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I May To U discussion 02 Jun 16:12
joined Jan 8, 2016

Everyone hated the first one and now everyone likes it. xD

Because it's a 180 from the "age gap student teacher porn fantasy where everything turns out a-okay" to "let's explore likeable characters trying to make this actually work"

joined Jan 8, 2016


I like girls love that much so I want to burn all men in oven to help girls be thogether.
Except me of course)

Just kidding, I just want to send only gay men to Auschwitz.

Shut up

Anime season 02 Jun 12:46
joined Jan 8, 2016

Why is Trunks descended from ants?

joined Jan 8, 2016

This is awesome.

joined Jan 8, 2016

Lewd patch should restore three sex scenes with Gwynne, Ardena and Keira.

Edit: One tentacle-girl rape scene too, optional of course, most hentai scene and never brought up again anyway. Her boss who we never see is probably another one who will want Raelin. Ch. 2 when?

The worst you can fault it that it's insensetive but at best it's clumsy and sincere like Sono Hanabira, the yuri feeling that is.

last edited at May 30, 2016 3:18PM

joined Jan 8, 2016

Everyone wants Reilins vagoo, I wouldn't hardly call it "some yuri content".

Only out of place love interest is the village girl that makes out with her because Reilin is full of honey bee harem nectar.

Lewd patch is a must, very hot.

joined Jan 8, 2016

No. In hindsight, I should have.

Arsenius, I want your babies

I want a OPM treatment just for only to see how Arsenius looks non-stylized. Love the artstyle though.

joined Jan 8, 2016

Sakura Fantasy even if I am the only living soul that ever read it.

Writing carries this one, lesser novels would have been a snooze fest considering the things they actually do are super mundane when observed from the fourth wall.

joined Jan 8, 2016

Yuri on Danbooru

Haven't checked it out myself yet but newest and first pages are choke full of gay.

Edit: Yuuuuuuuuuup, totally gay. Need moar.

last edited at May 30, 2016 2:40PM

joined Jan 8, 2016

Doing something Yacht Club games did in a year and still lives of it and doing it in three just alot shittier, gg Inafune.

Anime season 26 May 03:43
joined Jan 8, 2016

Already read the novel, didn't care much for the anime.

Anime season 26 May 01:14
joined Jan 8, 2016

So i finally got to watch boku no pico academia, man that's some really good shit! Can't believe i've been putting it off for 8 weeks, and it just so happens that the character design is my favorite artist Yoshihiko Umakoshi, really hoping that he gets to animate some episodes in the future

Slip up much?

The Mom is the best hero of the show.

joined Jan 8, 2016

I always drop the soap on those mini versions.

joined Jan 8, 2016

Dark Souls is already infinitfly more awesome because it doesn't have fucking Phalanx gang raping you from every side.

Live. Die. Repeat.

It's a realy sexy game when you notice how easy it is.

Username change? 16 May 13:25
joined Jan 8, 2016

I recommend BoatyMcBoatFace

joined Jan 8, 2016

Finally something not shit!

joined Jan 8, 2016

Anime season 16 May 01:56
joined Jan 8, 2016
joined Jan 8, 2016

What a dumb and contrived reason to ramble on one of the themes of the story.

"Yeah, look at those dykes, they even do it with their own blood relatives, now let me paint a completly understanding side character to further hammer the point in."

Anime season 04 May 11:48
joined Jan 8, 2016

Zeus gets displeased and strikes everyone down with lightning when they are trying to take down the yuri.

joined Jan 8, 2016

Well, that explains everything.

Good thing we established that, this sure is a load of my mind.