It's only a matter of time before Sacchan does something with Remi and Sacchan blushes around Remi all the time. I'm surprised they haven't had sex already
Considering how much of a doormat Sacchan is and how much of a bitch Remi is, I would't be surprised if Remi did something to her (that kiss mark didn't magically show up after all)
(Real quick: I think I have the gist of what NTR means, but can someone actually spell the acronym out for me? Thanks)
Taken from a hentai blog that I frequent:
– NTR (Netorare) : my definition isn’t perfect, but let’s say it means “ugly treason of the partner’s trust”. A woman’s adultery while the husband is killing himself to earn money for his wife is NTR, for instance, whereas the husband happily lending his wife to a group of pervs while he enjoys the show isn’t NTR, this is cuckhold. Simply cheating on one’s boyfriend would be NTR already, if that boyfriend is the candid trusting type begging to have his dreams crushed. OK ?
NTR may lead to “rage hentai”, stories that make you wish you could kick the characters in the face, or, to the contrary, put you in a solid depressive state for a pair of hours. Or leave you unconcerned.
I feel that NTR is the closest to “real” fiction (as ugly as real life, while the rest of hentai puts the real world at bay), and the closest to offering you a good old catharsis.