Bocchi lives an exciting life haha
Oh my
^Schrodinger's Futa
If the summer doesn't melt you, girlfriend kisses definitely will hehe
The history of mathematics is fueled by lesbian sex you say?
Love the art style and colors, also the french-kisses are great!
Wife home clothes are good clothes
Nerissa here is definitely passionate, I'll give her that at least haha
Very cute bonus! <3
I really love all of this artist's Chisato and Takina works! Thanks for the translation <3
I know it's likely impossible but I'd still love for them to progress into being a couple in a future anime season, but I know to not get my hopes up.
@Givemeanaccount, Oh My
^Does this mean Juri should avoid eating Aki out as well?
Would it be poor manners if one were to ask about skipping the iced latte, and only getting the rest directly from the source?
Medusa and her princess are both adorable
Lovely <3
^"Kind of" lol
Definitely a great POV, and Yunjin looks adorable here.
^Worth it
More laundry means more time to kiss
^This is probably the result of deepening bonds over the course of a couple or few more sleep over parties :P
Definitely feels like summer haha
Very nice
why does seeing someone say "dont get cocky" immediately reminds me of vergil
Extra pay?