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joined Oct 25, 2011


Shoes discussion 12 Jun 13:16
joined Oct 25, 2011

This is just one long torrent of cuteness. It's great.

joined Oct 25, 2011

She probably picked it up from reading manga.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Now if this was Kobayashi and Toru, I'd be fine with it. Even a fluffy story with Kanna, I can get behind. But I don't want to see Kanna like this...

Out of curiosity, then, why did you even click on that link ? I mean, as somebody else mentioned already, the tags were in no way confusing. There was the pairing, which made it obvious it was about those two, lolicon which would warn anybody not knowing either the manga or anime that the girls would be lolis, then lots of sex which made obvious that the plot would be crying in a corner all alone while the girls would get naughty for pretty much every page aside from the blank ones. Finally, with the bath and toys tags thrown in the mix, you even knew before clicking where and how they'd get all naughty.

Frankly, with all those tags, I don't see how one can click that link thinking it'd be about the girls playing monopoly while enjoying a cup of tea.

Oh, and I quote you, but that was not directed at just you, but at all those who came here knowing already that they hated this kind of work. I mean, you can just stay the heck away from it if it does offend you. I know that I do when I see some tags that I know I'll dislike. And even if I do check it out thinking it might not be that bad and end up pleasantly surprised... Well, if I'm wrong, I blame myself rather than posting to tell people how they shouldn't enjoy what they like and getting all angry at everybody who did and/or the place hosting it.

Also, don't worry, no actual people were hurt in the making of that doujin. Well... Unless, of course, the author stubbed their toe or cut their finger in the process, but I'm sure we can all get over it.

I get tired of reading this. Not because it's wrong, but because it shouldn't need repeating all the time.

joined Oct 25, 2011

This Rinkai chapter is quite on point.

joined Oct 25, 2011

More like pointless and jarring external conflict in a manga that already has plenty of reasonable conflicts to work with.

Given the double-plus ungood nature of their relationship, it's not really that bizarre that they're coming under outside pressure.

joined Oct 25, 2011

That was rather bluntly gay.

Huh. Fancy.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Fuck Touko tbh

This was far more entertaining than the doujin. I must be very simpleminded.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Lewd. I wonder if we will see something like that in "My Master & Furry-eared Girl Mel."

Given the glacial release pace, I wouldn't hold my breath.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Just how long has that crazy sheep-beast been up there tending that empty cafe anyway?

ever since the..alpacalyspe

You are hereby stripped of the right to post on the internet.

joined Oct 25, 2011

There's an error on page 7, 'alseep'.

joined Oct 25, 2011

She is really going to have to learn the value of risk assessment.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Just how long has that crazy sheep-beast been up there tending that empty cafe anyway?

joined Oct 25, 2011

Well the last page was warm enough.

joined Oct 25, 2011

That was a little messed up, and not just because of the spooky ending. Yuzumori can't even go 3 days away from Mimika now without some kind of depressive episode. Then again, Mimika is like her only friend nowadays.

I think this was more run-off from her mother letting her down.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Nice tag.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Bunch of shitters.

joined Oct 25, 2011

The earlier part about her experience with mental illness is very engaging, but like most works about dealing with depression, the part about her improvement is insubstantial. I think this is mostly due to the nature of recovering from severe mental illness, where statements that hold life-changing significance for one person sound like empty platitudes to another.

She attributes a lot of her improvement to her newfound willingness to be honest to herself to be open about herself. But in her case, open honesty resulted in her receiving widespread external support and a publishing deal. The cynic in me asks: "does she feel better now because of inward change, or because her life circumstances have improved?" The epilogue as a whole feels somewhat self-satisfied and lacking in insight, a bland "what I learned" tacked on at the end of an otherwise deep and personal story.

I'm inclined to agree but until something that requires coping skills comes along and she successfully copes, we can't really tell if she's any better.

joined Oct 25, 2011

This is not as good as the anime, though it does have its entertaining bits, and the art is cute.

I guess this is where they decided to heap the moe. I don't mind, I don't really want a rehash of the show.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Sempai needs to fuck off, frankly. Disrespectful bitch.

joined Oct 25, 2011

I like how she just stands there in that fashion atrocity, frozen in mute horror.
(That's probably what a mildly failed SAN check looks like.)

1d4 SAN loss at most. Easily recoverable.

And clearly she's got a large SAN pool because becoming a vampire is at least a 1d10 SAN loss situation, and it didn't even faze her.

1d10 can still come up 1.

joined Oct 25, 2011

This person's art really looks like western anime-inspired comics. I was surprised it's originally Japanese.

That's exactly what I thought.

joined Oct 25, 2011

To be honest, reading this chapter the first time I thought it was utmost crap. Reading it a second time I'm still not very impressed by this. I mean, it's a good view on a mobile game company but the rest is pretty "meh". MC walks the first time to her new job - CUT - works already half a year there - CUT - kiss. Hardly any character introduction or interaction at all. It's all about games and then suddenly a kiss without any romantic mood whatsoever? Pretty rushed first chapter and the author's bad at creating moods ore some kind of story "flow". Feels like the marry in the 2nd chapter and die of old age in the 3rd...

My sentiments exactly.

I like to think of it as a meta joke: mobile/casual yuri. At least they're not trying to sting us for microtransactions.

joined Oct 25, 2011

It's still a bit of a stretch to deduce that she's sharing a home with a girlfriend just because he had to dispose of a body.

joined Oct 25, 2011

D'aw, Manana is totally into Chio after all.

I just figured she was trying to gloss over the fact that someone had fallen in love with her.