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Image Comments 14 Dec 13:13
joined Apr 27, 2014

I'd immediately cease action if that were to happen xD such a turn off

joined Apr 27, 2014

IDK I always thought if you're bisexual, all things being equal why not go with what society expects. It's like I like girls and guys equally, but if I choose a same sex partner, I'll be discriminated against, family and friends might turn there back on me, and being with a same sex partner will also complicate starting a family of our owm. Not to mention our kids will probably also be discriminated against. But if I choose a partner, of the opposite sex, it will be pretty much mean smooth saling through calm social seas. Plus starting our own family is easy as the the birds and the bees. Barring any medical issues of course.

I know matters of the heart are never that logical and down to earth. And there are many people who actually like challenging social norms. But on some level you have to wonder if that kind of reasoning at least contributes to bisexuals bad reputation.

This is very interesting, I am a lesbian myself, dated some bi girls, some pan, etc, and I always thought they just leaned in more for the "easier" option, which is to date a man, which is actually also easy because it's hard to tell with girls if they like you, if they just like your hair, if they aren't pretty clear about their intentions.

And then there are people who want to have f amily, which I don't, adopted , donor, none of that. So, in my case, it's not biphobia, but you gotta ask the person about being in the closet, how much she cares for social norms, a possible family, etc, etc, etc.

joined Apr 27, 2014

So.. Light-haired girl,she realizes she likes black-haired on, who literally is "fine with anyone who likes her"..ok ...that's pretty fucking sad , kinda, isn't it? Oh well

joined Apr 27, 2014

I like them but I kinda feel this is going nowhere, like that manga with the lizard..not lizard..that ending...this better has a "better one" . I like slow burn but this is turning into a crisp black pain for me xD

will still read hoping something ever happens :D

joined Apr 27, 2014

Talk ,make up and make out women !!

joined Apr 27, 2014

anal rape and not pooping could be related if it's too harsh,no?

joined Apr 27, 2014

Humm, so..Shimamura still doesn't know Adachi likes her in that way? Atchh come on now...I just hope that will happen sometime, this has such a weird pace..I like it but like..come on, confess and date properly!!!! not this..whatever this is-

joined Apr 27, 2014

i do not like lgbt shit because it´s a political movement but same sex atraction it´s a normal thing for humans

lol what does this even...then go away :P

joined Apr 27, 2014

Very good job, it's so natural for me and the people I know to be out of the closet and enjoying life that I forget it can be even a life or death matter to others, in other regions in the world.

joined Apr 27, 2014

"Amateur lolicon" made me think hard about what is an "expert lolicon" like...

joined Apr 27, 2014

Hahahah I like this already, hope she gets compensated!!

joined Apr 27, 2014

I will join the train on Hina getting turned on by Ari's state,then again, I think suicide won't do cos ,not everyone has that kind of eh determination ( like you, Satou!) so it either becomes "worse" or there's some police shooting.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Ok, she dead right? or gone, but ded would be better I think.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Meh, I thought they'd die. I kinda want them too, to be honest. It's fiction, it's ok to want them to either die or get more fucked up :P

joined Apr 27, 2014

Ok,good, but..not a proper kiss? Booo

joined Apr 27, 2014

Didn't they already kiss and confess? Why the awkwardness?
Lol the butt slap

joined Apr 27, 2014

don't owari us like that for real

I second this

Then again, this could be the future of all manga if people could be more direct heehee

joined Apr 27, 2014

Hahahahah, this is one of the mangas I've read that make less sense and are the most fun. I think my English was weird on that sentence.. but Amano Shuninta-sensei is one of my all time favorites!!!

joined Apr 27, 2014

Eh it's discontinued? I just started reading it, rooting for the lover path btw, not the friend one meh, guess I'll have to drop it :(

Summer Love discussion 20 Nov 11:54
joined Apr 27, 2014

This was so cute, I love the "accent" the girl has :D

Image Comments 20 Nov 09:32
joined Apr 27, 2014

I like this ship!!

joined Apr 27, 2014

Yay a mixer with a satisfactory outcome! for now!

joined Apr 27, 2014

why are you all sad? it's gonna be ok Mai-impossibly-her-age is gonna end up ...doing something cool or we get a time skip and then she's gonna be in her actual 20's looking the exact same and then Tae and her are gonna do the hoopa loopa doo

Image Comments 16 Nov 07:37
joined Apr 27, 2014

I hope they'll be back next year!!!

joined Apr 27, 2014

These two again??!! Yaaaay, cos I was reading one spin off with them..they were..nuns? I don't know but hoooray