^ I pretty much explicitly said that I wasn't talking about doujinshi; of course no doujinka is going to be reading this. I was speaking in a general sense with that comment.
Also, I pretty strongly disagree with some of your arguments there, too. Just because it's "culturally acceptable" to have these sorts of aspects in media from that country doesn't mean it is thus immune to criticism. It's important to be aware of the cultural context in which these things are created (and trust me, I am), but that doesn't change the fact that I think all of the "purity" stuff and associated "expectations" of women are complete and utter bullshit.
I hate the way that idols like the AKB girls are expected to not date anyone almost entirely because of their fanbase wanting them to be "pure" and "untouched". I hated the "used goods" drama that happened when it came out that Nagi from Kannagi was not a virgin. And no amount of "Well, but that's their culture!" can justify that in my eyes.
But in that case the only thing you can do is ignore all kind of media that uses that concept completely, state your discomfort with the meaterial in question and move on with you live.
Why just to do that? Because as foreigner you don't have the elements to seriously criticize another culture. Even if isn;t your intention it ALWAYS comes off like "as member of a 'superior' culture I know what is better, therefore I have all the authority to judge or dismiss your culture" and that is how the conflicts alway start.
You want to change problematic issues within a culture? you have to do that by teaching newer generations about why that is wrong, any change to be truly significative needs to come from the inside.