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Stretch discussion 02 Apr 11:08
joined Mar 20, 2014

So Keiko is in denial of her obvious feelings for Ran, which isn't helped by Ran's often silly behavior. Fine. We get it. It seems to me though that the author doesn't really know how to build their relationship based on this premise. I am getting a bit frustrated by the constant game of "one step forward" and "one step back." SOMETHING has to happen, and Ran getting a boyfriend (or even girlfriend) might just be the trigger.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So Botan kicks her sisters in the curb, including Momiji who is only 12 years old, because she doesn't like them disagreeing with her affair with some married guy? You have to be quite a fucking bitch to value your senseless flings over your family's well-being. I, for one, have kicked people out of my life for a lot less, and I hope those sisters will decide to distance themselves from Botan as much as they possibly can. It must be harsh for them to realize that their oldest sister is a piece of shit, but that's just how it is.

Image Comments 01 Feb 06:56
joined Mar 20, 2014

I just saw the movie in the cinema. I thought they had a great setup for a lovely yuri story, but the plot swerved into a different direction altogether. I won't spoil it for anybody, but I was a bit disappointed, even though the ending is very touching. Of course, one shouldn't expect a big-name studio like Ghibli to put out genuine yuri material, since it might diminish its mass-audience appeal, but I think that there was a better story in there if they taken more of a chance with this one.

Happy End discussion 08 Sep 14:39
joined Mar 20, 2014

So yet another yuri series gets a shitty ending. I wish I could be surprised about this, but I just can't. I'm more surprised when a series gets a good, proper ending. That's just the sad state of affairs of yuri in general.

Yuyushiki discussion 02 Sep 13:20
joined Mar 20, 2014

Everybody loves Okaasan-sensei!

joined Mar 20, 2014

Good for her that she found a new girlfriend once she had to give up on the other girl. If only things were so convenient in real life.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Yes, Yoriko is a nutcase, but her love for Sayuri seems genuine... and just so sweet..

I do wonder about her leg fetish though. Japanese girls generally don't have long legs...

last edited at Aug 15, 2014 9:06AM

Stretch discussion 15 Aug 08:45
joined Mar 20, 2014

It's a tad frustrating how the mangaka keeps establishing how much they care for each other, only to blow things up with silly hijinks.

Still, I can imagine how Keiko would have trouble admitting she has feelings for Ran. C'mon, Ran... make it a bit easier for her!

last edited at Aug 15, 2014 10:04AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Oh, poor Yoriko! That's some bad case of hay fever. She'd better get some medicine for that.

joined Mar 20, 2014

It looks like this manga got cancelled, and the author had to try to find a way to put an end to it. This wouldn't surprise me, anyway. Cancellation seems to be the fate of a lot of yuri manga lately.

joined Mar 20, 2014

It looks like we're heading for yet another one-sided girl-girl crush. Poor Akane...

joined Mar 20, 2014

This would be somewhat enjoyable if they weren't drooling all the time.

Image Comments 13 Apr 08:11
joined Mar 20, 2014

If only Hagino and Mari would have been shown together like this in the anime.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Miho-chan, you damn tease!

joined Mar 20, 2014

This is cute 'n all, but I still have no clue why Kotori fell in love with Chika. I mean, Chika doesn't give her the time of day most of the time. Is she that pretty then? I can't tell either, because every girl is designed pretty in this manga. Kotori's crush just seems a bit arbitrary.

Normal Love discussion 22 Mar 07:00
joined Mar 20, 2014

So Komachi first has sex with Rie and THEN asks to be wooed romantically?

Komachi, I think you got the order all wrong.

last edited at Mar 22, 2014 7:00AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

This is not Het? Kei seems to be mostly focused on a guy up to now though.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I love it how the school is based on the Tsukiji Hongan-ji in Tokyo. It's a beautiful building, all right.

I don't mind a "classical" yuri series at all. You have to realize that Strawberry Panic and Marimite weren't all that original either. It all hinges on how well the characters are written, really.

last edited at Mar 20, 2014 9:59AM