I don't mind reading stories for that too, but this specific premise I read so many times, I'm currently sick off it and prefer to look for different kinds of stories.
Well, would you mind giving examples then?
I seem to have serious trouble finding many stories with these exact plot points. There are some vaguely like it, but not really. Unless you generalize the very idea of not understanding love or trying to replace a person, but then.... you may as well read nothing anymore, because those vague definitions seep into most romance and drama by default.
And I know you read and watch generic stories with overdone cliches that are lacking in execution compared to YagaKimi (as do all of us), so you must be extremely oversaturated with this specific story type. I honestly just want to know how that could possibly happen, especially in the context of yuri, which is already niche.
last edited at Apr 19, 2019 2:57PM