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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Aww Toyone. So cute. I'll see about it tomorrow (yes, doomed to be late forever~)

Shizu and Arata.

Why would they do this when they could pair Arata with her eternal love though :(

OrangePekoe Admin
Unfortunate News 18 Mar 02:34
joined Mar 20, 2013

Shima I thought you said you always liked it when girls were gay with other girls. Please say you at least approve of HonoMaki :(

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Hey a player tag could fit here, if only for a little double entendre joke (you know, because shes the "player" cahracter? Hm hm? Heeeh you get it). Or would it be a pun? I have to admit, my english kinda of weak.

Double entendre usually has kind of a dirty meaning, so I guess that's a pun. But you know what it doesn't matter because wordplay makes my life better. Thank you, your English is perfect and wonderful please keep it up!

OrangePekoe Admin
Unfortunate News 17 Mar 15:20
joined Mar 20, 2013

EDIT: Apparently it's some credits page? I'm curious...where is said credits page?

You can see it on the g.e-hentai links posted on the first page.

OrangePekoe Admin
Their Story discussion 17 Mar 13:04
joined Mar 20, 2013

I read this on another site ( already TL) they are up to chapter 40 so far . It looks like this site just took out all the pics and just condensed it into 7 pages in which are the actual chapters lol . If anyone wants the site feel free to message me through Angelic Yuri page on FB <3

Why the secrecy? Post a link here if you want to share.
You are most likely reading on the group's tumblr, or yet another site that steals from them. If you want to read the updates as they come out, in "chapter" form, read here.

However, keep in mind this is not how the artist herself releases them. If you think we're "condensing" chapters for funsies, please at least try to verify your info from its source, which is arranged in long-form, just like we post it here. Example:

If the scanlation group wasn't limited by tumblr's image system, every release of this series ever would look like the above (or, what we have here).

last edited at Mar 17, 2015 1:07PM

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 17 Mar 11:40
joined Mar 20, 2013

I had said a few days ago we wouldn't be celebrating Umi's birthday. Thankfully, a certain wonderful person reminded me of the important things in life, like KotoUmi. Happy late birthday, Umi!

OrangePekoe Admin
Their Story discussion 17 Mar 11:39
joined Mar 20, 2013

I see.. The chapters hosted here is up to ch39 there..
..And here I thought I could feast on 40 chapters >,< orz...

Now you can feast on even more..?

OrangePekoe Admin
Nanzaki Iku discussion 17 Mar 02:31
joined Mar 20, 2013


last edited at Mar 17, 2015 2:31AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Unfortunate News 17 Mar 01:48
joined Mar 20, 2013

Please see the ex/g.e links for the original uploads. The "scanlator group" for all is the anon responsible for uploading them to that site.

DL links and original reader links (credits to drpepperfan for doing all the work today):

[snip] - Casusby

last edited at Mar 20, 2015 2:30AM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

See the news link please~

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Yes, exactly. Thank you for your understanding! :)

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Not much for Kuro, skipping out on Umi because a) the event today celebrated plenty that we'll see soon I think, and b) drpepperfan might yell at me if I upload too much more LL! without other series getting love lol

OrangePekoe Admin
BxLxUxE discussion 14 Mar 19:59
joined Mar 20, 2013

The Shimazoo tho

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Glad to hear it! It'd be nice if you kept posting links. I'll use them if I like/need them. If it's ever any trouble you can skip out on it though. Thanks~

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Happy birthday you three! :D

Consider this my return! Unfortunately, I couldn't find many worthwhile images for the twins (together) or Otoya....

OrangePekoe Admin
YuriWhale discussion 10 Mar 01:02
joined Mar 20, 2013

This version has two extra page for each couple, so it was not uploaded yet because no one have it to share or because we should support the artist and buy it? It's been already some time since it's release, so I would be grateful if one of the moderators could answer me.

Because you should support the artist and buy it ;)
Unless he puts them up freely, or otherwise contacts us asking for them to be uploaded, they won't show up here.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Looking for translators for the following:

  • Michiwarikusa Monogatari - Vampire After the Doomsday

Is that still the status for that?

I'm going to offer a tentative yes via Payapaya, though it feels a bit like the world is collapsing around my ears and I don't really know it yet because my brain hasn't caught up to what my eyes are seeing.

last edited at Mar 9, 2015 1:04PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I am looking for someone who can critique a scanned and cleaned manga page. It is from a raw of yuri✩come. Using online tutorials, I have done leveling, adjusted size and some cleanup. Want to know how I did and what more I can do to improve it

I'd be happy to! Shoot me an e-mail, if you wouldn't mind.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Dem Hetero feels~

Officially tagged.

OrangePekoe Admin
Duel! by INP-MANGAZ 08 Mar 13:53
joined Mar 20, 2013

I'm assuming you already made an upload request?

Yeah we know of it, however: "no groups may use our translations or use/host are scans other than batoto" via Rules and Policies.

In other words, chances are slim it'll ever show up here.

last edited at Mar 8, 2015 1:55PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

This is exactly why I've taken to completely skipping over any post in the Fluttering Feelings thread that has a spoiler. Maybe I've missed it though but why is Dynasty actually so far behind what's translated elsewhere?

The group releases "roughs" in their Google Drive; these are the equivalent of a QC version on YP - they are then cleaned up and released at "best" quality separately. From my understanding, chapter 6 is well on its way, and we'll upload that, and future chapters, as soon as they're done.

last edited at Mar 7, 2015 9:10PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013


What a nerd~

last edited at Mar 7, 2015 4:56PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Cute! Lucky Star in 2015...that's just awesome. Thanks for bringing this to us!

Though...this same plot was used in an episode of Natsuiro Kiseki, wasn't it?

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Wow, it released. Best series, best couple. This was so beautiful I cried.

What chapter is this series at so far?

Two volumes are out as of 12/22 (Oh god I want the second so bad...), so probably right around 15 chapters.

last edited at Mar 5, 2015 9:02PM

OrangePekoe Admin
Forum Rules 05 Mar 12:56
joined Mar 20, 2013

Editing is changing a post's content in any way. I don't have any specific examples in mind but I had the impression that you went further than adding spoilers which was apparently wrong. Sorry about that.
This is exactly what I meant though, as a normal user I can't keep track of what you do at all.

It's fair to assume if a post is edited that the original user did it. I'm notorious for editing all my posts a thousand times.

If you do have a specific example at some point, I'm happy to chip in to tilt the system towards or against something, but almost all deleted posts are run by the uploaders first anyway; and all bans have to be done manually by the administrators.

I haven't seen most of the edits so I can't say anything about that, but I've been thinking something similar for a while now regarding deleted discussion posts (considering I've been a part of a few of them myself). I think it's fine to put a stop to a discusion that's out of hands, but most of the ones I've seen are merely getting heated. Discussions are bound to be heated and I personally don't see a problem with this. Being stopped halfway frequently puts a damper on things.

I'm very curious to hear more! Would you mind e-mailing me, or dropping by IRC some time (preferably not today)? The point is never to stop discussion, it is to stop personal attacks, and inflammatory commentary that discourages others' from posting. This is really very rare - I can't think of it happening once this year.