image the whole thing would be played very differently.

Yeah, i don't think she kissed her either due to the same thing you're saying. I think Touko just wanted some little reassurance from Yuu that everything would be fine, but she got a little more than she was expecting.

I actually don't think we will see the play at this stage, its been a highly practiced thing and only with having some distance in time from the performance will there be an affect. I would not be surprised for there to be flash backs in the next few episodes.

I really hope thats not the case. This play has been hyped up since earlier chapters so it would a huge disappointment if we don't get to see at least some of it. I think we would see the whole play from Touko's POV and we'll get a more clear picture of her inner struggles.

joined Oct 15, 2016

^^ That would be funny, but a bit extreme. XD There's this thing called parental neglect in the law. Then again it's easy to forget that adults exist in this series… Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Seiran's teachers are also students. Their school is like a small, self-governed country.

So like a less sexually harassing version of the island on Valkyrie Drive Mermaid.

last edited at Jan 25, 2018 7:02PM

joined Oct 15, 2016

Like Lyendith said, the fact that they are the first couple to be so antagonistic to each other makes them really fun to follow. I do hope that they share a kiss or something that acknowledges their feelings by the end of their story though.

This might be my new favorite couple, but i say this everytime Canno introduces a new couple or brings back an old one, so my opinion kinda sucks when it comes to which pair i like the most.